Nah, the biggest issue was expecting 3000$ for it when it barely lived up to expectations and standards.
Wait, they actually went forward with that price point?
Jeez, iDiots really will pay anything to belong to that personality cult…or at least Apple apparently believes so
If only i had a car is all Sorry Alythena. Didn’t mean to ignore you. Got caught in a little exchange here.
That’s some what a good take. When it comes to design, designers have been circling around the idea to improve VR into glasses. Rayban for example partnered with Meta and created motion tracking classes, that help with certain daily tasks. However the technology isn’t still here, would be fun to say, that we invented the wheel again and chariots are rolling but no.
Bro, the reason could be human, but why specify it to only pretty ones?
See for yourself:
Because most consumers who use these type of devices such as Apple Vision Pro comes from business life. It’s tailored for them.
Cmon now we can all use vr if we want, lets not discriminate any groups out of it
In time we will but before we have tackled the problems that causes motion sickness or fatique, we can’t quite move forward. We need to do more research and durable designs that fits into normal daily scenarios and environment around us.
if VR was a clothing brand… the apple headset is like the gucchi headset for ritch people <.<
But the quest 2-3 are good headsets too. Just to start with. I am kind of a huge fan of the quest series. Making headsets affordable for us common people
Apple is known to be a luxury brand and the reason why Apple designs products in favor of this, is completely normal business move for the consumers.
- pricing
- image
- design
- targeted audience
Huge letters gucci over the vr headset
‘‘VR is not just VR… its a fashion statement… introducing the new apple 9000 headset’’
We are all worth it
maybe shes born with it… Maybe it’s Maybeline xD ‘‘Maybeline headset swirls on screen’’
Ahem I am so sorry… I ehm. Wanted a little light fun up in it all. It doesn’t all have too be super serious VR talk : p
Just don’t crap on VR unfounded if you haven’t even tried it <.< You might light it!
Wdym, its all super serious talk, are you telling me you were kidding me
… Okey so. Ahem
I suppose its time for a little re fresh of it all… What I care about and what I want is for more people to play and try VR.
I truly belive that one day. the next generation of mmo game that will challange wow will be a VR one… i do.
VR has not become mainstream yet and there is allot of reasons why that is.
But I believe that one day VR will become more common place and experienced by everyone.
We have a long way to go. Many years even. But yes call me stupid. But i do believe if we ever see a next gen mmo that ever takes a challenge to wow as far as experience goes? It will be a VR one.
I want vr mmo experience where the cam angle is in sky and I see my surroundings from birds eye