News on older reputations implementation

Hello again,

Any news on this topic?


I wish this would come in sooner. So many things I could get with a true warband approach.


I’m very impatient. It’s one of their biggest and best moves in years but the delay is killing the hype. Still hopeful and adding a lil pressure so they know there’s a ton of people really waiting for this to go live.

They added new homescreens so that can be good news.

There’s a lot Warbands can “fix” or heavily improve in the current state of the game if they properly take the time to think about it and use it, not just as a newest expansions gimmick. A loooooooot can be done here.

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I would really like to know if and when they will implement the older ones (I know about some exceptions and that’s ok), just to be sure that I can forget about many reputations I have exalted on Starney but not on Murley (which is my current main and didn’t play as much on some older expansions).

Also for things like Timewalking tokens, knowing what I can ignore (because it will be maxed out anyway) and what I need to purchase.


Hello again, any updates? Nothing yet?

I’m nervous about what they’ll do here. I will be re-starting my efforts in the Insane title soon. I’m around 7k into Ravenholdt Revered, so I need another 14k or so.
I fully expect them to effop this legacy rep system so badly that it’ll break this title achievement, possibly forever.

I wish they’d given every faction a commendation letter for a few hundred gold each that let’s you buy Exalted rep on a Faction you’ve already farmed it on.
Rather than some massive system wide update which will have side effects and bugs and unforeseen consequences.

but but i like my ffxiv i am sitting at 260 million gil after 10 years


On these matters, where Blizzard are so vague, and where there’s nothing else that would enforce any kind of timeline, it’s likely one of those cases of: “When we get around to it.”

So you don’t need to check in daily for updates. That’s not the schedule this will operate with.

Think in years instead.

I really hope they don’t try to implement this. When my TW badge transfer failed the support response was essentially “we know there’s an issue, but we ain’t helping get your badges back”. The thought of all my max reps on my main being overwritten by random lower rep from alts fills me with horror.

For the record, problems happened last summer with reputations after the announcement occured, some careless background fiddling or something, one can only guess due to the silent treatment the whole thing ended up getting.

the solution? Grind em back. No restoration happened. Be careful what you wish for :smiley:

There are some issues that need to be first decided on paper how to solve, before looking at technical difficulties.

  • How do you handle the issue of an account where one character is Exalted with Scryers and 0/48000 Hated with Aldor, and another is the exact opposite?
  • How do you handle the issue of quests that are available only until a threshold and then become inaccessible for reputations that can drop?
  • How do you handle faction-specific reputations?

Easy :slight_smile: :

  • For the Scryers/Aldor and Frenzyheart/Oracles, you leave these reputations out of warband, ie player-based.
  • For faction specific reps, you have 2 options : 1) Convert the reputation to the opposite faction counterpart. 2) Not convert it, but keeping the original factions reputations if/whenever the character is switching factions.
  • For quests linked to a threshold, you can exclude them reputations as well from the warband.

But you understand that this means that out of 30+ reputations from Vanilla alone, this only leaves max 6 that can be Warbound: Cenarion Circle, Darkmoon Faire, Hydraxian Waterlords, Shen’dralar, Thorium Brotherhood, Zandalar Tribe. To the best of my knowledge, every other reputation has quests that are accessible only below certain thresholds. In fact I don’t remember if those 6 above do have quests that become inaccessible after some threshold!

This carries on in TBC and WoTLK too but with less reputations. It’s from Cataclysm onwards that Reputations got streamlined.

Well, if you don’t count the faction specific ones, I don’t think you’ll have 30+ left within Vanilla. Someone should write an accurate list of all reputations ingame and check the relevant quests, to be sure.
However, even if a lot of reputations of the first expansions are not warbound, we’ll see a significant change if only some of them are (e.g. the ones you mention
 but Shen’dralar and the original Zandalar are not available anymore). And if they convert to warband nearly all the ones from Cataclysm to Shadowlands (6 exp), that will add a lot.

I also forgot to mention, we have the option of going “At War” with almost every faction that isn’t Alliance/Horde. While it makes sense to be at war with one character and not with another from a roleplaying point of view, it works against the player if some characters are and some aren’t since each character would be undoing the work of the other.

I think there are some exceptions that will be left per character, but the majority should still be updated asap to be warband. This exception fixes a ton of probable errors.

I don’t think expecting this to arrive in years is a realistic expectation to have, at that point all the hype around the feature will be long dead and I hardly believe Blizzard even being snail slow is working with such timings on a feature.

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Hello again,

Any news on this topic?

The old topic is still going and i support your idea.

I’ll make it my life’s mission to remind them this is missed and that most want this more than SIMS lol.
I have a monthly reminder setup, this month’s just notified.

This is a TWW feature and I’m hoping to see it released before the expansion is over.
The wait is just getting so frustrating.

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They don’t read the forums and I doubt it’s high on their list right now but you do you.