First of all nice to meet you! I am very new here and just started last week or so with a new character, blood elf paladin! Since I am new I would have few questions to address and hope this is the right place, if not my apologies in advance.
What is the best way to lvl up? By doing quests right? I want to enjoy the story but also want to optimize the exp while I play since I don’t have plenty of time.
other question, I built this character in one Italian server for new player but it is not very populated. I am Italian (living abroad though) and though could be a good idea but i was probably wrong? The thing is that i tried to create a character in an English server but when I look for a guild i just find guilds from Czech Republic, where I have been living for some time now but funny enough I dont speak the language well… So is there the chance that I start in an English server and end up with people from US? I can speak English and definitely can be a guild mate…
Last question, would you play and focus on only 1 character or more?
Ultimately please feel free to share any advice that you would give to your noobest friend…
the BEST way is to do quests and follow the story but its not the fastest
you can play and focus on only one character since youre new theres ahellofalot of stuff to do explore collect etc but you might find yourself wanting to play other classes too to see what theyre like - nothing wrong with either
You will find foreign speaking guilds on any server, that’s not an exception for english servers though their numbers might be few there.
Questing is the fastest way depending on your efficiency. Turning on WM gives you a nice xp buff and additional talents+ at the moment we also have a 15% xp buff from the WoW 15th Anni event so it’s a good time to level characters.
As to whether to only play 1 or more characters, that is entirely up to you x)
Play the game how you want to play it. I have this as my main and like 15-20 others characters bc i want to have 1 of each class and some of them i play regulary (not atm bc of essence grind).
I enjoy having variety and lots of other feel the same but i also know people who play 1 character only and thats perfectly fine too
The advice I’d give myself if I was new would be to take it slow and not focus so much on being max-level. Endgame isn’t going anywhere and you might aswel use this opportunity of newbism to really explore the game and immerse yourself in the world.
If I could start all over again I’d roll on a RP realm and try and find a well rounded guild that does a variety of things together. Or these days maybe a community or so. Also personally I’d try and stick to one character at first, but that’s just me.
Welcome to WoW! Listen to wise advice on this thread and do not hurry to max level. Do quests and explore. You also gain gold that way.
Serverwise US players are on US servers that are separate from EU servers. If you want server with mostly english speakers, pick one of the high populated ones marked as “english” (this only means support language and you will meet also pepole speaking other langugaes, but this is where most english speakers play). Silvermoon for alliance and Draenor for horde are examples.
Play and enjoy the game, follow questlines. You will find guild in some point. Meet new people, make friends and perhaps you find good guild that way.
What others have said here- take it slow and give time to try classes/ races . Questing to gain levels mixed with doing dungeons when they have quests is helpful.
Finding a guild can be a real benefit as you can ask questions. Don’t forget other resources like wowhead where many players have given useful hints about the content.
Being new to wow can be overwhelming as it’s so large but don’t be discouraged. You’ll soon find fun stuff. If u ever want to head over to argent dawn add me as a friend if u like.
Something completely different: when doing group-content, ignore anyone who is trying to be extremely negative (to say it nicely).
Some seem to enjoy calling others out for whatever reason, and being new can be one of those reasons. Do not, ever, let those get to you pick up from it what you want to, and ignore the rest of the message.
The best way to level up is currently combining questing while queuing up for dungeons. However as a new player you might want to experience some of the stories in the zones. There tends to be a natural progression with breadcrumb quests leading you into the next zone.
All English servers tend to have a mix of people from all over the place, there are obviously some language specific servers like Italian, German etc. Generally speaking Americans play on US servers which is a different region, you can’t play on US servers with an EU account, you’d have to buy the game and sub separately.
I would suggested wherever you go, you choose a busy realm with lots of your faction on it, this ensures there is a thriving AH and lots of guilds/players to interact with. You can get an idea of what servers are busy and what the Alliance/Horde split is on them by visiting sites like Real,m Pop - I find this site is also nice to get an indication of how active a server is -
You can play how you want to but I would recommend sticking with one. Many new players fall into the trap of creating many characters then not feeling they are really progressing and growing bored. It is far easier to concentrate on one. You may want to play around and find which class you like most. Then commit to it.
You can use class trials to see what some of the classes play like.
There is also a new and returning players section which can be found here, in case that helps
It includes this blue post (staff post in blue)
Levelling Guides
Whilst I prefer to stumble around in the world and explore there are various guides available should you prefer.
The best feeling in the world (for me) is when everything is new and unknown. Enjoy your journey
In EU, if you are new speaking English and playing Horde go Draenor, and if you are playing Alliance go Silvermoon.
There are some exceptions - for people who want role play, or will be playing very competitively in one area or another there may be reasons to choose a different realm, but those are the safe bets.
I also agree with the “take it slow” view. We regularly see people who boosted, and are lost and confused because they didn’t learn all the basics the game teaches you along the way, so what you gain in speed of level you may lose in time and enjoyment at the higher level.
Focus on one hero… There is plenty to do without using alts. Farming old reputations, mounts, pets, transmogs, recipes. I still have a lot in front of me despite having 70+ days /played on this hero.
You can make second for Alliance tho~
They have different quests, few unique toys and other stuff that you will not unlock or see by playing only one faction
Your decision depends on how you value your time vs. your money.
On one hand, I know that getting a character to level 40 means nothing to those of us who have played for years. I have low-level alts like that scattered across many realms. For us, it’s a Sunday afternoon trying out a new race/class. I wouldn’t pay money to avoid re-doing it.
On the other hand, I remember how precious my fist 20, 40, 60 levels were to me when I first started. I really WOULD NOT have sacrified those to start again on a different character.
The decision is yours. If the money is not a problem for you, you can realm transfer whenever you like. (Check if the name is taken; if it is, you can pick a new one.) If you’re not going to do that, it may be painful to leave your character behind, but less painful now than when you have it at 120. (You don’t have to delete your character when making a new one. You can have up to 50 characters, so no deletion necessary.)
There may be another option: level to 120 where you are, and then use your Boost you get with BfA to create a copy of that character on your new server. It is a waste of the boost, but it is not impossible.
in my case time is more valuable honestly and I believe if the character is above 30 doesn’t really worth it to re-do it… i will consider the transfer maybe later on:)