New customization options for blood elves and void elves

“Because their expulsion from night elf society after the War of the Ancients was due to their use of arcane magic, the blood elves were outraged to hear that the kaldorei had welcomed the Highborne back and were tolerating the practice of arcane magic again. After witnessing the “rookie” mistakes made by the new kaldorei magi, however, the blood elves are anxiously awaiting whatever mess the kaldorei are going to put themselves in.”

It’s from the wowpedia on the blood elves history and skip to the Cataclysm events and you’ll see.
And yes for Alleria it took her a long time but keep in mind she even had to cut her studies short because Turalyon was in danger, she was imprisoned by Xe’ra because she was studying the void and then the events on Argus happened. And also they were fighting against one of the biggest threats aka Burning Legion she didn’t really had time to only focus on her studies.

Edit: while any new Void elves not only have time to study the void all the time but also there’s Alleria, Locus Walker, Umbric and the current void elves who can help them so they do have a few advantages.

Edit again: Alleria was all alone with Locus Walker as her only teacher, she didn’t had the help the new Void elves will have/already have.

Alleria had 500 years with one ethereal who could have had some ethereal pals. Would not have made less sense than Void Elves, and would have been 100 times more interesting than just… more elves.

The ethereals are still a rather open lore too, and we have seen that they have many different groups.

We need more elves! I’m telling you this! If Naga ever becomes a playable race they’ll get their night elven forms as well (like the worgen) but they’ll be able to control the form at will not transform into naga when they enter combat or go into the water etc. that would be the players choice. Azshara also used that spell to transform into her Night elf form (and no that wasn’t an illusion that was her in flesh) And keep in mind having their night elf form back would make sense as they ARE night elves in a more fishy form.


More options are welcomed but only if they treat Void Elf like they treat Blood Elf, they got what 70+ new options? Accessories, eye colours, beard, hair, body jewelry. If they don’t add void themed customizations then Void Elf is over for me, they can rename them to Discount High Elf.

“Beware…beware, the highborne of the sea…”


Sure, interesting lorewise…

But it would just have been yet another race for the alliance that few are interested in…

I mean, what customizations could you even have?
The color of your gas cloud and bandages are about what you could expect.

Are these options for new characters only, or can we change existing characters to have the new eyes etc?

Void elves already seems to be getting more than other allied races. Expecting the same amounts of efforts spent on void elves as blood elves doesn’t make sense. Allied races weren’t actually going to get anything this round, and here we are, getting something players have been asking for for over a decade. All I ask for that we haven’t been shown for void elves are proper hair colours and styles for high elves, and maybe, just maybe some way to opt out of the void racial abilities’ visuals.

Jewelry to decorate the bandages, masks to acts as faces.
The problem would be armour, really.

Also, considering that the Alliance seems to only be interested in copy-pasted races… might as well give them more copy-pasted races that are not elves. Too few people are actually interested in more copy-pasted elves.

Once Sylvanas set us all free ,Naga curse will be lifted from them.

Well, that’s not true…

I think the second most asked for race after the High Elves is the Vrykul.
While they are too big to be playable they aren’t a copy-paste.

The options will be available on the barbershop, so everyone can get them :slightly_smiling_face:


I doubt that. Despite being a mutation Naga are a real race now. When they procreate they lay eggs and naga babies hach from them. But they can learn to transform themselves into Night elves as part of their ancestry/history (or those who were cursed as night elves can just use their form because like I said Azshara can so most likely any naga also can)


It’s been a lot of alpha builds since this blog post and the high elf customisation is still not in for ‘Void Elves’, however it is alpha so it’s likely they haven’t gotten around to it :thinking:

However I’m wondering whether or not they’re planning something bigger for the Void Elves in terms of the High Elf customisation etc going the extra mile :wink: Perhaps to the extent of normal hair styles, revamped/changing racials either just visually or also mechanically and new/changed racial mount and so on. perhaps even given you the option to be called a High Elf instead of a void elf IG :thinking:
Just a theory which of course could be wrong and like I mentioned above it could just be down to them not getting round to it yet though it’s slightly odd it’s not in yet as it’s something you’d expect to be easy to add, only time will tell and would love to hear you’re theories guys!

Also loving all the stuff on alpha by the way :heart: the teams doing an incredible job!

Besides the not attackable state and the text when you hover over someone I can’t even tell blood elves and void elves apart anymore if they use the same skin and eye option…

I think that’s more related to Azshara being a very powerful sorceress rather than an innate Naga ability.
Otherwise I think we’d see Naga in Night Elf forms crop up from time to time, infiltrating Night Elf society for example.


I don’t think we would see Naga doing that. In the last couple of years the Naga and Night elves became more distant enemies rather than primary enemies. And also Azshara would need to give the order for them to do that but she never did so there was no point for them to do that. I actually hope after how Azshara helped the heroes kill N’zoth and how Lady Vashj will be an ally to the heroes we might see Naga become playable. In a way or another they will have their Night Elven forms back, either by using a spell or the Night elves will help them like they did with worgen.

Personally I doubt they’ll be made playable.

But anything can happen I suppose.

We only need hair colors and maybe some new hairstyles but more natural

Maybe additional

Tattoos (Blue alliance - Red Horde)
Ear length
Feather jewelry


Feather jewellry would be great for a Farstrider look.
Add some of those new night elf hairstyles for blood elves
Add some hairier beard styles
Add scar options for blood elves