VR buddy, no vase is safe
I have no idea how the airlink works. Or if it even works on my pc. I assume that it doesn’t? Since my computer station has no WIFI connection. It only works trough internett cable.
Also the guy at the store said my cable is made of fiber glass and that it has the least latency of them all
I am already worrying about flinging the controller trough my tv screen as is The ribbon around my wrist is tight. To say the least
I explained that to you before, your PC and headset just need to be in the same network, so if they both connect to the same router, you’re normally fine:
- Install the Oculus/Meta app on your PC
- Activate Airlink in your Headset
- Should see you computer
- Pair it
The device will be nightmare as gaming device for any who hate exercising, imagine winter olympics skiing or something. Thats a full body workout right there
okey thanks but… Is there really no benefit to the fiber super glass cable? Did i just waste 1k kroners?
Dude tell me about it… On this site https://heyvr.io/ there is this free beat saber game you can try. And oh my god… That stuff is exhausting xD I never took people seriously saying you could actually get a work out in with vr before. But I was very… -very- wrong
I think exercising may get much more fun in the future. Instead of staring at a wall while doing your cardio, you’re going somewhere! Enjoying the views woo! I may finally hit a gym then
The only benefit over using the cable is that your headset will keep charging.
Outside that, there’s no benefit to using the cable.
Aye, any video Ive seen of vr games people are going full ham on the immersion and moving their whole body. Few hours of that and thats a full body exercise either they want it or not
We can just buy some star wars lightsaber fencing vr game or some medieval dueling game and get the cardio playing video game
My daughter and I would thoroughly enjoy that. We’ll need a bigger living room tho
I will start investing in vases once vr gets popular
Yay I am not crying I promise.
(But too be fair that is still a benefit worth it somewhat. Since the quest 3 runs out of batery within 2 hours)
2 hours ?
damn, and I’m complaining my Quest2 doesn’t last 4 hours.
yeah it runs out of battery really fast… I am worried I have fried the battery or something? Since I used it right away. But Niko tells me that only happens to old tech.
But i do want to play stuff for more than 2 hours. So the cable wasn’t a complete waste. Just wish i had bought a cheaper version tho
Too add insult too injury I got raided by seagulls today outside Mc donalds xD twice! I really wanted a double cheeseburger… and they literally landed on my head and everything.
I went to a second mc donalds a little further away from the harbor <.< but nope… At this point I got just angry and bought a hot dog and hid under a roof to eat in peace
no 2 hours sounds about right for the power of the device, especially compared to the Quest2
Ahh phew… Thats a relief
I’m curious where it’ll end up going yeah. I’m very happy for those who are paralysed and such, the research and tests they’re doing with it are amazing, and it’ll no doubt get further refined.
I’m also slightly worried tho. The internet itself is such an interesting example of consequences we could not foresee 25 years ago, and in a way with something that’s literally in your brain I feel the potential for ‘unforeseen results, whoopsie’ is even bigger. Not so much the tech itself, but… people being people.
Wait what they stole your double cheeseburger?
Twice! I got salty and went to a second mc donalds to buy a new one further away, And the Skyrats stole that one too!
I have been denied my doublecheese burger joy today by the skies. And I shall have my double cheese burger!
Naturally this means war! There is no question. Skullfox is at war with the Seagul nation!
Not to make fun of this, because I´m the same way…mess with my cheeburger and we have a problem, don´t care what species our are, you just booked a one way ticket to pain
But when you´re listening to Venjent and hear “Seagulls stealing all my fish and chips”,and then read this 5 seconds later, you just cant help but burst out laughing