New customization options for blood elves and void elves

There was something about secondary skin and hair colors datamined for Void Elves a while back. Hopefully it’s about the void form

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:rofl: don’t look up now, the ideas keep coming and coming.

Hence why I stand by my original quote:


To be fair, this is what we want:

The rest is about suggestions to how it can be done.

Like I said other than natural hair colors I don’t want anything else High Elf like. And the blonde,platinum blonde,brown, white and black would be enough as hair colors


And maybe a way to choose racial abilities that don’t look like void.

I mean technically we are still void elves, I don’t see that happening. The only thing I might see is the toggle option for the void form.

So pretty much everything. Natural hair colors and toggle off the Void form. It does kinda sound like you want everything the Blood elves have…

I thought we all agreed that adding Black and white hair was enough? Even the Blood elves agreed to this. Now it seems your asking for more which will make them awfully similar to Belfs. Even the Racial you want it to be an option to toggle on and off? It’s a racial not a class :joy:


It’ll do, but I’m not being honest if I say I don’t want the full colour range. Black and silver/platinum white/blonde - similar to my avatar, will be a good compromise. If I get my full way, we’ll see all the colours.

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Well I’m crossing my fingers hoping you’ll never get that.

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I was just saying. I mostly want natural hair colors so the High Elf look can be completed. The toggle option would be a bonus for the people who never want to use it. I would LOVE TO USE IT IN COMBAT ALWAYS and run around using it. There’s no need to attack me just because I was saying my opinion

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That’s kind of rude don’t you think. People are just saying their opinions that’s all. There’s no need to attack nor be rude to them.

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So your not being rude to Vanalia, because she simply makes a valid point and you see it as an attack. Maybe you should get off the internet, if you can’t cope with your views being challenged.

Don’t you sit there and start playing “victim” when the actual people who have been battered, bruised and pushed around are the Blood Elf fans as we’re just expected to shut up and not express our concerns.

I wasn’t attacking you, and you are free to voice your opinion.

I’m just Proving my point and Alleriana’s point that, asking for hair colors and a racial change/toggle IS basically asking to make a copy paste race similar to Blood elves, because if you haven’t noticed High elves and blood elves look 90% identical with only eye color being a difference (and now Blood elves have blue eyes).

So that’s why we can’t have every hair color, even blonde because it’s popular amongst the blood elves NPC wise and playerbase wise. but a few like Black and Vereesa’s White is fine and even the Blood elf players agree.


We must live in completely different worlds.

I don’t see the logic. They look the same, so they can’t look the same?


No. You just can’t see your own selfishness and greediness.
Blood Elf fan voices won’t go away and we will always be around to keep our concerns going.

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I wasn’t saying they need to change the racial. But it would be fun to use it whenever you want. Running around Stormwind in your void form would be sweet.

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High elf fan voices will continue as well, and to be fair, there are blood elf fans who don’t agree with you. A lot of blood elf players won’t mind at all if high elves become fully playable.

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I thought you are Nightborne?

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And there’s plenty who do agree with me. Our voices will be here.

So, people can only play and like one race?

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