New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Those are the minority. You shouldn’t listen to them. After all neither races are technically HIGH elves, they are VOID and BLOOD elves. They are only getting High Elf options for the fans. Blood elves are getting the eyes while Void elves the skin and hair colors maybe. That’s pretty much it for High Elf options.

Edit: I don’t think there’s anything left for the high elf look. Tattoos aren’t high elf only options, anyone can have them. Jewelry colors well that doesn’t really matter.

They are more regal. Look at Azshara’s night elf form. That’s how a Highborne lady would look like

think this hair color debate, high elf debats that are going on, comes down to one point in time now, and that is legion, when Alleria came back, many high elf fans, was hoping that now we get high elfs, in to the alliance, what actualy would have made sence, but nope, they got void elfs instead, what honestly not even from lore perspective made any sence at all, many high elf fans felt betrayed buy Blizzard, becuse high elfs, would have been the way to go, or void elfs had they looked more like Alleria did.
this realy sparked the conversation big time.

combine this whit, many alliance player, didnt understand, why the nightborne joined horde, when they technicaly where night elfs at one point, this actualy sparked more people to start and demand high elfs, and now more hair colors instead.

personaly I think Blizzard need to cave in to some extent now, as they kind of have, but they should go further, buy removing the purple color when in combat for example it aint realy needed, change it to glowing hands or something instead, and to give lighter hair colors, becuse to be honest, it would not hurt anyone.

I agree with most of what you say, but I’d rather they added the option to change out the racial abilities for something not void themed, so that those who wish to still embrace the void part of their void elves may still do so.


Or they cold let us toggle the form whenever we want to. I honestly would LOVE to run around using my void form and use it in combat all the time


I rest my case ^^

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aggree, heck I would say, when you create a char, you could choose from any racial in game, for both sided, like 1 combat one, 1 passive, and one comes whit race or so, would be so fun to do that.

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Good. I appreciate it.

Honestly Void Elves only need natural hair colors and that’s it. There’s no other High Elf options. And maybe they could let us toggle our void form (that’s for every void elf not just the normal looking ones). Like I said I would LOVE to run around in my void form and use it in combat all the time.

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This is literally ALL that I want. Nothing more. I’d be so extremely happy with this.

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The demand for High elves goes waaay back. For me it started when I saw the Silver covenant in Dalaran while I was trying wow for the first time on my Friend’s computer (Wrath of the Lich king) I didn’t make it far and only played for a day.

Because A similar race to Blood elves joining the Horde, means Horde needed to get a similar race to Night elves joining them (The Nightborne) if you see the culture/city it does seem they would fit in more with the Blood elves because of shared Arcane power addiction. Now these cities might be joined if Thallysra marries Lor’themar. Probably the best couple in the game lol.

They are not giving us High elves… they are giving us a few High elf customization to look normal and role play. At the end of the day these are still void elves and removing the racial or even making it optional is insane to ask.

The Voidy form doesn’t even last that long and it doesn’t appear all the time in combat.

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Which is why they need to let us toggle the form so we can use it ALWAYS. Why can’t I run around places using my form?

Cause that would be a Shadow Priest. Not a Racial

Mmm still hoping to see some fabulous hairstyles for Blood Elves.
I’d love to see more braided hairstyles, to give them the feel of proper rangers/wood elves etc.
Fingers crossed <3


I think that has to do with the stat boost it provides. It’s not supposed to always be active.

Alleria can use it on will. Void Elves are her students and at this point they should have control over their void form. Especially the new generation of Void Elves. And worgen also have their human forms and can use it whenever they want (sadly not in combat)

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And they can always change the form to 1% more damage not 5%

With a proper cooldown, it could work.

Well 5 min cooldown or 3 I think it’s good. Or a cosmetic spell with no boost that lets you use the form whenever you want to and if you use the form at the same time you won’t notice the proc activated visually.

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I’m hoping corruption effects can become usable toys in the future.