New customization options for blood elves and void elves

here, have a :chocolate_bar: you seem to be upset, sorry they don’t have white chocolate emote

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“I come to serve!”
“Your eminence?”
“Exalted one?”
“My sovereign?”


will the repgate to voidelf be removed in shadowlands???

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Does the left hand not know what the right one is doing? Why do you do this after going out of your way to deny that H-elves are numerous enough to be playable, and then claim that the datamines have a good chance to be fake. What else to expect from a cognitively dissonant company tho.


afaik all repgates for the CURRENTLY INGAME allied races will be removed in SL yes.


Full armor mate
 don’t be lewd and use slutmogs and your Velf racial is basically invisible under the armor :smirk:

Well, the existence of the Void Elves blew the “numbers” argument out of the water
 No matter how few High Elves there are, the Void Elves are even fewer.

I like these changes though, but I realize there will always be someone who’s not happy. Impossible to please everyone.


+++++++++++ ty
saved me many hours


Thanks a lot Blizzard! Great change! Adding this option to the one of the most popular races of WoW is just logical, it was “highly” demanded and now it’s supplied. After all, that’s how feedback (and business) should work.

My only expectation in line with this would be that Blood Elves sharing the non-tentacle customizations with Void Elves too; hairstyles, beards and all the other stuff. It would only be fair and it would fit with the lore too, since Void Elves are a sect of Blood Elves to begin with.

Again, great change, just let people play however they want, with a very rooted lore based logical choice. Nothing wrong with that, at all.


Those look awesome and thank you.I am glad i made my preorder for Shadowlands even a month ago when we saw the first sneek peak cause i believed you guys will deliver.Also hyped to see what more customizations you have in store for us.

I saw alot of my Void elf/High elf brethren would love to play as Paladins so make it happen! :slight_smile:


would be pritty rad to cut the eyebrows when u wear the helm
0 work, maximum proffits

It’s already been confirmed that the Blood Elves will get the same options for facial hair at least. Most of them anyway.

Edit: Or did I misunderstand you, and you were talking the other way around that Void Elves should get the same hair options the Blood Elves have?

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THANK YOU BLIZZARD! You have made a High Elf fan-girl VERY very happy!


This statement was pretty much discarded when we got Umbric and his followers as playable race anyway pal. How many could they be honestly?Supposedly Void elves are mainly blood elves that were exiled along with a few high elves that joined after Alleria herself became a void elf and recruited them.


Ion described the Void Elves as a “squad” originally
 That makes me place their numbers at less than a hundred, and I’m being generous with that much leeway


omg both velf and blood elf will get those eyes THANK YOU
it will be fun to combine those eyes and blue hair+this transmog set


This doesn’t ruin their theme at all. From the start, their leader Alleria has defined the fantasy of a Void Elf as somebody who looks like a regular High Elf, but who loses itself to the Void when enraged, thus turning purple/blue.
There have also been High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift since the beginning, studying the Void. It makes perfect sense for some of them to become less-voidy “Gen 2” Void Elves.


Unfortunately, I play what I would like to be in the game, meaning a dude, and not who I’d like to smash xD. Besides rolling a void elf female and not using slutmog would be blasphemy!


There are High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars inside Telogrus Rift, so it’s safe to assume they are travelling there from across the world to join Alleria and study the Void. Replenishing those numbers should be a breeze.

Also let’s never forget that the playable Pandaren race LITERALLY consists of ONE individual who left the Wandering Isle, making the choice between joining its new Horde or Alliance friends at the end of a story.


Technically still not the High elves that have been part of the alliance for years.

Though do wish they port the hairstyles over between the Horde/Ally. Minus the tentacles.