New talents don't feel that good

There used to be: baseline + talents + borrowed power. Now there will be small baseline + talent trees.
In every sense what of the word, it’s REPLACED by that.


Thank you, I don’t need you to explain me in 3 sentences what being wrong means.
The issue is, you’re wrong. Not me.

Exactly, so you missed out on quite a lot.

OUR CHARACTERS get prunned a lot of abilities and passives and struggle to attain fraction of it back.
That’s the fact.
And that feels bad.

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Fire Mage, lost:

Shatter - baseline
Deep Freeze - baseline
Well designed Combustion with stun - baseline
Cone of Cold - baseline
Ice Lance - baseline
Blizzard - baseline
real Alter Time - baseline
Evocation - baseline
Blazing Speed - talent
Pyroblast DoT that doesn´t break Dragon´s Breath - baseline
Counterspell silence - baseline
Frostjaw - talent
Cold Snap - baseline


Frostbolt - baseline
Phoenix Flame - baselien
Meteor - talent
New, lesser Alter Time, shorter cd, no offensive usage)
New Combustion (no stun, no set up required)
Covenant abilities
Conduits (one replacing Evocation Heal glyph)

That’s why it’s called Borrowed power and it’s going away next expac.

What you get in the trees to chose from is the new baseline.

Edited above.
Also, i find it hard to believe you didn’t get other spells in the meantime… don’t “forget” them.

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Apparently you do, because you still don’t get it. Or refuse to.
Whatever the case may be; you’re wrong. Factually. Not subjectively.
Deal with it. Bye.

The pyro dot now breaks dragon´s breath, it didn´t before. Very bad design.

You can´t deny we lost a lot, and I don´t give two sh’ts for your reasoning why those were removed.

MoP fire was amazing. Mage in general is incredibly gimped compared to MoP.

You seem to lack game knowledge. Don´t know what alter time did, or frostjaw? You didn´t play MoP?

We didn´t. Oh of course, forgot Phoenix Flame. Otherwise none.

That’s sad, should be resolved.

You probably forgot what you gained between the expacs too.
Mage is 4th spec overall in arena 3v3, they’re FAR from gimped.
Maybe you’re gimped?

I didn’t play MoP.
What did they do that was so special you keep crying about?

Hahahahaha. I mean it is gimped gameplay and tool wisaee, as well as fun wise. You didn´t even play MoP. You hve no reference points to when the game wasn´t a pruned, simplified mess. What do you think you are?

Classes had bigger toolkits and they all felt powerful in their own right. You had much more options in combat, made for a more varied and exciting combat experience. You are just throwing out pure bs, not knowing what you talk about.

None of those spells seem like it brings “fun and interesting” gameplay.
Most seem redundant.

If i did, i wouldn’t have asked what you had.
But i see you’re disingenuous and can’t even recognize what spells you gained from Mop to SL.

You are so wrong, they had a lot of interactions between them, shatter, deep freeze and alter time combined for epic gameplay moments, for example. Synergy, you know.

BS! I have listed them for Gods sake! You are just throwing out guesses. You are the one being disingenous. We have lost a lot more than we gained.

Dude… those spells right there, are about control/disrupting the opponent.

Deep Freeze - control
Well designed Combustion with stun - control
Cone of Cold - control
Counterspell silence - control
Frostjaw. - control

Mages have a crapton of control over an opponent, sounds excellent to me that they lost all that. Here’s to hoping Blizz keeps it that way.

Yes, there are a lot of control spells that are gone. Most classes had more cc and control in MoP. Believe it or not but fire mage was not considered OP in MoP. Cause it is all relative.

Those spells gave fire mage much depth and much fun gameplay.

They don´t, fire has some control, the other specs have even less. Without poly mages would have close to no control at all.

EITHER WAY. I have shown how we have lost a lot more than we have gained. You can´t deny that.

You didn’t even list the differences between talents, did you?

What? I listed what we had available to us and whether those were baseline or talents, what more do you want?

All of that is subjective. Doesn’t mean you can’t feel the way you do; of course you can.
But it also means that it’s not a universal problem. There’s plenty of people who feel differently.

Aha, we still have a smaller toolkit. That is factual.

Sure. But the effect that that has IS subjective.
Some people like having a smaller toolkit. It makes classes more unique.