New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

And you can play 15 hours a day. I’m too, sometimes.

What’s next ? “Remove the 5 dungeons per hours limit because i’m paying so i can play” ?


Is it April’s Fools today? This change is absolutely ridiculous. As if legitimate players don’t hit this cap. Meanwhile bots are farming Stratholme for months. In fact I’ve seen some bots farm for some bear meat in Feralas for half a year now. “Complaint Registered.” - Yeah, right. Today I was leveling an alt in Shimmering Flats and encountered ~10 bots.

I hope this change gets reverted before it is implemented.

#somechanges #butnotthisone


One needs to reset ubrs for 6 hours to get the daily limit. (5 instant resets and a lockout per hour) 6 hours is a lot.

Reset your Jed Runs only 29 times(lol) on your raid day. Cant be too hard.

That still counts as a reset.

It’s really not, remember it’s 24 hours, so it counts all your resets from the previous day too.
Say you did a few hours of farming lashers in DME on tuesday, then you want to level an alt so grind some dungeons with friends or get boosted. Then you need to get DMT buffs and maybe UBRS FR buff, its really easy to hit this lockout in a 24 hour period. Farm tuesday evening? better make sure you don’t touch the game all wednesday to make sure you don’t get locked for raids

If will force them to level 4 times to reach the same efficiency. This will slow the influx of new bots, which is the real problem. If blizz bans bots right now they are simply replaced within two weeks. In case you haven’t noticed, the amount of bots leveling has decreased lately, because banning reported bots didn’t work. They were being replaced faster than they were banned.

Likely this along with the authenticator incentive of 4 extra bag slots, is a push at sealing up the influx of new bots, so that banning will actually have an effect. The authenticator incentive will reduce the amount of player accounts that are hacked and turned into bot accounts.

They should implement some functionlity ingame to have insight how many instances can be entered now or how long to wait for next possible dungeon.

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Or just count the resets if you think you will hit cap. It’s only a problem for people who hardcore farm instances, and they very likely have the weakaura which tracks reset timers. There will be a weakaura which tracks reset timers including the 24h limit as well. I guarantee it.

I also have something to add here. I recently started boosting with my mage and during the weekends I can imagine hitting the cap, also in some days during the week. Anyway, you can’t really add a cap like this without adding a way to actually see it. Now, people might not be able to join their scheduled raid because they lost track of how many dungeons they had entered that day…

That would be nice, but even with that it’s still a ridiculous change, it won’t even hurt the botters remotely.
Meanwhile this hurts players who can’t play little and often and would rather blast out their farming in a session.

Some thoughts here:

  • 30 instances in total
    minus 6 raids (it’s 3 at the moment)
    minus one DMN tribute buffs (at least one! and I’m not counting here BFD debuff for mages)
    equal 23 (26 now) instances before the lockout when you are raiding.
    Not every day but still.
  • Harder to farm herbs (MARA & DME)
  • Harder to farm thorium veins (DME & ZG)
  • Harder to get Jed in UBRS
  • Harder to obtain BRD arena mail chest / ironfoe
  • Harder to obtain epic dagger / blue ring from MARA princess
  • Harder to obtain any pre-raid BiS
  • Harder to find a group (some people could have a lockout)
  • If you’ve got a lockout on you main, say goodbye to your twinks
  • Not mention mage dungeon boosting here :slight_smile:
  • Possible issues with entering 40 (forty, FORTY!!) men raid! HELLO!?
  • People are upset
  • It’s not clear how the change is going to affect bots when you want, quote: “to eliminate exploitative and automated gameplay”.
    But it is clearly will make negative effects (the list above) on legitimate players.

In conclusion:
Elimination by limiting. LOL.


As a matter of fact - yes. There are. How do you think they end up farming Stratholme at 60 lvl ? They start lvling in RFC at 11 till about 15-16, at 17 their group migrate to SFK. After that i didn’t track them, but yes. There are bots who powerlvl through dungeons.

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I don’t think this is going to change anything for the bots. They have multiple accounts across multiple realms. So that won’t stop anything.

For the people legitimately farming Acrane crystals for example for a TF, or doing DME for herbs or anything…

The only thing I’m afraid of is farming all day and getting locked out for a raid in the evening. That would not be a good thing. So lockout for instances, sure why not. But I wouldn’t let it count towards raid instances. I would hate to see half of my raid being locked out due to farming.

