Ok I might trust you on this one seeing as you actually play that mode at a high level. But from a perspective of someone who doesn’t know what they are doing these duration don’t really seem fine, I mean locking you out for what 4-5+ seconds (depending of the type of CC) and then chaining them isn’t really fun for people just starting to get into it.
Im aware your a healer lol.
However early on into DF launch the walls of texts from healers imply it was alot more then what u simply state lol.
Theres a reason why venruki and more are posting in regards to this lol, and they arent saying its MMR causing all the issues.
For clarification, are you talking about arena or battlegrounds here?
Because it’s much more manageable in arena.
Only Rogues and Monks have a long duration, physical stun.
Other stuns are either shorter, or can be removed by your healer - HoJ for example.
CC can feel overwhelming if nobody in your team knows how to respond, so I get why it’s frustrating at lower levels.
But as your climb and start playing with people who understand their toolkit, you see that there are plenty of options to deal with CC on yourself and on your team mates.
You said “lol” once per paragraph. I’m glad you’re enjoying the discussion so much.
That probably explains it. But again don’t you think this is an issue if your enjoyment of the game varies depending if another person knows how to respond or doesn’t? Like I said PvP is probably fine at higher rating ad when you are past the learning curve but for someone trying to get into it fresh it really puts you off very quickly. There is no initial hook is what I am trying to say.
This is only an issue for someone who tries to jump straight into arena as their first PvP experience.
They will get destroyed over and over again and it’s not going to be fun.
Even I didn’t play arena at all, for years. I was always a PvP players, but for a long time, all I was doing was random BGs and duels outside Orgrimmar.
Arena is extremely competitive.
The only thing that could be changed is to make sure that new players are introduced to PvP via random BGs - which is a much more stress free environment.
But there is a huge leap between arenas and BGs when it comes to gameplay and expectations. Also imo that is big barrier to entry. Take PvE for example if you want to do dungeons you can just go do dungeons and if you like raiding you can just to that. Now you are saying that for me to enjoy Arena I should go an do BGs and/or duels in front of a capital for a few years (obv exagarating) and then come back? I mean if it’s really that way, maybe that is why PvP isn’t as popular anymore.
Oh and seeing as we are talking about PvP, is it true that they are introducing solo que for RBGs?
Of course not to that extent, but most games have tutorials.
Take a game like an RTS. Age of Empires, or StarCraft. If I were to introduce someone to these games, I’d suggest that they start with the campaign or matches against the AI before they jump straight into the ladder.
At the end of the day, complex games are complex. You can’t expect to pick up WoW arena and perform immediately like you would in League of Legends for example.
It’s mostly because Blizzard don’t care.
Make me lead designer and I can revive PvP in less than 3 years, starting with this: New Feature ⚔️ The Coliseum
Yes. This will be big for casual players who’re interested in ranked PvP, by the way.
This is the kind of transition between “casual BGs” and “hardcore arena” that we need.
I’m sure this game mode will be very popular, and will help people to get good enough for arena not to be as traumatizing.
Naaaah. Duration is too long for this kind of damage we’re seeing this season. People’s HP either needs to be tripled or CC needs to be toned down if this is the damage that’s going to be in place.
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