Speaking of which, I can´t remember whether it was a YT vid by some talking head or an actual article, but despite attempting to curtail Overwatch Rule 34 for years, Blizzard is apparently also not so happy at no longer being number 1, but I wasn´t paying enough attention to remember which game it´s ben supplanted by… I want to say PoE2, but I think that´s more recent than the video was…
But, just so typical, not necessarily of Blizzard, but just humans in general “We don’t want to be a part of this!” “Wait, what? we´re not #1 anymore?”
Well my luck went as expected… My headset cant connect to air link- nor the link cable xD I swear I have a curse on me or something. No new tech i buy -ever- works literally ever
Secondly it takes room to set that yhing and that is the second thing that limits its user base.
Thirdly for me personally only VR i would use is Star Trek holodeck current day VR set is too cumbersome and i do not want to wear crap like that and most of all it just does not look fun at all to wear that thing.
The internet is nothing more or less than the grand aggregate of nearly every human and their cultural behaviour, mostly sans speech laws.
The internet often points out the differences in maturity and what each culture considers acceptable, and to many this can seem very toxic because they’re used to people being polite and kind, but of course that can often require understanding what that means.
For example in China it’s not at all impolite to call people fat, but it is impolite to point at people with your eating utensils. Nobody bats an eye in the west of you accidentally point your fork at someone.
We would scoff at people living with their parents and insult people for it, but in many parts of the world it’s considered impolite or even heinous to leave your parent’s home.
As for neuralink - at the moment it’s definitely to permanent, but if it’s more casual I don’t see a problem. It can be used for entertainment just as a flight simulator can be a game, even if its original purpose was something different. The headphones can be both a way to aid hearing and allow us to listen to music.
Neuralink and similar technologies also have the strange property of potentially allowing telepathy. We will all be Protoss.
But I’m not too worried about it. As long as there’s adequate safety so we don’t get a Dr. Octopus situation going on, I think it’ll be perfectly fine.
So? its still useless expense that i have no interest spending my money.
Yea… Its real fun to play with VR in a 1 square meter box.
No because those things still cost too much for so small usage. I am not gonna pay 350€+ for a gimmick that none of the game that i play even uses it
And its still not holodeck where i can actually feel i am there smell, touch things and not have worry that i run blindly into a wall.
Interestingly enough I wasn’t aiming at that, even tho I’m sure it might complicate things further
I grew up without internet. It only came when I was considered ‘somewhat mature’. From my perspective I’d say it has led to quite a few mental health issues that obviously existed before, but on a smaller scale. The internet did not cause them, but it did create circumstances where they could expand unopposed. The sad thing to me is, younger people who grew up that way can’t imagine it was different. And yet it was.
It’s a wide range of issues, the polarising nature of online communication definitely one of them. Insecurities fed by social media. Addictions actively played into and triggered. Manipulation. On a more philosophical level the concept of contentment vs satisfaction. This is a human conundrum, and existed waaaay before the internet. But it has boomed in unexpected ways. I do think Neuralink and similar technology can, and maybe will, take us for an even more self destructive ride there. Our addictions line pockets. And if there is the promise of self improvement, we may not even see it coming.
I’m not terribly worried and fighting progress. It’s more a ‘We’ll see when we get there’ kind of attitude I have. But yes, it is a concern for me.
That’s why you set up “Boundaries” with the Quest headset, so the device tracks your spatial position.
As soon as you approach the edge of that boundary, the game pauses, pass-through view is enabled and the boundary appears on screen.
Like it’s impossible to run into a wall when you configure your headset properly.
I was a kid in the 1990’s, and while the internet existed, it was my dad who was on it. I had no business being on the internet with my MS DOS 6.2 PC (I skipped the 9x series completely! I know, crazy.)
It wasn’t until 2001 that I really came online for the first time, and for me it was a massive liberation - WoW in late 2003 more so than any other, which is why it is almost impossible for Blizzard to chase me off the darn thing.
Now, the take’s about to get rather hot, so… trigger warning?
In my case, I swear to God, it was my classmates who were mentally ill (or at least close), not the people on the internet. I realized this as soon as I left the school and got into high school.
Actually, you know what - not gonna do it. You can ask me outside the forum if you want - posting this stuff is definitely bannable. There’re some truly sick things that happened to me in my past, let me assure you.
The internet allows you to leave your local community in spirit, even at a very young age and allows you to get a lot of on demand entertainment. That’s what it actually does. This means you’re more likely to find like-minded people - you’ll get affirmed a lot more, and whether that’s good or bad depends on your circumstances. Things that we would normally seek to correct get affirmed and things get out of hand.
This affirmation is of course part of the reason for the polarization. First you have a bunch of people affirming each other, and then they leave their bubble, they will collide in epic clashes of opinion.
Addictions are of course a problem, but our parents and their parents were also addicted to all sorts of crazy things we consider illegal today. They have no right to tell us we’re all mentally ill merely for talking to people far outside our communities as far as I’m concerned. We’ll find out what works and what doesn’t and we’ll advance, just as we found out arsenic was bad.
I, personally, think that the internet and a lingua franca has allowed almost the entire world’s citizenry to communicate, and now war is a much more negative prospect than ever before, and I think this shows in the amount of wars and, more interestingly, where they take place. War and lack of uncensored internet access are very tightly linked.
I fully agree with your positive outlook on it, in that sense I don’t regret it at all. But imho it can be both, it can be great, and terrible, at the same time, depending on perspective. And both are part of our reality the way I see it. In that sense I do celebrate the progress, and yet am concerned about (hopefully) unintended side effects which may bite us in the butt
And I’m sorry you had such a horrid time. I understand finding likeminded people with no such cruelty helped tremendously.
I’m not sure WoW (or similar game) is well suited to VR.
A rogue doing his best Melee work on the backside of a raid boss will just have a face full of butt…
I can see how First Person Shooters will be very suitable for VR.
Perhaps Driving games too as well as other genres.
It will be the disadvantage of first person pov but it will also be same for all, and guides to these raid bosses will be still there and just play with addons and timers
Oh another person being done in advertising lies.
There is no VR. What you got is an uncomfortable pair of screens on your face that you are being told is VR cause it roughly simulates depth perception.
None of this is conductive to good gaming.
Bring us the Holo deck or some sleep SAO like thing and we can talk about VR being a thing rather than a fad. Until then… no chance bud. Screen on your face does not VR make. It’s just a screen on your face.
Took me a whole day of work and hassle but was finally able to make things work in the end… Turns out it was just my anti virus not trusting my headset device all along -.- Lmao
Each to their own… I just flat out disagree with that is all. I am having a blast so far. And I really find the comfort complaints to be really over exaggerated compared to my own experience so far at least.