New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Take it up with Blizzard really. The fact is that WC3 set the stage for modern WoW and it is indisputable that the Blood Elves were forced out by the Alliance in the RTS.

If Stormwind, Ironforge or Dalaran felt strongly about the elves one way or another they could have reached out to Silvermoon and offered to help them with their zombie apocalypse problem. Instead they sent spies and assassins.

And it is wrong to say that Garithos is never brought up when the literal Grand Magister himself harbors such an intense hatred for the Kirin Tor for what they allowed to happen in those dungeons.

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Since no lore or backstory about the Void Elves was given outside of the recruitment scenario, we don’t know much about them, i hope they get some development in the future that explains more about them, probably with the Silver Covenant and the rest of the Alliance High Elves joining forces with them, or if there are still Blood Elves defecting to their side, or maybe the locus researchers finding a way to dabble with the Void without twisting their bodies entirely (like still maintaining natural skin colors like Alleria).

Lore made after the decision to put them in the Horde as cheap justification.

He was aided and abetted by a complicit Kirin Tor and troops from Ironforge.

You don’t get to play the “I was just following orders” card here unless you’re willing to extend that same mercy to the Horde forces at Darkshore.

And by the way WC3 takes precedence over number 2.

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Here is ours race lore. Magister Umbric and his followers wanted to find a way to protect the Sunwell from new threats. He found Dar’khan’s research about the void and they started using his research about it. After years they heard about how Alleria has used the void for good so they decided to do the same. But practicing void is a threat to the Sunwell as light and void cannot coexist together. So they were banished from Silvermoon (note that these elves had NO loyalty for the Horde that’s why they never left their homeland or turned to the forsaken or other Horde races). Alleria tried to bring the Sin’dorei into the Alliance but her efforts proved futile. During the accident that she caused at the Sunwell she heard about others who were exiled so she decided to track them down and bring them perhaps into the Alliance. She was able to find them but an ethereal attacked Telogrus and tried to transform the blood elves into void beings but that ritual was stopped halfway through by Alleria hence why they look purple and corrupted. So they decided to join her into the Alliance if she would train them to use the void more carefully and not blindly. She agreed. After a while other High and Blood elves have decided to join the Void elf ranks and now the new generation of Void elves will be seen in Shadowlands as the new customization options. Those elves will become void elves in the same way Alleria did by learning to use the void and absorbing the power or either a void being into their bodies. That’s the reason why they’ll look normal and not corrupted. In BfA during the war campaign the void elves have actually got some spotlight. But that’s their lore so far.

Edit: I’m not sure they could have found another way to introduce the Ren’dorei into wow, apart from how they would have been better if all void elves were originally high elves and not blood elves.

What kind of reach is it that I am reading here?

First of all, the High Elven nation have NEVER been a part of the Grand Alliance for long. The Grand Alliance was originally an Alliance consisting only of all the human kingdoms at the time, the High Elves have worked with humans before, but were never in a permanent “Alliance” before the second war when the Old Horde reached Quel’thalas.

Following the Alliance’s victory over the Horde the High Elves immediately pulled out of the Alliance again blaming the burning of Quel’thalas’ forests on the human’s poor leadership. So the High Elven nation had officially left the Alliance.

Very few High Elves actually had an interest in the humans, the majority did not care for the humans at all though.

When Arthas turned scourge and invaded Quel’thalas, it sowed a seed, the humans let their prince fall and now their prince invaded their land and their princeling killed 90% of their people.

First strike.

Now Blood Elves, Kael’thas who was one of the few High Elves in favor of the Alliance unlike his father who did not care for the Alliance at all, returned to try and reconnect with the Alliance through Garithos who was the only leader of the Alliance surviving in Lordaeron. Garithos was recognized well enough to also have Ironforge send troops to help him retake Lordaeron.

Garithos, Dalaran and as an added reach Ironforge were welcoming of the unfair treatment and execution of the Blood Elven royalty and people, even going as far as helping in the execution of aforementioned elves.

Come World of Warcraft.

The Blood Elves are in a desperate situation, their leader is in Outland, Rommath and a few other Magisters who were with Kael’thas and then sent back to Silvermoon with M’uru and the magic siphoning technique relayed all of the information, the history.

Despite it, the Blood Elves still tried to connect with the Alliance again… only to be betrayed again. The Horde reached out with a helping hand though.

The Night Elves were not in Quel’thalas for some kind of restoration project. They worked closely with the dwarven spy as is shown in the quests throughout Eversong Woods. The Night Elves in Ghostlands are clearly setting up spying posts so that they can watch the Blood Elves’ every move… and they will accomplish that mission even if they have to kill a Blood Elf… which they tried when their plan was being uncovered, so it is safe to assume that they did not spy for the sake of peace.

