New season when? We are all fully geared

Im not 638, but thats because i have taken a break from raiding/m+ as its toxic as hell and delvs are boring af.
I hope we wont get a 2nd season on 17th december as i do intend to go back then for the new content.

i mean,you can always come back when new season starts .if u have already completed your goals .there is no shame

Hopefully soon and with some massive m+ fixes. This is the first time in about a year and a half I haven’t played wow everyday and enjoyed it.

which m plus fixes? Every week is your push week =)
literal best m plus season without any bad affixes like sanguin/bolstering or any other torture

The uneven difficulty jumps per key level. The changes to stops being reverted. For starters.


I’m nowhere near fully geared because I got RNG’d to kingdom come. I cannot get myth track armor pieces, but I sure could get loads of trinkets and weapons. I think I’m at 6 trinkets or weapons with no armor piece in a row now.

This vault censured is way out of hand. I’ll so fed up with it.

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Every Season take 6 months later.
I’m still 600 ilevel+ and other alts same.
Since I’m casual player. I dont care raid’s mystic’s high ilevel

But, 10days later (18 Dec) 11.0.7. Will new things farm.
Like give our more times do things. Like we dont need wait for Season 2 come out.

Would be weird if your alt disagrees.

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These are not too bad actually. I enjoy +12 much more than 10s or 11s… only issue is doing it with randoms. This guy will not relate tho, he is a streamer in a mythic guild. He has people to play with if he wanted.

What? I have no idea what you are trying to say but my dude… you don’t need more time, you need a dictionary.

Disagree, the jump from 11 to 12 has put a lot of people off.

2 chest a lot of 11’s - go to 12 and get smashed. How is that a good progression system? It’s not.

Can I do 12’s? Probably well within my reach, but its just another layer of filtering chaff I cba with.

Yes, it’s significant but it’s not really changing much. I am still using the same “rotation” and CDs as if I would do a +10 but without outgearing it. On top you don’t need to deal with the affix, which is a big plus, especially with pugs who ignore it 9/10 runs anyway. Especially this week…

That’s the thing. Most people did not do +11s 2 chest before they started to outgear it like crazy. Now they got the gear but still never bothered to learn the mechanics properly, so they can faceroll 11s but not 12s. People who did 11s without outgearing those can also do 12s without communication. The issue right now is to find those people because the player pool is scuffed.

Of course you can, it’s super easy on tank and heal. DPS has the most work, which is also the problem since you can’t control them. As a healer you rarely need to heal more than 700k overall if the group plays properly. That’s basically nothing. We healed that in +4 already. Tanks are basically playing the same, just can’t ignore tankbusters anymore and have to actually use CDs. That’s it.

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This comment, much like most of your comments, match your Guild Name.

If you’re maxxed out, then take a break until the next patch arrives. You don’t have to stay subbed the whole time.

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Do you feel better now that it’s off your chest? :kissing_heart:

I didn’t feel bad in the first place.
How about you tho? Do you feel better? Did you stop crying? :slight_smile:

No, my tears are the size of your ego. Buhu…! :sob:

OP is approaching this from the wrong way, but he does have a point even if he doesn’t realize it.

The number of players who regularly clear 10+ and Mythic dif raids isn’t nearly as big as they themselves like to think, so for the vast majority of players in retail, ilvl 638 isn’t a realistic target ilvl for being “fully geared” - that would be ilvl 619.

And I bet a large portion (possibly even a majority) of current subs have at least 1 character that is at or close to being ilvl 619, so in a way, alot of players have at least 1 character who can be considered “fully geared” - and you don’t even have to “rush” the content to get this ilvl.
I was over a month late to the party and despite that (and basically only doing delves and weeklies at a relatively slow pace), I have 3 characters who are close to having 619 ilvl. (This Paladin is 618, my shaman and warlock are both 617.)

So yeah, in a way you could claim that “we” are all more or less fully geared, or about to be.
If the new seasons drops in late february (so almost 3 months away), that’s gonna be a long content drought for what is, essentially, a freshly dropped expansion. Not a good sign.

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How do you come to this conclusion? Why 619? People who do +10 regularly will reach 635+ ilvl. That’s the whole purpose of farming +10s in the first place.

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I thought i knew your typing tone Ðesperate, you can change char but still as toxic as ever trying to belittle other people’s views and making out you are some GamergodX

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Plus, it’s worth keeping in mind that it doesn’t get any better than the first Season in terms of volume of content and stuff to do.

This is the Season with 4 new zones and 10 levels to blast all one’s alts through. It’s the one Season that gets to piggyback ride off of the expansion’s box content.

The next Season will have one new zone. One. For six months.