I think these points are extremely important.
I’m hoping for as many of the proper high elf hair colours as possible, but Vereesa-gray is a good starting point. At least for me.
I think these points are extremely important.
I’m hoping for as many of the proper high elf hair colours as possible, but Vereesa-gray is a good starting point. At least for me.
I’m also still waiting for the velf/belf hair colors to appear at one point. Don’t see much use otherwise for the new velf-skin colors because they don’t match well.
No, that is not what the Horde wants.
There are Three groups of People here. I will try to summarize it the best that I can.
1- The Anti-High elf people/ Anti-Alliance. The People who refuse to accept that Void elves got Normal skin and eye colors. These people are about 3 or 5 people, some even posting using a Alliance avatar when they clearly said they were Horde and scream “Alliance bias”. Some of these people don’t mind Blue eyes added to Blood elves, but refuse to see Blue eyes for Void elf’s. The People who may think Void elves themselves are a mistake. and one of them even suggested that High elf NPC’s should be deleted from the game or all die.
2- The High elf fans who refuse to see the other side’s perspective claiming to want every hair color possible.
3- The group of people who are Happy with the Beta customization they’ve shown (Skin and eye color) but think that Hair color should be avoided to keep them slightly different. However, these groups don’t mind seeing Black and White hair being added, since some of the Void elf NPC’s have it anyway. These Groups of people are a Mix of Horde and Alliance.
Only Group number 3 is being reasonable here while listening to the other side’s Perspective. The rest are all thinking about themselves and their own faction without listening to the other argument. Blizzard has made their decision and it’s final. Give it a rest already and end the discussion
What we see in the Beta is what we are getting, at least for now. I think in the future they will add more Voidy options. But what we see in the Beta, is enough to cosplay a High elf (even without the hair colors) you just gotta be imaginative
Look at what I did with my Hunter using the Customization from Beta:
(Anyone who can post pictures, please do. I can only provide a YouTube video)
She looks like a True High elf Ranger.
And with Black hair and White hair being added, we basically can create a High elf 100%. We don’t need Blonde at all.
I’m not really a hardcore Helf-fan at all but I honestly don’t see the reason to have helves without blond hair options on the Alliance-side then. It’s like offering Pandaren in only a green colorization while it looks natural for them having a black/white fur option.
Not adding Blonde is an option to keep them different than Blood elves. But Black and white not only looks good on Void skin, it also looks good on natural skin. Some High elves do have black hair and white too, even the Void elf NPC’s.
At the end of the day these aren’t High elves, these Are just Void elves getting “some” and I repeat “some” High elf Customization to look more natural.
If it was an actual High elf race, then yes I would argue they need blonde.
I’m a High elf Fan myself, but totally happy with what’s coming for Void elves. It doesn’t have to perfect, although I personally think it already is.
I dunno i see people asking for them. I’d say SOME of us hordies would like to see these options come to life.
I think ash blonde, white and black are good option to have. The Alliance needs a blonde option, otherwise these topics will never stop.
That’s just giving in when a child cries and demands to get something, same thing. They dont need it nor should they get it. Black and white is enough. Giving alliance our haircolors would just make them demand something else. I think someone earlier mentioned all the things they want for void elves and believe me that was a long list… leaving us with body jewelry (which doesnt work with armor) and green eyes… how is that racial identity anymore.
LIke i said earlier if they give blood elves more options to look different from void elves then its fine but we dont want a copypaste copy of us walking around in the another side. We arent pandaren nor will we ever be.
Believe it or not, but I’m in this group.
I have a Void Elf Hunter who will also be using the High Elf appearances as well as a possible Void Elf Warlock at 111, who I might RP as a Mage and use the High Elf appearance.
I’m not fussed about giving Void Elves gray, white and black hair, with maybe Vereesa’s and Auric’s hairstyles, but when we start talking about all hairstyles and all hair colours, where differences between the races are none existent, then I start taking issue.
Hell, Void Elves are getting appearances that really delve into the idea of a “Thalassian Arcanist” with the purple hair and purple eyes. If you have a Void Elf Mage and want to look like a High Elf…then you are golden. I’d say, your better off than the Blood Elves.
I agree…
Whoah…Stop. Hold up.
No they haven’t. Thalassians and humans worked together more than 2,800 years ago against the Amani, and the Elves taught humans magic. Since then until the Second War they were aloof, doing their own elf thing and not really interested in humans. They joined the -Alliance of Lordaeron- in the Second War, they then promptly -left- the Alliance of Lordaeron directly after the Second War. A Few Volunteers, including the Crown Prince kept fighting alongside the Alliance of Lordaeron forces in the Third War, but they were betrayed by its Grand Marshall and they left as well. Since then they were Neutral, until Alliance aggression drove them to the Horde, who they have been with for considerably longer than they were with Alliance of Lordaeron.
So, Nah, Thalassian Elves (as in the dominant group making up 90% of the Species) have never ever been in the Grand Alliance, because that was only formed after the Alliance of Lordaeron had collapsed, and Garithos had done his Garithos thing and driven the Blood Elves away as allies…So in fact the nation of Quel’thalas have had far longer and more history with the Horde.
