New Human Racial - No Place Like Home

Rip to all the human mages out there :joy: :joy: :joy:

On a serious note though this is a very bad change tbh there are plenty of things they could have done, what about summon mount % faster?


Imagine how bad and destructive this decision was that even punyelf didnt come to defend it like this for example:
Ohhh thats amazing now i can use my hearthstone 2 times on my paladin i cant wait to test this.

To be honest I’ve always thought that people that roll Human are, boring in nature. This thought has decreased slightly with the extra customization, but still being human in a fantasy world seems boring to me.

In my opinion this is the perfect type of racial, it doesn’t break the game and it still adds some ‘flavor’ to the race you’re playing. Remember the Blood Elf racial Arcane Torrent being crazy with the silence, especially in PvP or the Void Elf racial Entropic Embrace leading to everybody playing Void Elf, not exactly because they wanted to play the race, but because of the ‘extra damage’, whether it delivered or not, doesn’t matter.

It also led to Method guild to race change to trolls or at least the race that changed over to Trolls, for the Da Voodoo Shuffle racial during BFA for the Jaina fight, because it helped out with certain phases.

The reputation boost gives a lot of advantages:

  • You get your free HC gear piece much quicker than others. aside from other goodies.
  • It saves you a lot of time farming out reputations.
  • In case of old reputations, such as the Legion one’s… farming out the Paragon factions is a lot faster.
  • It also stacks with other reputation boosts so win-win-win.

In my opinion Blizzard should replace/remove the following types of racials:

  • Combat abilities
  • Extra stats with the exception of those adding points to professions


Add all racials to a pool, maybe even have people earn these by doing certain (easy) activities, so people can pick their own racials like talents.

Why? Because then you don’t get stuck picking a race you don’t like, because your progression guild thinks it would be great if you had x Racial. Or not even because you’re in a progression guild, but still want to be as performative as you can in any type of content you do, without being too elitist about it.

The best MMO offers you this:

  • A blank slate character regardless of race
  • Non-combat abilities
  • Abilities that don’t give you a huge advantage in any way.

Just select the avatar you want to play as, pick the class you want and don’t feel bad afterwards because Race B gives you an advantage in combat, or Race C gives you an advantage while collecting.

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I didn’t put much thought into my character at the time, the game had just been released, I was pretty young and was giddy wanting to just get into the game as quickly as possible. Never really envisaged I’d be on that same character 20 years later seeing that someone would think my choice was boring ha.

Fair point though, I can see how it’s looked at as being boring but many people choose their races for many reasons. Maybe people want it to feel like their character is them? and they’re exploring this crazy world as a Human in that sense.

Eitherway though, bit of a tangent, all races should have good reasons to roll them no matter the personal opinion about the race. Human had a couple of good passives, now they’ll have 1. That’s going backwards and it’s meh.

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Yeah you did say that it doesnt have to be something like shadowmeld etc, I do hope they change the upcoming racial into something more of majoritys liking but sametime I doubt they will. Ive wished them giving something more useful for trolls aswell since forever but they still remain pretty useless for pvp and its been like what 20 years soon. :joy:

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MEanwhile I started with Konstantino back then because I got the Fake News of Curse of Tongues is a Human exclusive curse that lets Warlocks be Translators. In the ends while I continue to play a lot of Humans this is because they offer so much different cultures. I have somehow way more cultural ideas about humans then about Kaldorei because of the different Kingdoms. This is also the reason I have so many Orcs because of the Different Tribes and because so many Blood Elves because each class seem to be their own cultural subgroup there while there are also at least three different cultural backgrounds.

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I mean this seems to have gained a fair bit of traction with a lot of decent discussion. Who knows, maybe they will but yeh not expecting something different.

Troll for 5 expansions was top pick in PvE that during Cataclysm plenty of Alliance guilds switched to Horde because how powerful those troll racial was . After Method Vodka and plenty of the top alliance guilds switched to horde , majority of people start going Horde.

The logs on beast-bosses showed Troll ahead of any other class 6-7%… If this is not game-breaking …What is ?

5% dmg to beast-npc(Some raids were having 3-4 beast Bosses.)
10-30 % haste on demand… Put with trinket was pew-pew story…
Reduce slow
1% Crit with Bows.

Just watch not 1 but the top 5 Guilds in Cataclysm that 22-23 Raiders were of the the Race Troll…(You can watch Spine~~)

How about that 4 expansions last tier raid Weapons Was Bow were the only one a Dwarf gun racial was …not even going to be forced.??

What about Tbc Legendary Bow…Trol was already ahead from anyone Else.

At the Alliance faction were-are-going to have the middle one :frowning:

Also people tell about Shadowmeld that Night elf have…

Ques what , this matter only on top 100 top parties and we are talking about m+ not the Mythic raid .

I can tell you 10-20 easy top Raiding guilds but despite that i’m doing M+ i don’t even bother who is 1st…

At the end tell me Until Draenor Expansion …What alliance had for pve content ??

Human Trinket…?? 1% crit with Guns despite that Majority of Raids always dropping Bows ?
1 dodge for the Night elf…with Dodge having a cap…
A yes we had the 1% hit from Draenei but in the last seasonof each expansions the stats was so high that was become …not even worth mentioning .

At the end the Whole World of Warcraft and 2 Factions was designed to be won by 1 Faction (See Ghostcrawler) that in 2011 already mentioning that the Dev team are playing Horde and some were even in some High top Guilds-Horde.

I have no use for the HS…
You already have 3 heartstones…
Something more useful please

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Useful would be good, then again I’d even take something just flat-out cool at this point instead of something useless.

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This is the worst news I have received this summer. Someone had to break the bad news and it was you. Many thanks.

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Off topic and non related: at first sight your forum picture looks like Patrick Star from Spongebob!

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Ppl who pick shaman they have Hearth + 10 min Astral-Recall…
Mages ??w

I mean they could give something like find 1 copper every 10 npc killed and still more valuable …


it only removes stuns :stuck_out_tongue: not fears etc or any other type of cc

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And you won’t be the first… Orcs have Command, 1% damage to pets, 2½ classes use pets. Nightborne deal 1% more magical damage… Very useful for a Warrior.

So you’re losing 10% rep gain, gaining a useless racial, but keep your CC Breaker and your 2% to secondary stats, which are arguably one of the best racials, it increases 4 stats by 2% each, which is ways better than simply 1% bonus damage.

Yup, stuns the most common cc in the game, thats why they can play 2 dps trinkets. I like it on one of my locks.

What rating u at? :stuck_out_tongue:

2.1 currently on one of my locks, but you can easily look me from one of the sites. Anyways getting off topic, and the op already said he didnt want add another racial like will to survive in terms of power.

I mean fine keep it then but buff The Human Spirit (2% secondary stats) to like 4% then.

humans already have most powerful racials - the human spirit.
The the will to survive is semi-broken in pvp.

adding another “useful” racial would keep them as OP as ever.
It’s time to nerf boring humans.