I think i get the picture of what you want. Like a vr mmo but in third person. Kinda like a 360 youtube video?
It kinda defeats the purpose of vr if its not from the eyes of character, could be from hunter pets birds eyes from sky I guess. Like on films where they see from the eyes of crow
TBH, as full of themselves as Apple sometimes seems to be, I´m slightly surprised that the lenses don´t have apples etched on teh inside of the glass
FullImmersionVR, druid in flight form… flap for your life
Have fun in Mount form when some tauren is the passenger if you have haptic feedback activated
correction. I didn’t get what you wanted at all xD
Im just playing with ideas of mmos made from first person pov, traditionally mmos are 3rd person view and it helps see surroundings more easily but if all are stuck on same first person view then all are on same disadvantage ofc so its + - 0 in terms of pvp
Im gonna be fully, 100% honest here :
When VR becomes staple in the adult entertainment industry, then you can say its ready for all other applications.
But intill then, there is CLEARLY something that dosent work. So if you want answers ask the appropriate questions.
Why do people not use it in their “private time”.
One I could think of that could get tedious in mmo type setting if the game has a lot grind like wow. Imagine farming ore for 4 hours swing pick axe with vr controls. That would feel like literal work I imagine
Well as an entertainment system I think its pretty great. You can watch a cinema screen from the comfort of your own couch… You can meet up and talk to people virtually from your own couch etc…
What more could the adult entertainment industry ask for? As far as entertainment goes adults and young ones alike… this is something next level to experience entertainment as.
And no it is not the same as when you wore cardboard 3d glasses to watch spykids back in the 2000’s and… No the meta quest 3 at least? Is barely noticable as far as weight on your forehead goes.
I feel like still the reason it hasn’t taken off is all the bad misconceptions about how its like… And the steep price…
If your an avrage joe and you hear Skullfox recommend you VR headsets… But you also hear about how expensive it is… And all the doom sayers telling you. Your going to puke your intestense out and fall into a black hole of motion sickness xD ofc your not gonna buy it or try it.
But I simply don’t believe these things are the case…
Yes the price is steep. yes some people get bad cases of motion sickness. But it isn’t the norm or a given it will happen to you.
I dont know.
But for the record I am refering to the “nasty” side of entertainment. Not generally.
But if I had to make an educated guess, it would be this:
Price is not one of them. People spend a lot of money on that.
Shame is not it ether, because how much more shamefull can it get than kinks.
Availability of compatible content that interacts with it ? Maybe. So maybe you got your answer there. Its too expensive to create content that is VR compatible.
As for watching TV with VR. Its not special. Nobody will buy it. What is special of VR is that if you move your head, the image moves with you. THAT is what is special.
And there is no content that creates that. Its too expensive to make. And even WoW might “look like” its appropriate, but it isent. Playing a dungeon with a device that moves your camera each time you move your head is horrible !
So there. Food for thought.
I am not sure I am following… So if we got more ahem… ‘‘nasty’’ content on Vr it would appeal to the adult industry more?<.<
He´s likely thinking of the 80s where the Victory of VHS over Betamax was driven by beta not allowing the adult industry to produce tapes for their format, which gave VHS the easy win.
And there´s definitely something to be said fort that line of thinking… However, VR “corn” already exists, but it is platform agnostic, doesn’t matter if you´re using oculus, steamvr or Quest… therefore a similar scenario where one platform´s adoption by the adult industry drives it´s victory is somewhat unlikely.
Resident Evil 7/Village and Half-Life: Alyx seem to work pretty well in VR according to player reviews.
HL:Alyx with SteamVR is a must-experience game IMHO… It works with other platforms, but you can really tell in places that is was designed in part around the single finger articulation that at the time only SteamVR had.
2 games is not enough though…
Last statistic i read years ago sais that adult content (or spicy content) is 30% of the internet and holds one of the biggest shares of trafic.
Its something deep down everyone does. And if its adopted there, its adopted everywhere.
Like AI with stable diffusion. Making art and stuff is fine… But where the $$$ is its with adult content. And that catapulted the technology from an interesting gadet to full blown revolutionary.
Same with VR. If all of a sudden 30% of the internet works on VR, everything else will follow. TV, Youtube, games, desktops… Everything…
So my question is why hasent it worked yet there?
Boldly? Human anatomy and physics, it’s tied to our brain getting information what our eyes see that causes motion sickness.
okey both of you… I wont quote and make a massive wall but first off…
I think for now VR should aim for etertainment and gaming… and ‘‘nasty’’ stuff is not really the first priority I am sorry <.< as fun as that sounds. I don’t believe every problem VR has will be solved and it will soar in popularity that way… Thats also not a direction I want the VR verse to be used for…
As for motion sickness… I feel like this is a scarecrow that just gets used on the regular to scare people off from ever trying VR and finding out.
Motion sickness happens. But its not a granted given it happens to everyone. Or as bad as all the horror stories want to make you believe.
You hear the worst case stories the loudest.
Aye. For ex. roughly half the people in our studio had issues the first time they tried one, simply because the initial sensation is new and unusual and the brain needs to learn how to process it correctly which takes a bit of time. I wasn´t moption sick per se, but defintely felt a bit wierded out and almost “high” the first time I played BulletproofVR. About 2 hours later I was John Effing Wick
Currently the only one still suffering from it is our CEO, but he also avoids airplanes like the plague and can´t even ridea as passenger in a car without getting queasy. 125/250 initially, 1/250 after getting used to it
Of course I felt the motion sickness too… But I am already getting tired of people who tried it like once and now want to condem VR to the abyss like the motion sickness was the black plague or something.
I felt it too. It lasted for like a few days and then I got used too it. People hear the ‘‘horror stories’’ and believe everyone who do VR pukes their insides out. It is just not the case. And its getting old really fast hearing about it all the time
Rule34… its not up to you. And you know it will happen.
Im just being realistic here.
Also, for the record I am not advocating for VR to be used for that. I am simply pointing out that if VR had all its issues ironed out, it would already be used years in advance in that industry.
Im just saying the same thing but in reverse.
That can also be trained. One can get used to it. IMO its a non issue for me.
Its like walking while looking at the phone. People got used to not bumping into things.
lets… let the kids of the today grow up with vr… Without us adult tainting it with adult stuff. At least for now… Don’t you agree?
Rule 34 can wait.