I can guarantee this.
This has a chance to be high in the fire side of the class tree.
I can guarantee this.
This has a chance to be high in the fire side of the class tree.
Then they can f off. Deep freeze NEEDS to come back. What they have done to mage is an abomination, and no it won´t be more op than anything else. Mage wasn´t op in MoP. Everyone was good cause the toolkits were well developed.
Need is a very strong word… mage seems like it does good in pvp and pvp on at least one spec, so i doubt its going to get a stun back.
LOL LOL LOL. Does good? Frost and arcane are terrible, and fire needs a redesign of combust, which is the only way it does damage, therefore needing more control to compensate. All mage has is poly and damage now. Terrible design.
You know what it´s about fun foremost. Deep Freeze (with shatter) is freaking fun to use, as is blazing speed. Mage is far from fun atm. IT neesd more fun abilities and interactions.
Seems to be about middle of the pack and lower, so a dps buff could happen, not that it will, lots of specs are in that zone.
And for PVP RMP is all the rage.
They can probably make a Deep Freeze kinda mechanic for PVE i guess.
You are clueless. Who cares about dps? That´s a balance issue. And the game is much more than RMP for Gods sake. Can´t take away all mage tools cause rmp is strong. WTF. Game neeeds to be FUN. It´s not fun to get all your fun stuff removed. This goes for all classes.
That’s true… they have 3 classes to nerf there, not just mage.
Mage can get Deep Freeze once ret gets back Freedom breaking stuns.
Sure, I want all classes to have a lot of tools. MoP is peak wow class design without a doubt. Have freedom ever broken stuns?
In Wotlk, was really nice.
Don´t remember that, interesting. Long time ago now, can´t seem to confirm that via the internet. Ah found it, a talent called divine purpose in the ret tree. There we go, It was a thing.
That shows how dedicated I am, that I went and looked it up. I don´t just throw stuff around willy nilly. I thoroughly believe class design can improve a lot and mage stands to benefit massively by getting certain spells back.
Well with all 3 specs having spells to throw in the Class talent tree… they most certainly will have things to share between them.
Not necessarily when all 3 specs are pruned as it stands. We need spells to come back. Period.
You wanted Cone of Cold and Blazing Speed didn’t you?
Here… have them there to pick up with all specs if you want.
Blazing speed is not in the game right now.
Was just an example of what they can put there.
I am very afraid that they are super reluctant to bring back old spells. It will be covenant abilites, legendaries, conduits and some azerite traits and pvp talents.
They could also put in new stuff in the newer iterations… i’ll be surprised if they don’t, because they always put in a few new talents per expac.
Yeah it would be weird if there is nothing really new. I really really hope to be pleasantly surprised as we see the expansion take shape.
Please revive the game.