Next gen mmo will be in VR

its not mainstream gaming, headsets fail financially, games don’t sell well. its literally all over the net.

you fail to answer what I most want to know about… Do you own one? Have you tried it? What was your experience?

Like I am sorry but you sound like a doomsayer for no reason

You are trying to make it about me when its not. My personal experience (which wasn’t good) has no effect on the fact it failed globally.

I just don’t believe it has failed yet… far from it. It has been too expensive for a long time now and thats why I think it hasn’t become more mainstream yet.

As soon as the headset becomes more available too people and affordable. And common people can try it. It will become more mainstream.

Also younger gamers are growing up with VR now as the norm. I assure you. You haven’t seen the final battle of vr yet.

As long as you put it on your face it will never be popular, they couldn’t even make 3d films popular and they were simple glasses.

the graphics where a little crap though… Come on. Your debating in bad faith here and I can tell you dont own a vr or have tried it. When you literally compare a VR headset experience to be the same as wearing 3d carboard glasses

Now you are callig me a liar…? I’ve gamed since pong tried most everything.

You are a troll nothing more and vR has failed. .

Well I am sorry sir… But if you weren’t a liar you would have proved me wrong by now and told me what your VR experience is… So far it equals to nothing.

And you compared it to wearing 3d cardboard glasses from 2006. So thats already not looking very good.

The reason is pretty human, it’s exhausting to keep VR on your head for consequent hours and it fatiques you very easily and pricing is very complicated for the devices. We are going to see a flop of Apple Vision Pro, because of it doesn’t interest people enough because the flaw is itself in it’s design.

Reason why VR doesn’t pop of in a global scale is this.


You’re just deflecting and its sad.

I can say anything about my experience and you wouldn’t know if it was true or not, you can never change the fact that VR failed.

thank you thunderson… See? Dedanann? <.< thats how you do it

VR still failed…

You’re welcome.

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Think Credulon already answered this nicely

it failed…

Ooookey it failed xD i get it. Ooof.

Why the hate though. Or are you just trolling?

i don’t hate it… and it still failed.

Well I am playing it… and I don’t find it too heavy or clunky… I stopped getting motion sickness too.

I also didn’t get one until now because the price was too steep. So having all these experiences. How am i supposed to believe your anything else but a negative doomsayer?

I still think the reason it isn’t mainstream is the price and availability. Saying it has failed even before common people can even access it?

You can try to battle your motion sickness on a balance board if that comes into picture by using VR headset, varies by the device you are using but that should work definitely. Aim also to have rested eyes when you are using VR devices, mostly Apple Vision Pro for example was designed in a mind to offer some entertainment while travelling long distances by a plane or train. VR headsets aren’t be suitable to use in public, in traffic for example.

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The biggest issue with AVPRo is that its an apple product and many have sworn off the iCult ages ago. It will see niche adoption, but that´s about it.

The assumption about the headgear being cumbersome is already tenuous and most modern headsets weigh little more than a slightly older wireless headset such as a Patriot Viper.

However, it also straight up ignores the fact that further technological progression also enables reductions in size and weight… Otherwise your smartphone would take up 100s of sqM of space, just like the Cray-2 supercomputers we used to send men to space in the 80s, that pale in comparison to the computing power of even teh most basic modern mobile phone.

There is nothing but time standing in the way of a vr headset being as small and light as a pair of reading glasses and earbuds.