All Blood Elves are originally High Elves, and thus all Void Elves are in fact originally High Elves.

But you are correct, it would have been better if the Void Elves came from the Silver Covenant High Elves, rather than a squad of Blood Elves.

It would be better if the Void Elves did not exist at all and Alliance instead got ethereals.

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Maybe because the Alliance of Lordaeron was only formed in the Second War, and Quel’thalas was a founding member. What is called the Grand Alliance is the one that was created after the first fell, but with Stormwind instead of Lordaeron as it’s leading nation. None of the Human nations were united in a single Alliance, they united only to strengthen themselves against the Horde, everyone keep coming with this argument that Quel’thalas never had relations with the Alliance and blahblahblah but in reality, it was like this with pretty much every other Human and Dwarf nation before the Second War, the union only came in time of need.

The rest is pretty much you failing to acknowledge that stuff like Night Elves and Dwarves spying in Quel’thalas were only put there as some sort of justification for the Blood Elves to join the Horde, if the Blood Elves weren’t going to the Horde, those Night Elves would’ve been there for other reasons. Lore can be changed as the developers please.

The problem you have interpreting lore is that you ignore the fact it is changed all time to fit it for gameplay and meta reasons such as making some lore about Night Elves spying on the Blood Elves to justify the decision to make them a Horde race to solve population and faction balance issues.

Aye, I forgot Grand Alliance referred to the current Alliance.

But no, Quel’thalas was not a founding member of the Alliance of Lordaeron, but they did join up later along with the Dwarves and Gnomes.

Failing to acknowledge?
No, maybe I am just referring to the lore as it currently is.
What I referred to is what blizzard decided to write.

That is not my problem no.

I do not interpret the lore in any other way than it is presented to us. Night Elven Druids being there for restoration purposes, that is an interpretation of the lore as it is NOT presented to us.

Thanks, I have saved the link for future discussions.
Did you find this on the US forums?

First of all. The Horde NEVER reached out to them! Sylvanas did out of love for her homeland and former people. The Horde wouldn’t have accepted them if it wasn’t for Sylv. She was the one who convinced Thrall to let the Sin’dorei join their ranks and he was even hesitant about it at first! Secondly ALLERIA and HER high elves troops stayed with the Alliance not because they were interested in humans but because they were after burning vengeance against the Horde (especially Alleria who’s brother and family were killed by the Orcs only the rest to be killed by the scourge) and others decided to stay with the Kirin Tor in Dalaran again NOT because they were interested in humans! Clearly this was an insult to the Windrunner sisters from you as they ended up with humans. And there was literally no reason given why the night elves spied on the blood elves but it was clear that back in TBC they started using demonic and fel magic to sustain their addiction so they probably wanted to make sure they weren’t allied with the Legion (note that’s what I THINK and honestly I feel like that’s the only real explanation)

No they did not. The chronology of events is that they were invited to Join the Alliance of Lordaeron, which they did. -After- that Conflict ended, the Kingdom of Quel’thalas formally seceded from the Alliance of Lordaeron, as for that matter did Gilneas and Strom.
Where you may be getting confused is that -some- Elves, particularly those who lived in Dalaran were reluctant to sever ties, and remained part of the Alliance (a gentle form of Treason I suppose, especially when you consider who their leader was, dwelling in Dalaran as he did. Kael’thas Sunstrider.

The High Elves as a Nation had left the Alliance after the Second War, formally. -Some- High Elves, including their Crown Prince, volunteered to retain their links and the Alliance.

Then the Scourge invasion happens, Quel’thalas and the High Elves are a neutral state at this point, Kael’thas and his buddies are working for the Alliance of Lordaeron still. With the death of his father, Kael’thas is Crown Prince, but he cannot rule at home and command elsewhere. He selects Ranger-Lord Lor’themar Theron to be his Lord-Regent whilst he is absent at war. Lor’themar to remain home and oversee the rebuilding and reclamation of Quel’thalas, leaving Kael’thas free to carry out his perceived obligations to the Alliance of -Lordaeron-.

Bear in mind he does not change the political allegiance of his nation, Quel’thalas is a neutral state, he and his are volunteers, however by the time they place themselves under Garithos’ ill fated command, both the ones in Quel’thalas and ones with Kael’thas have renamed themselves Blood Elves.

