New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Not that important, since Tyrande and her forces have moved to Hyjal :person_shrugging:

And Bob Evenshade isn’t ever mentioned.

Doesn’t matter. Blizzard deserve a round of applause because they went with extra features that very symbolic to that of Quel’Thalas’ Magi and Priests (The Blood Elf Priest in the TBC Cinematic.)

They are Highborne descendents and their casters are a core of their civilisation. Blizzard even said so, so having regal and beautiful features is something that is necessary - more so than Farstrider options, which don’t exist because they aren’t bound to Hunters or Warriors, so it’s not “Farstrider” at all. They are just extra features for blood elves, but what you have in mind for tattoos are actually more for Magisters because only Rommath has tattoos. There’s also another Blood Elf Mage who wears the same robe as Rommath and got tattoos. No Farstrider, even when Sylvanas was Ranger General had tattoos.

And Night Elf Highborne aren’t essential. The upcoming book only speaks of 4 night elf characters (Tyrande, Malfurion, Shandris, Maiev) and all 4 have features that are relative to the upcoming night elf features, with Malfurion for the Druids, Tyrande and Maiev for some Priestess-symbolism and Shandris for some more wilder looks, with the Sentinels.

Again, Blizzard have captured big core cultures for Blood Elves and Night Elves and they can’t fit everything in.
Now I know you like seeing the opposite and truly only see Blood elves as fighters and night elves as casters, but Blizzard clearly doesn’t agree with that and neither do I.

As Hunters?
That would mean Blood Elves also would because they are Highborne descendents.

Also I need to see evidence of this being used. Don’t list highborne hunters because that doesn’t tell me anything, list me an instance where a highborne hunter used arcane arrows.

Just like the Magisters and Light wielders are the best Elven variations, to date.

Plus you’ve got some Highborne-necklaces. You can’t expect Blizzard to dedicate 7 or 8 features to such a small group of night elf Mages.

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Rather than giving the Nightborne some love you do this. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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All I was hoping for would be maybe golden jewelry for Night Elves, a literal recolor of the silver ones. And more hairstyles. For blood elves I was hoping for tattoos, it doesn’t matter if no lore character has them or if they do, they would be extra options for the race and players to play with. That body jewelry was amazing and it sucks it was scrapped. And just to confirm this the options they added are AMAZING! But the options for Night Elves and Blood elves I was hoping for more not just the generic magister/priest and Druid options I knew the were gonna get. And now seeing how they didn’t even bother to change the blood elf underwear and nail polish to the void elf one for Void elves I can see how lazy they were with that. As I said I’m happy for the options and I’m gonna use them I was just expecting more. The customization options still feel limited. I have a bit of hope they will add more but seeing how Beta will soon start I doubt they will add anything else. And I heard nowhere Maiev will be in the new book. Only Tyrande and Malfurion I heard they will be in. If Maiev will be in it with Shandris they won’t play a big part.

Common, where did you get this information from? The arcane magic was prohibited to use for Night elves untill Cata.


In what way does this materially harm the game, its players and its profitability?

yeah pretty sure Tyrande sanctioned the execution of night elf mages pre-cata and Maiev carried out the sentences

I meant it was always important because that’s how they came to be. The Well of Eternity was full made out of titan blood which was full or arcane. It didn’t matter if they used it in terms of magic or not. It was their birthright

Edit: that’s why they’ll always have a big connection to the arcane, it changed the Dark Trolls into Night Elves.
Edit:and they use the Moonwells which are full of arcane power

Not always, your kind left the society of Highborne to sleep on the trees.

You remembered about your ancestry with Highborne after the cata.

I know that. But they were changed by the arcane from dark trolls to night elves. That’s all I meant to say.

Edit:and a lot of Night elves wanted o use the arcane but it was forbidden and once the Highborne were welcomed back they finally had the chance to start learning about it.

Edit:make no mistake ALL elves are addicted to the Arcane that includes the Night Elves as well since they use those moonwells who are pure arcane energy

Have you personally interviewed them? :joy:

More belf beards/scars please, or we revolt!!!

Night elf highborne aren’t supposed to look different from other night elves, are they?

I really wish such options would be added for blood elves.

What options would these be, and what would be the lore sources that explain why they should look different? Highborne were a caste, not a different ethnicity from other kaldorei.

Looks like they’re attempting to take blood elves in a more opulent and embellished direction. I kind of like it, but at the same time, I feel they’re ignoring the glaring opportunities and desires to get more of what blood elves have been established as, such as tattoos and markings.

Using arcane magic was illegal in kaldorei society from the Sundering and up until Cataclysm. It’s literally why so many highborne were exiled from Kalimdor and became high elves.

Great idea. More traditional blood elf options for blood elves. Kael’s face tattoos from the TBC box art. Halduron and Alleria style markings for body and face. Arcane tattoos. Fel tattoos for warlocks. Light tattoos for priests and paladins. Hawk/hawkstrider/dragonhawk accessories.

