New European RP Server

It’s a PvP server, I know that PvP isn’t your thing, some people like it some don’t.
At last you are astute enough to stay on PvE realms because that is your way to enjoy the game, unlike the people that even that they don’t enjoy PvP they go to pvp servers and then complain about ganks or corpse camping…

As you see from this one, Thalissa-Dragonfang, I actually tried once more. Still did not like PvP so just left her :wink:
I never complain PvP happens on PvP server :wink: true, and if you look Namur’s post I replies to, he say that PvP is unlikely happen on ZT: I just show him wrong :wink:

I wasn’t saying that you were complaining :slight_smile: i was just saying that to me is kind of sad to see when people, and many are pve players mainly, go to a PvP realm and then complain when they get killed, ganked or even camped, all that i am implying is that many just go to the server that’s the most populated because we as humans have that mindset to follow wherever the masses go, it’s somewhat disappointing but that’s how it is, but to go on a pvp realm one has to know and come to terms with what comes with the territory.

As an example, you know that we are trying to get some people in Zandalar Tribe, so why don’t those people that don’t enjoy PvP come to a server like ZT? In my opinion is just because they want to stay where the majority of the population is.

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We dont want fresh, we want our RP server free of toxic hardcore players.
So Blizzard could give us a free transfer away from the HC playerbase, that would be nice.
I am not paying for transfering 10 toons away from a server Blizzard let HC community ruin.

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Because in Classic Era you can only transfer from PvP to PvP. PvE to PvP is impossible. Blizz would need to manually give free Transfers to ZT for allowing this.
Another point is in Era you can have only one faction per PvP Server so if you are like me and like to RP both sides then you will still lose half of your characters.

Currently without Blizz intervention you would either need to learn german and pay 20€ per character to keep progress or you loose your complete progress, have only half the options available as before and you can even be disturbed in the most disruptive way in RP then before.

Why are the HCler always invade our RP Servers? There are so many other free servers where there are alternatives. Why always we Roleplayer?

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I answered this one before. Again. Is NOT because HW is RP server; is bacause HW was only ENGLISH non-PvP, non-clustered server.
Blame blizz for making only 3 PvE English and then cluster all 3.

Wait in english all 3 PvE Servers are clustered? Why then is in german the most and least populated pve server connected but the second most populated whas left out?

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No idea - we asked same since clustering.

Join on noggenfogger if u want true hc challenge

Why is that?

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Dont question have faith

I don’t place any stock in faith, sorry.

??? It was not a comment toward you, you are welcome to join if you would like.

Why would I let other people kill me on a pvp realm ? If I don’t get them they might very well attack and kill me.

No I know you not spoke to me. I just “used you” to tell Namus that I was rigth not going ZT when I hate PvP :wink:

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Sorry, i know i´m late to the party but i´ve been pretty busy the last few weeks.

I´m actually very happy, that that´s the impression is that people get, when they join Cele.
High RP! As it should be! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Not going to happen. At least on Celebras. We´re counting the days. No need of player who spit at us…

Exactly. They kill the mobs, gather the ressources (they won´t share), and the jumping :man_facepalming: I´ve some kind of sensory overload everytime i see too many people jumping around. Can´t stand it.

Beside that, it´s bad for the immersion…

The problem is, they´d just overrun the next RP realm too, if you´re unlucky.

As Yahg said (thank you btw :slight_smile: ):

Most of us are german, but some do speak english and are willing to communicate in english.

For me Celebras is, and will always be, the german RP-Realm.
It´s what i was fighting for for 2.5 month in 2019. A german RP Realm and after Blizzard killed the TBCC one without any good reason, it´s the last one we have.
There are a bunch of returnees who come back BECAUSE Celebras is the “german” realm with almost germans only.

And if i look at the era Hydraxian and the Wrath Hydraxian, i get the impression that RP is more popular in DACHL countries. Both, the TBCC Celebras and the era Celebras seem to have more RP than Hydraxian has and had.
(not unhappy about this :blush: )

However, i also see the struggles of normal and roleplayer on Hydraxian Waterlords era right now, and we do have few refugees who are looking for shelter on Cele.
I´m absolutely willing to support non HC EU refugees, until HWL is in a state that they can move back (of course i can only talk about myself)

In the end of the day:
Blizzard just steamrolled over us another time and just removed the language tags from the realms. Technically it´s now an english RP-Realm, and that´s why Blizzard would probably not open a new one.

Because we are “just” Roleplayers, the weirdos.
it´s getting tiresome, that we constantly have to “fight”
To get a realm, to keep a realm, after being forefully moved to an english Wrath realm to keep this one/not getting it damaged even more by non rp who were playing there.

The era one against HC player and to make sure everyone knows it´s a GERMAN dominated realm since the devs just removed the language tags.

It feels as if we are constantly under attack, and i´m so tired of it. :pensive:

Either Razorfen was, for whatever reason, located in another data center, or they just forgot Razorfen.

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Malou, you rigth in all you write except for this:

HW was choosen because only ENGLISH non-clustered, non-PvP realm. Nothing to do with RP or not. And because low-pop Which is generally RP. But NOT because RP :wink:
More PvE server and not cluster all together would have most probable solves this.

I was speaking generally.
No one does really take Roleplayer and RP-Realms seriously. :-/
We are “not really playing the game” :roll_eyes:


That´s the reason why HC player ended up now on Cele, and it seems, they communicate “ReaLm IS DeAD”.

Currently i´m really worried about what´s going to happen.
Many are confused and surprised when they realize that there is still an RP Community left which is pretty active, but…


We just hope all HC goes to new HC realms (PLURAL) when they open!


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