New talents don't feel that good

copy the link then?

So when someone makes a build, he makes it from scratch, ok?
When someone else loads the link, there are 2 points put into Moonkin, that’s a bug with the calculator.
It’s irrelevant for my build.

Let me screenshot the build instead.

cant directly, forums dont allow it, just copy the link

Here is the link:
Here is the pic:

For the sake of everyone’s sanity.

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from TBC to wotlk we didn’t lose much we get new stuff better stuff and cringe stuff was change to feel better…
from WOTLK to cata it was the same thing more cool spells and more fun gameplay
from CATA to mop we get new talents to play with and all the cata talents were passives in spellbook
i don’t know what happend with WOD
but it was not always the case stop lying
we used to get stuff from blizzard to play with and have fun
nowdays they only take and instead of replace it with better they put it into talent trees because they think it’s the right way
imagine thinking that INTERUPT is COOL CHOICE
imagine that deffensive CD is the COOL choice or CHOICE at all
god damn blizzard brainwashed you all that think this is good what they are doing

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Also you probably have a short memory but we lost stuff going from BFA to SL as ret.
Can you remember what?

What are you losing now?
Have you even read above where i showed what is lost versus what is gained for the Feral spec?

And just to be clear, in the beginning they kept adding abilities because the toolkit was smaller in general, once they reached a certain number it became bloated and they needed to prune and sometimes replace abilities instead of simply adding.

Azerite Armor, Leghendary rng system, And even shadowlands beta. You know we have pretty conclusive evidence if we look at past expansions that blizzard doesnt learn from their mistakes.


That happened to druid with the Affinity changes. They basically rendered all of your forms useless and then gave you a choice to turn 1 back to normal. Thats bottomline - 2 forms usable.


You overestimate how many people know about resources like iceyvains in the first place. Besides Icyveins is for advanced casuals. If you actually care you sim talents. And I am pretty sure if we get more options we will find more tailored builds for different situations.

Having the ability to specc into 5% strength or 5% stamina for example seems dull but lets say a demonolgy wl could do something with it. Or you can specc into it to prevent a oneshot in m+. More options arent bad.

And even from a progression system point of vierw having a small thing to chose every level gives players a goal to aim for. Just like spell ranks did back in the day. It might not be aparent to players themselves why they played for example vanilla leveling more intensly. But there are good reasons. Crafting was important at all levels of play for example. Every few levels you’d get a new recipy.

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And I would disagree. While current talents dont force you to follow a path, you are simply unable to pick two from the same row.
In the new talent tree I am able to pick two bottom row talents even if they are on the opposite sides of the trees. A frost dk can play with both obliteration and breath of sindragosa if they would like which is currently using two pretty different builds.

I agree here, a lot of the passives are pretty boring. It’s stuff we have gotten as spell ranks over expansions, had we still had the old talent trees these would have been part of those.
I believe a few of these should be merged.
“Improved frost strike - increase frost strike damage by 10/20%”
Could just as well be merged with unleashed frenzy which makes FS give 1% str for 6 seconds up to 3 times. And Cold-blooded rage which makes FS crits have 5/10% chance to grant killing machine.

They have quite a few of these 2 and 3 point nodes that dont really change the talent just give a little more % chance or damage, but you also need to spend all points in it to progress past it.
I think these should be changed so each point adds something new.

Improved froststrike could just as well be 1/increase damage 2/increase strength for 6 sec up to 3 stacks/crits have a chance to grant killing machine. (would probably swap strength for increased crit instead since that has some synergy and affect game play slightly atleast.

And then remove the requirement to spend all points into that node to progress.
So you could just pick it to give extra damage and then go to the talent under it if you prefer.
The old talents weren’t this heavy in pathing so there you could just put a few points into a 5 point talent and then move on and it was fine.

Classes need to grow and improve again. A different version of shadowlands design ain´t gonna cut it at all.


What are we gaining is a better question. Seems to be nada, more than the opportunity to choose between existing abilities. No growth happening despite many classes and specs feeling stunted. Not good enough at all. Shame.

It´s not like classes in shadowlands feel complete and can´t improve or grow. Still a far cry away from the quality of MoP classes. They refuse to acknowledge the harm they did post MoP.

Mage is a disaster, so is warlock, for example. Missing so much of what made them fun years ago.

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I think you missed my post from earlier where i detailed what Feral spec gains and what it loses.

Here is the highlight:


Ok, that seems not so bad actually. A net gain, but I meant new abilities as well, as in abilities we haven´t seen before, or returning from past expansions - innovation and iteration.

Still if we see net gains and the return of abilities like deep freeze, cone of cold (all specs) and blazing speed to classes that are still missing much of their historic toolkit, mage as the example, then I will be happy.

Some classes are in a better state than others atm, and I hope blizz recognizes that.

It’s the first iteration of the talent tree… what they did was basically move and arrange what they had.
They’ll most likely add new stuff as well in future iterations during development.

Well for Cone of Cold, there is a high chance for it to end up in the Class tree… so all specs can get it, it’s one of the highlights of the DF trees. Maybe Blazing Speed too.
For Deep Freeze idk if they’ll get that back, cause Frost was pretty OP with that freeze.

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Stop it. Deep Freeze needs to come back. For all 3 specs. Shatter as well.

Over your dead body.

Over my subscription perhaps. If they are pleased with mage now they are flat out incompetent. Plays terribly and lacks tools.

I can almost guarantee we won´t see deep freeze or blazing speed. And that´s not ok.