Well yeah…Its the Statues of those who went through the Dark Portal at the end of the Second War, of which Alleria was one, Quel’thalas was part of the Alliance of Lordaeron at the time, so that makes sense. (I do love the horrible irony of who wrote the quote on the plaque beneath Alleria’s statue though, that was a nice touch)
Sounds legit, to be fair, I don’t think anyone would kick off about that, its also a stark enough colour that it could work for ‘normal’ Void Elves, as in Void Elves who look like Void Elves.
To be honest, this is the problem really with some of the arguments here, people seem to have this bizarre idea that there is some equity in what is being suggested, which unfortunately there isn’t. It’s “We want your stuff, and you can have, oh, I dunno, something something red eyes”
“Why would I want red eyes? Are you trying to kill off the Blood Elf character base who actually like Blood Elves? With the new dark skin options (Which are FINE!) and the white hair option and then red eyes you know what people would start playing don’t you?”
“They’d start playing Drow, and Drow do not exist on Azeroth”
“Oh well you can play San’layn”
“So Vampire Elves then?”
“Yeah, how cool is that?”
“So like, Elves that drain sustenance from living creatures?”
“Yeah! Thats a cool compromise!”
“No, thats describing a Blood Elf as they already are, I mean thats literally the -reason- there are Blood Elves and High Elves, one lot refused to learn how to do that, most did, so the compromise for all our features being transplanted to the other Faction is that we become Vampire Vampire Elves, Is that it? So the compromise is in fact that we get the option to have two existential dependencies instead of just the one to mana. How is that a good thing again?”
I really think if people are trying to be fair about this, they need to just step away from the US Forums where all the Twilight Fans wants their Vampires, because most of them ain’t smart enough to realise that a Blood Elf by definition already -is- a vampire. Just because its Mana they drain and not blood, does not change the fact that they are vampires.
If people truly want to inject some equity in it, it needs better ideas than “Whooooo Vampires” or “Whoooo Dark Rangers”
They would both be equally terrible ideas, for different reasons, but terrible nonetheless.
I’m not going to go into it at length, I think I already did on this thread earlier, but both would be terrible ideas, and one of which would be a proper P.R disaster.
Ehhh…maybe neutral, I don’t actually remember seeing them on my Horde characters, but I do on my Alliance ones. It was Prince Whatsisname, they wanted to join the Horde, so Sylvanas said for them to prove themselves, then the Alliance killed them all. Those ones, yeah?
Ehh, last accurate figures we have (As opposed to ‘Some Streamer said so!’) are 52% play Horde, 48% play Alliance. On RP servers it is a bit more skewed, where the last accurate figures we have show that around 70% play Alliance, and 30% play Horde.
Thats probably down to it being one of the core races and not an Allied Race. Have you ever seen what Nightborne get as their racial city, oh man, it makes Telogrus Rift look awesome. A Square instance, with no chairs, no doors, no buildings, couple of flower arrangements and a little grassy knoll. Thats it…
Lets not forget they were almost universally insane. They’d last about half an hour in Silvermoon City before a Farstrider just went “Sorry mate, but this is a kindness really” and loosed an arrow through their brain.
Fun fact, Whilst you (the player) might find Sylvanas appealing to the eye, in lore, Blood Elves find her absolutely disgusting and repellent. Humans apparently find her appealing, but they’re probably not seeing the nuances that Elves do, Aethas, Rommath and Lor’themar all find her appearance pretty repelling.
This is true, those Sunfury who were not slain in Outlands were mostly rehabilitated into Thalassian society, the Felbloods were -not-.
It is a ridiculous concept, that comic, we are expected to believe that the Blood Elves were able to go and fight a war half way across the world on a different continent -on their own- without Horde back up, and are able to muster combined arms warbands and fight on different planets and timelines -on their own- and yet they could not clean out their back garden figuratively speaking?
Absolutely ridiculous. Ghostlands only exists the way it is so that Blizzard can write Sylvanas being spooky. Absolute nonsense the way it is still portrayed.
Just give Void Elves -some- extra hair colours and people can play them as High Elves, whats the problem with that? Don’t give them everything Blood Elves have, thats not equitable, but give them -some- of the things.
Give us KT hair colors and done… And maybe some braids instead of Tentacles.
I absolutely agree with you.
I wouldn’t want anything else. I just want natural hair colors so the High Elf look could be complete. For me blonde,platinum blonde,brown, white and black would be enough. I really don’t think adding red or orange is needed.
Edit: And think about after hair colors are added the High Elf requests will be DONE and OVER.
I would prefer to see the tones of reds as well, but a few shades of silver blonde, brown and black would go a long way.
Amazing options? How and where? There’s 0 Highborne options. There’s nothing interesting about those options
Honestly this is coming from a High Elf fan and I think those reddish skin tones shouldn’t have been added. Only the very pale ones and dark ones while leaving the reddish ones unique to blood elves. Some thing goes for Hair colors. The red and orange options should be left unique to blood elves only.
Edit: but that’s just my opinion and I’ll be trashed because of it :-/
It will never be done, they’ll want more and more, This thread kind of proves that, I know you are happy but you have those who just want more!
What are “highborne options”? Highborne night elves who didn’t become high elves or nightborne are no different from other night elves.