And high elf hair colours and more hair styles (preferably night elf/human/dwarf inspired ones) for void/high elves.

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I think people confuse what particular orders wear with customization features.
Highborne wore more gaudy dresses and armor, which by night elf standards - was a very poor fashion sense.

But they are still present alongside Tyrande and Malfurion. I won’t spoil it any further, but they are involved with their chapter in Hyjal - whereas Bob Evenshade and his small company are nowhere.

But if it was hidden behind armor anyway, then I don’t consider it a huge loss because you couldn’t see it anyway - unless your into sl*t-mogs which I am not.

But Blizzard have this vibe for the Night Elves which they have nailed. The Kaldorei are angry…ferocious, savage - BFA made them that and this is something Blizzard has played on and truly nailed.

This is a beautiful contrast to the Blood Elves, when they were still without the Sunwell and Blizzard captured both essences perfectly. The Blood Elves’ anger was shown through their mastery over the arcane and turned it into something sinister, dark and very grim and for some, turned to fel magic.
After Teldrassil, the Night Elves’ anger has gone towards making them dangerous, ferocious, “shoot first, might ask questions later” sort of vibe and both work.

Hmmmmm was it really. I think you may be confusing the school of magic with magic as a line of work.

In Cataclysm they allowed mage training again, sure. But the arcane has always been embed in the night/celestial element of the night elves and if they had removed it ENTIRELY… we would have been left with elves whose priests could not worship Elune and whose druids could not use the Balance spec. Just look at the player spells: in Classic it was/is possible to customize an Arcane Priest DPS build based on the Starshard racial skill, and in retail, a number of Druid spells (Starfall, Celestial Alignment, Starsurge, Lunar Strike…) use arcane magic as well.

Moonwells were never banned. Priests and druids were still actively using arcane magic from the Sunderimg until the Cataclysm, if selectively.

So even though the Darnassian night elves have undeniably gone through a 10k years ban of mage-ing due to previous abuse by Azshara and her Highborne, they never outright banned the usage of all arcane magic. It always made perfect sense for the Night Elves to use magic when it was done in order to protect the world/nature: it was just a matter of measure… or Balance, if you like. :slight_smile:

What they were/are against was the abuse of magic for frivolous reasons, as explained in-game by former priestess Vestia Moonspear (now scholar of the magical arts).

“Magic is a tool, some would even say a gift. But you should never forget its fundamental nature. Arcane magic twists the boundaries of our world. It weakens the laws of this realm to allow the impossible to happen, if only for a moment. That single moment is all a demon needs to wreak havoc. The Burning Legion has watched us for millenia, always waiting for the smallest rift to slip through, the smallest stirring to whisper from. Remember this, young ones. Every spell you cast, no matter how minor, cuts both ways. This is why sorcery must never be used frivolously.”

TLDR: No, they didn’t ban arcane magic, just mage-ing as a job, while priests and druids kept using arcane magic to protect their people and world. ABUSE of magic was what they despised the Highborne for and wanted to prevent. It was not an issue with the school of magic itself, as rejecting it as a whole would require giving up their very essence. Elune is a celestial goddess, they are even called ‘Children of the Moon’, and the element that connects to the stars and the Moon is and has always been arcane magic, despite of the prolonged ban of mage-ing as a profession due to events bringing them to considered it a despicable and dangerous exploit.


Well yeah I know, but honestly the more customization options the better. I think we can both agree with that. All options still feel too limited.

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No, but there are a lot of npcs who became mages and tell you that in Feralas for example.

Highborne elves don’t look feral. They look stylish. They don’t wear leaves in their hair, the wear make up, aren’t as atheistic as the rest and they wear a lot of jewelry. And also their hair is more regal styled, kind of like the Nightborne

Thought the only difference physically was that the Highborne didn’t have facial tattoos, as that tradition only started post-exile of the Highborne. When Night Elven culture became more druidic.

But I might be wrong.

But then aren’t those features more so for Nightborne, than for Night Elves?

Well let’s get some more scarring for the male night elves. They don’t have enough and the scars are very reminiscent of the Burning of Teldrassil.

I mean, we have to be honest - Blizzard hardly uses night elf mages, except for when the story absolutely demands it. So, colour me not surprised when they only bring in a necklace or two, to symbolise a bit of “Highborne”-features with the rest being very Druidic or Sentinel-like.

That was a feature that Blizzard put in just so players could tell the difference between Highborne and none-Highborne. If you go to the ruins of Zin-Azshari, you can see female Undead Highborne Elves with bright green hair and facial markings.
So the differences between the two castes were purely based between them, but for the average Dwarf or Human, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them. Varian and Brann, to name two who didn’t really see much difference, except for a higher degree of arrogance and slightly pastier skin.


Still they really could have added golden jewelry for Night Elves. A simple recolor. And would have worked fantastic with the golden eyes and amber hair.

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