But there will probably be an addon for that so.

I do not believe most of you actually realize how many is 30 resets. for an average farming at 12-14 min per run ( lets just say 5 instances per hour) that is still a whopping 6 consecutive hours of farming the same instance, doing the exact same thing. Lets face it, how many of you actually go for 6 hours of non stop farming in dungeons , and that is still assuming you actually do 5 resets per hour.
If you are one of those people, well, Sorry for you, you wont be able to farm more than 6 CONSECUTIVE NONSTOP HOURS .
Still, while it is a step in the right direction, its the usual way blizzard answers. Take the “problem” of torghast in shadowlands, with people waiting for hero/ bloodlust before every pack/ boss in higher floors. blizzard answered with a complicated method( debuff that becomes worse as time passes) instead of the obvious way, making hero usable only once /twice per floor.
Same thing here. instead of , idont know, banning the bots or making the software not work in their servers, they go about it in a roundabout way that leaves people unsatisfied and the problem… unsolved for the most part, just an annoyance to gold sellers .

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It’s not. It’s farming spread out over 6 hours over 24 hours. Getting instance locked in the stockades for instance only takes about half an hour. The same goes for herb farming in SM and DME.

That leaves you with 3 hours of farming spread over friday night and saturday.

It isn’t 6 consecutive nonstop hours. That’s now how math works.

It’s 6 hours out of 24. That also needs to include 2-3 raid ID lockouts, a DMT lockout for buffs, and potentially UBRS for resist buff. So, close to 5 hours in 24 hours total if you are raiding within that cycle.

If you are suggesting that it is not normal for someone to play 5-6 total hours over the space of two days (Yes, TWO days, because 24 hours does not reset at midnight like a reset cycle, it is just 24 hours total. So, afternoon play one day, counts against morning/mid-day play the next), then you are sorely mistaken on what average gameplay times look like.

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1: No guild does BWL/AQ40/ZG/MC/ONY/Naxx/ AQ20 in the same day. And none ever will.
2: its still 26 resets, several hours of farming
3: Same as above
4: Its not gonna change one bit most people would lock themselves on the 5 instance reset cause they cant count
5: Find me one person that has the patience of doing BRD 30 times a day.
6:Same as above, 30 tries is probably enough for any sane person in a single day to go insane over it and give up if not found to try again tomorrow
7: I farmed all my prebis raid before we started raiding in one month from launch, including levelling time , and i never ever entered more than 10 instances in a single day.
8:If they do, they cant count. So i dont want them in my group.
9: Then you cant count.
10: Again, who does that for more than 6 consecutive hours ?? its a blessing for those people, they’ll be able to see sunlight again
11: If they cant count, ehm… shouldnt be a raider
12: When are they not upset mate
13 Agree with that .

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This is incredibly dumb. Even coming from Blizzard.

First off, tons of bots don’t even rely on dungeons nor raids at all, especially seeing as even the most blatant botters never get banned even though hundreds of players report them…

Secondly, lets say that we’re running a ZG bot, you’re only slightly increasing the need for more accounts by a handful, which he makes in a day- so sure, profits are slightly affected but nowhere near removed, hence this will not even put a dent in the botting market and you must be really really thick to not realize this.

You are only and I mean only hurting legitimate players, we will not see a decrease in bots what so ever, most likely the opposite since a few of them are going to move out of the dungeons/raids.

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Meanwhile bots on locked servers -

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This, on top of other things such as:
Boosts are now gonna be more expensive
Raid mats are already crazy expensive and are going to go even more so - ATM a stack of Dreamfoil is around 20g on my server which is nuts. Can’t wait to have this doubled because of dungeon/raid lockouts affecting jump runs.
Scouting for rares and/or specific item farms in dungeons become impossible since this shares CD with Raids. You do 30 runs for SGC and/or a few runs on alts to level them- “sorry boys can’t come to MC today, seems I hit my dungeon cap???” Who though this was a good idea?
You now specifically need addons to track how many instances you’ve entered which previously was not needed?
This does nothing to stop open world bots OR dungeon grinding bots for that matter as they have multiple accounts and can easily continue farming on them.

This change only affects people who prefer to solo farm their mats/consumes…

Make this a CHARACTER restriction NOT ACCOUNT wide one. 30 resets across all characters effectively gimps everyone who has alts on the same server.