New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues)

The more I think about this and analyze this the more i’m convinced this is the best solution but blizzard are desperate to avoid it.

It seems quite obvious that most servers have poor to catastrophic faction imbalance, generally favouring horde. it is my hypothesis that Blizzard are desperately trying to mitgate this in a number of ways. The most obvious one is allowing faction transfers off the most imbalance to the larger faction. The idea that rather than a extreme problem on most servers there will be a moderate problem on all servers. I not even sure if that’s any better.

The other effort is bringing BG’s early, while I’d be forced to agree that will take some ganking wPvPers and place them in BGs. I’m fairly confident this won’t reslove the issue and rather than being out numbered ~10:1 it will be ~7:2 which is functionally the same.

A number of solutions have been put forward, however I don’t think any single one of them (excluding one) will reslove the issue and a combination of solutions, that would resolve this problem will change the game enough that “it’s not classic” and vex the #nochanges which have a lot of numbers.

To use an allegory

There’s this old riddle. You’ve got a Fox a Chicken and some grain and boat. Unless you are present the Fox will eat the Chicken and the Chicken will eat the grain. You need to cross a river in a boat but you can only fit one of the in the boat at each time.

The solution is to take the chicken first, leave it on the far side of the river. Then come back and pick up the Fox bring the fox over to the far side, then put the chicken back in the boat and leaving the fox on the far side. Then on the nearside take the Chicken out and load the grain in. Go back over to the far side and put the grain with the fox, then lastly come back and collect the chicken.

This is essentially the only solution and without changing the parameters of the puzzle there is no way solving the puzzle without the essentially “swap” journeys.

This is what the PvE server is to the PvP problem and all we are all doing is investigating methods that either revolve around getting a bigger boat, gag the fox etc etc (ie changing the game). We already have a solution there is just nothing else that we can do.

I’m sure others will suggest other “out of puzzle” solutions, all this does is demonstrate the way we have is the only way

Additionally I don’t agree this is “Blizzards fault”. Freedom of choice is freedom of choice even if said freedom is used to put yourself in poor situations.

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