New customization options for blood elves and void elves

i’m fairly certain that by now Blizzard have embraced that the Blood Elves are the ‘Light loving’ race of the Horde,
they connected to the soul of a naaru and are changed slightly because of it

Well like i said we horde are never getting what we asked for thats why im so against void elves getting what we have…i would like us to keep looking at least somewhat different since we dont have any other options. Blood elves have been horde race for years already would also be hit under the belt.

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I believe mag’har were quite highly requested. Zandalari trolls as well. New trolls options altogether have been requested too.

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Well, there were no records of intensely tanned blood elves until now, maybe Silvermoon was just too ashamed and kept them hidden all this time :crazy_face:
Joking, mostly…

The thing is, putting a class forward isn’t really the same. If I want to be an undead elf, my only option is a DK, but with 90% of the population of Silvermoon killed why should undead elf be limited to DK? We know Arthas raised many to his army when he went through Quel’thalas, is plausible that some would be warriors, rogues, mages, etc…

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I actually posted a suggestion to Blizzard regarding ‘sun forged Blood Elves’, basically the exact same thing as LFD down to the exploding with light part

and then a few years later they released Lightforged Draenei instead

Dont see many of them around but maybe you are right. I hate both of the races haha

In my opinion the belfs have gotten quite a few nice things.

And frankly I think it’s time they give Nightborne some proper love that is, at least on par with the void elves.

I’m seeing a lot of complaints from people concerning the nightborne models but no fixes to my knowledge. But at the same time I see Blizzard is really interested in making velfs look more like belfs.

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Well except we do have a quote from Lor’themar of recent, that does suggest that perhaps - felblood elves were lost causes.
And fel in general…

Yep we do.
I know where they are.

Windrunner Spire and Goldenmist Village - with all the other ghosts and banshees that Arthas raised into undeath.

Because their are no other ideas that can be done for anything else. A Death Knight is an Undead -Race-.
My Death Knight is a Night Elf so she’s an Undead Night Elf.

Literally, the only thing people can come up with for something that’s moderately different is eye colour. Slap it on and that’s your feature because that’s all their is.

So either roll a Death Knight or have red eyes or play a Forsaken.

I play a 120 Zandalari so we are around. Not as much as Blood elf’s and Orcs of course.

I just need to gear him but I don’t have the time nowadays cause I need to gear my Alliance Hunter first

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I just cant get over their ugly looks :frowning: . Male Zandalari is ok but females are just…oh god stuff from nightmares. Normal trolls are way better looking.
And since i play female characters i can only judge that :smiley:

Maybe ill switch to alliance… been horde since burning crusade but maybe its time to make the leap especially if our race becomes alliances.

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Void elves don’t have Demon hunters so if you’ll actually switch you will only have a Night elf to choose, and I favor the Blood elf Demon hunters more especially with the Red Blindfold.

You will also miss out on Jewelry, Blonde hair, and Green/yellow eyes. But if you want to give all that up, including Silvermoon, then feel free to make the transition.

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Yes because playing a forsaken is the same as playing an elf.

Except you don’t actually know that. We have some joining the banshee queen later and the forsaken. You actually don’t know how many are lost ghosts, how many followed Arthas and how many decided to follow the banshee queen later. The story doesn’t provide details.

I’m the exact opposite, females look acceptable but I can’t stand the males. I was even set on playing a male, because I already play a female “regular” troll and wanted to change, but I couldn’t find a face I liked :laughing:

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Well as you know we demon hunters have no eyes :stuck_out_tongue: so that wont matter much. And in shadowlands i might not main this DH since its starting to look real bad for us. Might lvl a hunter or continue with my warlock.
I love horde…i love everything about it how we are all this missmatched bunch of freaks who came together because we needed eachother.

The body jewelry …well even if we get it it wont show from under armor… we have to walk around in sl*tmogs to show our beautiful jewelry.
Night elves are getting some real beautiful customizations enough to make me envy the hairstyles they are getting :frowning:

I think what this all comes down to is that we all just want more customization options but some of us dont want it to happen at the expense of others.

I don’t want to be a buzzkill, but The windrunner sisters cleared both Goldenmist Village and Windrunner spire during their reunion. It’s in the comic “Three sisters”

Technically speaking Vereesa cleared windrunner spire back before Warlords of Draenor expansion, but the ghosts returned.

If you want to play an undead, then you have to make that choice.
It’s either Death Knight or Forsaken.

This is something we’re all subjected to. I like being controversial so I wanted to be an Undead Night Elf (Night Elf Death Knight) who was the absolute anthesis of my Druid.

Well that’s just emphasized my point further, to be honest.
They are dead-dead, then.

Souls now in the Maw. (Oh, that’s a scary thought.)


It could be. One thing I’ve wanted for the Forsaken since day one, is to see all other races, not only humans, raised into undeath as playable Forsaken. Undead elves, dwarfs, trolls, orcs, gnomes - all races that have canonically died and become Forsaken, should become options for the playable Horde undeads.

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You have to be trolling me :face_with_raised_eyebrow: You can’t possibly believe giving the models of every Alliance race to the Horde is a good idea. Races should be unique. This is the worst thing that could happen imo.

Not directly, perhaps, but with slight haunches, and of course, undead skin. But in essence, yeah. Why only human Forsaken? Where are the Forsaken elves and other races?

Probably Scourge or raised as Death Knights, which we can play as now.