Y’all can check out “High Elf” on Wowpedia to see all of the above, and I prefer it as a source as it actually links the sources for what it is saying, and specifically says when something is speculation, or from the RPG which is non canon.

As we all know, Garithos intentional mismanagement caused even Kael’thas and his followers to seek better allies, and ceased helping the Alliance.

So yeah, Quel’thalas seceded from the ALliance of Lordaeron after the Second War, Kael’thas’ volunteers after Garithos’ betrayal.

As stated above “Yes he is” Things of this nature -have- actually occurred in our real world, so it is hard to say it is unrealistic when it has happened in reality. ANyway, Blizz do specifically said that he was the leader of the volunteers after his father had taken the nation out of the Alliance.

Yep, because that was the tail end of the Second War, all of those above mentioned were part of the Alliance of Lordaeron at that point in time.

Alright, let me give you a metaphor;

The Second War was everyone in it together, the devastation was large, but ultimately was a victory for the Alliance, for Quel’thalas it was like, (not indirectly due to the methods) The Blitz in WWII. It was also longer ago, not so long that any elf alive will have forgotten it, but the timing is relevant. The High Elves go neutral, but amiably neutral, as some aid the Alliance when it comes to the Third War.
Now during this Quel’thalas takes an -almighty- kicking. Blizz are very good at blithely throwing around figures like 90% died, including their ruler. 90% is an unfathomable figure, to put it into context, if that happened in say, Britain, the population would go from 66 million, to 6.6 million. Britain is the 32nd most densely populated nation in the world, and yet if I was one of the ten percent that survived, I would be the only living Briton for at least ten to twelve miles around, and even then I would likely fine one other person, maybe two. The sheer near destruction is almost unfathomable to consider. During those times, people cling to what they had before, and that would be their new Crown Prince.

The Humans then tried to ceremonially execute him -ceremonially-. The reason I say The Humans, is that anyone who thinks that Othmar Garithos could arrest Kael’thas and his volunteers -on his own-without a force backing him up is placing rather too much faith in the powers misguided racism gives a person!

So how does this look, to the Elves. A people they were supposedly neutral to, but had been helping, in your people’s darkest hour seeks to slaughter your people, and douse one of the embers of hope your beleaguered people have left, leaving you broken. With friends like that, who needs Enemies!

Things are naturally at a pretty bleak ebb in Blood Elf and Alliance relations, but that doesn’t matter as much to a degree, because the Alliance of Lordaeron itself ceases to exist, and later a new Alliance is formed, this time around Stormwind.

‘Perhaps the Alliance will behave this time?’ The Blood Elves think, then Oh no, Dwarf Spies and Armed military incursions on Thalassian soil, carried out by Alliance 2.0

Clearly they want to finish the job the Scourge and Garithos tried to do.

This hurt is current however, not a savage invasion that you -won-, but you definitely came second in the war against the Scourge and suddenly the Alliance are against you also?
As unpalatable as it seems, the Horde are the only ones offering help.

Again, similar situations -have- happened in our world, in shorter spans of time, so whatever is possible in reality, is not too ‘unrealistic’ to happen in a fictional setting.

That’s what I said, they were part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. They have never been part of the Grand Alliance.

But that is the lore. I don’t understand why people are incapable of understanding that the Blood Elves actually have huge grievance with the Alliance. Them joining it at -that- time would be what makes no sense in the Lore.

No they do not. This is not Tolkien, there is more than one fantasy genre. Elves do not ‘belong’ to the Good Guys in ever setting, and WoW Elves are actually incredibly pragmatic when it comes to alliances.

No they didn’t. The Elves of Quel’thalas belong exactly where the Elves of Quel’thalas think will serve their best interests, like they always have done, in WoW lore. In that, ironically they actually fit the original ethos of the Horde races in that it is Alliances of convenience or necessity

Tell Italy that in World War II, to give ‘recent’ example.

We’ll never know what the Blood Elves thought of Garithos during Vanilla, because they weren’t in it…

Or ‘Plot’ as writers call it. Just because you’re posting on a Level 10 Blood Elf doesn’t mean it isn’t rather readily apparent you can’t stand them.

In Shock news, Company performs market research, find the results and implements them to address a problem. Like, y’know, every business does.
Or was there only a huge faction imbalance because the Alliance had Pretty Races?

Turns out there was!

Then why do they attack the natives?

(Inb4 “Meta forced plot” So like, the starting zones then?)

