Next gen mmo will be in VR


It’s okey. You can laugh, It’s funny.

But being angry and finding something hilarious at the same time is a new feeling for me :sweat_smile:

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VR has failed

rivetting contribution.
Amazing source and backuped by facts.

11/10 would debate again.

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its a fact cureenlty VR gaming is dead.

damn, must be playing dead games then with dead people online.

oh, so your one of those who takes everything literally
 okay it’s not relevant in the gaming world and won’t be as long as you need eyewear.

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I just
 dissagree. But I may be biased. But VR i truly believe is the next level compared to what we have now. Too experience games.

I think VR faces allot of hurdles and walls in the road for sure. But just because something doesn’t become mainstream and huge on arrival means its a failure

Mind you mmo games existed long before world of warcraft made it a mainstream genre of gaming.

That was essentially the downfall of 3D films/tv

You can think what you like it won’t change it. I think Fortnite is a mindless piece of junk but millions play it.

I think VR just has allot of bad conceptions about it
 Horror stories told around the campfire. Worst case scenario stories people apperently believe is the norm for everyone.

‘‘If you play VR this will happend too you or that
 You will get motion sickness and die. The headset is too heavy and clunky’’ While none of those are necessarily true.

I don’t even notice my quest 3 on my head when I am in game for example. Its very light. And I don’t get -that- motion sick its a deal breaker either. And I think thats the case for most VR players.

Don’t listen to the horror stories and believe they are a certain must happen fact for everyone.

My motion sickness passed away after a few days of playing.

or maybe its just a bad idea

I mean I am all ears to hear it. But I haven’t seen any more compelling arguements as to why that actually finds its self in reality.

Here is the thing
 I have a headset. and have actually tried it. and speak from experience. So far? You don’t

Please tell me how you know i haven’t tried it
 this I want to see.

shoulda got 2 euro double cheeseburger and 2 euro 4 nuggets with no mayo, from drive through and eaten in safety of car. 4 euro quick snack with no seagulls attach :dracthyr_hehe: :+1:

I don’t. But I can assume you haven’t since your making such massive claims with nothing to back it up.

If you had tried it. Or owned one your self. You would of had more to back up what your saying beyond just blind statements and opinions with no backbone.

You assumed wrong
 mayabe think before you post.

maybe assume less when you make your posts. And back them up more. And people wont do it in return.

You are the one who made the assumption, i don’t need to back up my post, the failure in sales and the lack of it in mainstream gaming says it all.

Says it all huh? You sure it’s got nothing to do with how expensive it is? With the addition to having to own a gaming computer ontop first might be a hurdle?

You made the assumption saying VR has failed with literally nothing to back it up. Even now you can’t even tell me how your own experience was like?