New customization options for blood elves and void elves

No, but you said we Blood elves but your character is a Nightborne. I wasn’t trying to say anything rude

I only care for Blood Elves & Nightborne.

But guess what - you don’t see me, as a Nightborne fan, begging for all features “Kaldorei” because I’m not that sort. Yes, Nightborne features are few and far between, but we’ve got other methods of features than just robbing off the Night Elves.

It’s quite a rhetorical stretch to make this a high elf fans versus blood elf fans thing, though. Being a blood elf fan doesn’t equate being against high elf options for playable Alliance elves.

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But your getting high elf options. Blue and Purple Eyes with pale skin. Blood Elves are only getting blue eyes.

That doesn’t mean that being a blood elf fan means you’re against full high elf options for the Alliance.

I’m not.
I’ve got void elf characters that will use the new features as well, but I’m not going to say “Well I want to make my Minairia, my blood elf mage, and make her into a Void Elf.” No, if I want to make Minairia, then I have to be a Blood Elf.

Pale-darkish skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. If I want that, then I have to be a Blood Elf.

I just don’t understand this is a game, a game where you can be whatever you want and who you want to be. That’s the purpose of the game. And people should be allowed to say the things they would like to see. Obv not everyone agrees with someone’s idea but obv that’s normal. Everyone should voice their ideas. Honestly in the end Blizzard decides to do whatever they want. But all I’m saying is giving natural hair colors to Void Elves would finally put the High Elf requests to rest. That’s all they need the hair colors and they are done. It’s better to finally add those so these requests can finally be put to rest.


I think you just were.

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I will no longer engage with those two.
Vanalia is the only High Elf fan around who is aware of the situation.

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Thank you. Voice of reason right here, and it’s completely true.


I’m sorry if I made you upset just because I was saying my opinion. There’s really no point to argue in the end because Blizzard decides what to do in the end.

Edit: you prob hate me, I don’t hate you. But we both have different opinions. I only want these High elf requests to be put to rest once and for all.

I understand your point of view, I am a High elf fan after all.

I feel like Blizzard is asking for it. Did you know the Alliance Portal room in Stormwind has Three High elves located inside? I believe all three of them are Blonde.

2 are creating a portal to Dalaran

1 is a Mage trainer training a group of young mage students.

Like they could’ve used any race, but the fact they have High elves inside makes it seem like they wanted Players to ask for them.

And now we finally got some of the customization for them, and I’m Happy.

Look at how pretty my hunter is going to look

I’m also happy with the new options. I won’t be using them at all on my High Elf character (or any other void elf) because she isnt active anymore in the story and hasn’t been since Legion. But I want them added for the players to want them and so that these High Elf requests can finally be put to rest. And if we are on this page black hair can’t be added because blood elves are getting the black hair option.

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The reason why people want it to be added was because it was originally supposed to be added to the Void elves, however it became laggy with the tentacles and I suppose they never really added it or fixed it.

You can even see some Void elf NPC have the black hair

My Warlock (RP’ed as a Mage)

I am really digging the more “Arcane” vibe that Blizzard has done for the Void Elves. The new purple eyes (which Belfs aren’t getting, which is fine), are growing on me.

I have blue eyes at the moment, but I might consider the purple eyes. Not sure.

And high elf npc’s also have blonde and platinum blonde hair options. You see what I mean right?


She looks great! :heart_eyes:

And we aren’t High elves. We are void elves getting “Some” and I repeat “some” High elf customization.

You see what I mean right?

Yes, I know Alleria has it too. But she has Farstrider tattoos. She’s kinda meant to be slightly unique. Which makes sense since she is the first female in wow history to have a female voice actress (Warcraft 2)

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Thank you :hugs:
Again, I can’t decide on the more “standard” high elf look with the blue eyes or if I should go with the purple eyes…perhaps “purple” is more, Silver Covenant, with the change to Vereesa’s eye colour.

No it wouldn’t. The goalposts have been moved so many times that they’re practically off the proverbial cliff now. You people will only move onto the Belf hairstyles next in this endless campaign of yours. After after that it’ll be the Entropic Embrace racial, then Void Elf paladins, and after that it’ll be the name tag, and after that golden eyes because if you have paladins it’s only natural to have that too right. And once you have golden eyes why not green because of the Silvermoon scholars in the rift and so on and so on until at last they’ve given you every single thing that makes Blood Elves unique.

Forgive the hyperbole but there’s a thread on these forums and other websites for literally every example I listed and I truly don’t see y’all stopping this insanity if they give in yet again.

But black and white hair sounds fitting for Void Elves. Even a two toned blonde/black or red/white would be kinda cool.