Alleria is something unique, she’s not exactly the same as the other Void Elves, as she was created completely differently. As to the High Elves and Blood Elves at Telogrus rift, we only know they are -studying- the Void. No one knows the ritual Durzaan was doing apart from Durzaan, and he’d very dead…

So like every new races starting scenes then, hmm? I mean what kind of argument is that? “We’ll write some lore, but no one will ever know it because we’re not implementing the race that lore is about?”
I mean what did we know about Void Elves, before they were introduced as a race eh?

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Ah no Alleria is a void elf. She just learned about it and mastered it. That was her training and it ended when she absorbed L’uura. The current (or first generation) of the void elves were almost transformed into void beings but that ritual (which will never be used again) was stopped halfway through by Alleria that’s why they look corrupted. The new Void elf generation will become void elves like how she did, by studying the void, using it, controlling it and at the end either by absorbing a void creature or the void essence into their bodies. But all of them are void elves. An elf infused with it is a Void elf no matter how they become one. And I was saying that maybe they were trying to find a way to help the blood elves but they had to keep that secret (hence why they were hostile to them). Obviously it was never addressed lore wise why the night elves were there or what they really wanted to do besides spying on them but the question was why and sadly it was never explained. But I feel like Blizzard just wanted to add the blood elves into the Horde and because there used to be bad blood between the Night elves and high elves (which now no longer is the case as they both are with the Alliance) they went with that explanation. Night elves and blood elves will never be allies. The blood elves never liked the night elves because they exiled their ancestors and now they truly hate them because they let the Highborne back into their society.

Exactly, we’ll never know what happened, to turn them out that way, and whilst Alleria obviously places her flag with the Void Elves, the process that made her was different from the process that made them. I should perhaps have been clearer as to what I meant. She is -biologically- not the same as them, she is however infused with Void just as they are, but in her case a dark Naaru.

I may have missed a bit of new lore here, (entirely possible), but -what- next generation of Void Elves? Those Wayfarers and Scholars are studying the Void, I don’t believe it stated they are trying (or able) to become Void Elves. I mean you can study ants, it doesn’t make you an ant. :smiley:

This said, some probably are trying to, but the problem there is, Alleria took a -very- long time to become what she is, so unless they have worked out some Void Hotfix (anything is possible) then they ain’t getting that Voidy stuff anytime soon.

D’you know what, I can come up with a really good reason why, and this is supposition, this is me trying to make sense of the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones, and it boils down to tragic misunderstandings snowballing and having huge ramifications.

Hear me out here, and see if this makes any sense.

  1. The Draenei starting zones happened first, timewise. Kael’thas has gone full on ‘Naughty mode’. Silvermoon knows nothing of this, the only person who -possibly- suspects is Rommath, we know this, because Rommath did not know the Crystals were Fel energy that he was bringing back, He -did- however, know that Kael’thas had been given the knowledge as to how to drain creatures, -including- Demons by Illidan. He guesses (rightly) that Silvermoon would be horrified by the Demons bit, so the teachings he -does- pass on, are how to drain Mana from -living- creatures. The Fel Crystals that are now holding Silvermoons buildings up are just big green crystals, same as were used to store mana in (Lets assume anyone with a brain would go ‘They’ve got -Eyes-’ as opposed to it being ‘rule of cool’ as Blizzard later stated, the populace of Silvermoon did not know).

So, Kael’thas sends his Sun Hawks to shoot down this alien spacecraft that he thinks could help them. The ship splits into pieces, one of which, the Exodar, crashlands on Azuremyst Isle (Don’t let my guild tag fool you, Brigante is a Dragonhawk rider, not an intergalactic terrorist:P )

Exodar crashes. Kael’thas’ Sunhawks forces on Bloodmyst -are- however aware of what Fel crystals are, and employ demons on a wider scale than other races like High Elves, Blood Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes etc.

When you play as the character Draenei, the first Kaldorei who sees you is horrified, and refers to you as an Eredar (I mean she’s not wrong, you do look like a mini-archimonde, and Eredar is actually the correct name for the Draenei race (That bit is canon) Obviously the Alliance, and the Draenei, once they have calmed things down, head to Bloodmyst isle, where they see the Sunhawks doing all sorts of hideous stuff with Fel and Demons, and working with the Legion.

This all gets vanquished, however if you were the Kaldorei wouldn’t you be really suspicious that suddenly these Blood Elves had rocked up with legion forces only an island or two away from Darnassus?

I know I would.

They of course do not know, that K’T’s Sunhawks have -nothing- to do with Silvermoon, who aren’t even aware of the Exodar or the Draenei.

