New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Let me introduce you to a Virus causing a lockdown… Are you living under a rock my good sir?

Edit: You actually sound like a bot.

@Tokyosexwale: Many of realms are transfer locked, too. Some movement is available, but generally you can only get to lower population realms, the big ones are not valid targets for transfers.

I pity anyone who actually believes that Activision Blizzard are making these changes to stop botters. They’re not.
They’re making them to get more money out of the botters.
While many of them will get around it by farming several different servers on each account each day, others will obtain more accounts to keep doing what they’re doing on the realms they’re focusing on.

In the end, this changes nothing, but is a good way to get more money out of the people making money of off your product…

And if “Average Joe” farming DME or Mara for gold to afford parsing consumables next week takes a hit, who cares really, he’s most likely gonna keep playing and paying anyway.

Having a happy playerbase is not a motivation for this company to take action on anything.
Money however is and if you can disguise a change to the game as something you’re doing with the players best in mind, chances are many of them will just swallow the lies and happily adjust to the new rules 'cause you know “flip the botters!” right?

Then as the in-game prices rise for just about everything from Righteous Orbs to Arcane Crystals, Dreamfoil and Ghost Mushrooms, how about implementing a Classic Game Time Token? Only $20, and can be sold on the AH for a price not set by the players themselves.

We bigbrain now.

Sorry for the long post, felt I had to vent some of this.


Blizzard, you just spitted the active players in the face.
Now we forced to buy a new account just to be able to farm 24hours before raid days so i dont get locked out on my main.

Since i have this mindset botters will have the same, youre not solving anything.
Same with the lotus update were you needed 300 herbalism too see herbs when dead, that means they just forced more bots to 60 with herbalism.
Prices is back up as it was before the update.

Farmers will only force more buts to 60 since they cant farm 18h a day anymore
Hire more game masters

Blizzard can you hire game masters to solve this problem because whatever you have done so far with hotfixes havent helped anything, hire game masters

You told us no changes yet you broke the game with black lotus, alterac valley, layering, transfers the list is too long at this point.
Where is the slippery slope ending?
Blizzard, you just spitted the active players in the face.


h t t p : //chng . it/ DRKHMmKg

Come sign petition so this issue can be heard

You’re missing out the part where it’s over a 24 hour period. Say you do 3-4 hours of farming tuesday night and you want to repeat the same wednesday afternoon. You end up hitting the lockout after 2 hours and then you can’t even play in a raid or on an alt doing a dungeon with friends.
And it’s kind of insulting to call anyone who wants to play on a day off abnormal, not everyone works full time, not everyone works 8 hour shifts etc, don’t judge other people based off of what you regard as “normal”

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That is relevant.

I asked you to post anything that might be relevant, since your first post was not. After crying and complaining, you finally did. Now we can finally talk about the topic, rather than just sit here and laugh at your posts.

The issue I take with that post, is that it was only 21 hours ago. Not even a full day. (28 more left Kaivax, better watch out for that cap now!) Personally, I wouldn’t count “We have a team of agents reviewing reports” as anything substantial. In fact, I would almost say this is a flat out lie from Blizzard.

I can say that, because I know firsthand I’ve reported bots who are sat in Stratholme. Some of the ones I reported weeks ago, are still in Strath to this day. Out of 30-40 bots at times in Strath, it’s highly unlikely that Blizzard actually have “agents working on reports” as claimed, because VERY simple bots like those, would have been banned.

So, at this point, seems like Blizzard may have to eat their hat for lying, not you.

Edit: I stated it’s “Highly unlikely Blizzard have agents working on this”, which is an overstatement. They likely do now. But again, the point I was making here is that they have taken no effort to approach this situation until now.

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This is a horrible solution are you kidding me?

As if bots are even going to be effected by a limit per account???

How about you dont literally put a time limit on what I can do in game and do a real fix to your anti cheating software and add back GMs you fired you absolute degenerates, you are literally getting what 12€ x (ATLEAST) 1 million YOU CAN AFFORD TO DO THIS INSTEAD OF FUDGING YOUR LEGITIMATE PLAYERBASE IN THE BEHIND WITHOUT LUBE YOU ABSOLUTE DEGENERATES


I promise you this is just blizzards solution to earn more $$$, they always do the same s***… With this now all it’s gonna mean is.

  1. The botters will get more accounts that fund themselves, blizzard gets more $$$.
  2. The regular joe player making their goldincome from dungeons are punished and some even pushed towards paying for multiple accounts to be able to farm efficiently which means, again, blizzard earning more $$$.

Thanks a lot for your s***ty effort towards punishing botters but instead punishing the players that love the game instead, monkeys.

http: //chng. it/DRKHMmKg

Come sign petition so this issue can be heard

Instead of answering you have closed topic, 6,2k VIews in 18 hours is too huge for the forum? It shows how people concerned about bots. And you still do nothing. Keep closing topics about bots…

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First post in the forums ever after many years of playing wow (I can’t believe this change has triggered me so much)

there are numerous reasons to “enter” 30+ instances a day without actually playing 6 hours. Stuff like resetting instances for Jed, farming herbs/mines, farming gold, SGC, HoJ and other stuff. I’m not gonna argue about those

Feral druids NEED a manual crowd pummeler to be competitive (30 level blue weapon). All top ferals do that. If you wanna do high threat as a bear or high damage as a cat you need several of those per raid. People say you can farm 9 MCPs a day on average and it’s enough, but I don’t see why I need to do that every day when I can do all my MCP farm once per week. Also as more content is released MCP needs will just go up

And if anyone is about to say “blah blah a level 30 weapon shouldn’t be BiS it’s not intended” then let’s fix Heroic Strike queuing, Diamond flask snapshotting bonus healing, Spell batching and generally all of the game cause all of that stuff aren’t intended either if we go by that logic.

Bots can rotate servers to bypass this limit anyway. So thanks Blizzard making a change for the worse.
P.S: Can’t wait to get accidentally locked on a raid day so my guild has to manage with 1 less tank

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are you guys actually retarded? BAN THE BOTS, YOU MONEY GREEDY C**TS

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This is an absolute garbage change. Any normal player can easily reach this limit.
Saturday 2pm: You’ll farm a bit of DM East for 2h hours with you main: 10 IDs
4pm to 6pm: Leveling your alt in ZF or getting boosted 10 IDs
6pm to 9pm Dm Tribut, UBRS Fire Resist, MC/BWL 4IDs
Sunday 10 am: 5 runs BRD for your warrior chest ~20mins 5IDs
11am: DM Tribut 1ID
12am ZG Raid but you can’t enter because you played yourself.


Ah BS. That will NOT last forever. Most EU countries are open now and things ate slowly return to normal.

imagine working lul
i have to take care of my 4 kids also im working 12h per day oooh uuhh my back hurts im such a boomer

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Your post makes no sense.

How about no.

http: //chng. it/DRKHMmKg

Come sign petition so this issue can be heard, please share it on discords so that we can spread it, i have a bad feeling that blizz are going to ignore these comments

Most people do…it’s the way life works.