This is where the tragedy starts.
A more level headed ruler than Tyrande (Who is known for being incredibly rash at times) would have sent envoys to Quel’thalas going “Err, what do you think you’re playing at? If its war you want, its war you’ll get sunshine!”
To which Lor’themar would have went “Who to the what now? What have we done? We’re massively too busy over here!”

Perhaps it could have been smoothed over, and actually led to Silvermoon knowing of Kael’thas’s bad intentions than actually happened in Lore.

So, We shift our scene to the Blood Elf starting Zones. Tyrande, Shandris, Fandral or whoever, sends armed troops instead to find out what the heck is going on. Sadly, that is using a blunt instrument. It is also highly likely that they would have -seen- Fel Crystals and went “We knew it! They’re consorting with the Legion!” Remember, throughout the Blood Elf player character starting experience there is -no- mention of Fel, it is all about the Kaldorei sabotaging the Arcane Sanctums.

So basically a pretty nasty bushfire war has started up, with Kaldorei ships and soldiers landing in Quel’thalas. Silvermoon, -still- unaware as to how far Kael’thas has gone, reacts. Carnage ensues. Enmity also.

Due to what they see as unprovoked attacks by the Alliance, Lor’themar is more willing to listen to the offer Sylvanas makes of joining the Horde. She used to be his boss, when alive, and is still a hero back then, to the Elves anyway. He’s not over the moon about buddying up with Orcs, but he does have bribe material, he knows something they don’t know, which is that the Mag’har, far from all being dead, are still alive on Outlands, he then sends this with Sylvanas’ covering letter to Thrall vouching for it. “Here you go, bet you didn’t know that, now, let us in the club?”
(That bit is also canon, it is the contents of the letter Lor’themar sends the player to deliver to the Warchief, and the point they are allowed into the Horde) At this point disturbing reports are coming back from the Blood Elf pilgrims in Outlands (at this point everyone in Silvermoon still thinks he’s a good guy) that things may not be as perfect here as was originally thought. Rommath puts two and two together, is -furious- as to the extent of the Princes Betrayal, and tells Lor’themar. The Blood Elves commit to a civil War in Outlands against Kael’thas’ Sunfury forces., as well as some, like the Scryer’s who defect en masse, to Shattrath.

So basically a hideous error of misunderstanding, that at least makes some chronological sense as to why those Sentinels are there…

Actually Dath’remar and his bunch were pretty chilled about being Exiled, and finally out from under the scrutiny of those meddling Druids. The Author of ‘A Good War’ admits they massively goofed on the dialogue between Lorash Sunbeam and Malfurion (I mean for a start that makes Lorash older than Silvermoon, yet healthy enough to fight a Demi-God? How old -do- Blood Elves get!) So yeah, the original exiles were actually OK with it. As for hating them because they let the Highborne back in, the phrase Blizzard used was that the Blood Elves were watching with amusement as to how these supposed masters of magic were so lacking in comparison to their own, who has stolen magic from everywhere they had been and reverse engineered it! They found the Highborne -Funny-, not annoying…

Thank you if you had the patience to read through that essay, but it does make more sense if the Draenei isles happened first…

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I race changed to Human from Void Elf.

Screw the blue eyes and white skin, nothing special. I liked them as Void Elf but this is uncharacterization of that race since there is no news related to some different void flavour customizations there is no point in playing Void Elf anymore with their useless racials too.

It’s a bit too early for that, just wait for the rest of the customization options.


Depending on the news I might race change back but it will also require a racial ability revamp too since I play PvP, won too many matches because of 1 second that relentless gives.

We will see Kettle

See you said it yourself. They are there learn to study the void. Thats what Alleria did as well. She studied it and then started her training into controlling the void. They are there to learn and study about it and become void elves as well. One thing you should know about an elf is that when they get interested into a sort of magic they won’t stop halfway through they will go all the way. Obviously it’s not 100% official but I’m talking about the new High elf options for Void elves. Those are the new generation who became void elves in the same way Alleria did by studying it, controlling it and then syphoning the void into their bodies the same way Alleria did. And yeah I know the highborne had no problem with being exiled but I’m talking about the current blood elves. That’s one of the reasons they hate the night elves and actually it was stated in lore that they were furious when they learned the Kaldorei let the Highborne (or Quel’dorei in Darnassian) back in their society.

Did take her rather longer than any of us will be alive as players of the game though!

Gonna have to ask for a source on that, as the source I have is that they were -amused- and found it funny.

Void elves will still remain able to be fully void elves, and my two mains will still rock the voidy looks. I love the void elves as they are, and I love the new high elven looks coming as options for those of us who’ve been longing to play high elves for over a decade.

How does that make any more sense?