NFT gaming WoW

I quoted you because you were speaking about it with (what you believed was) authority.

I watched the vid for completeness. All it does it bandy about terms like “dollar cost averaging” and “fractionaliaztion” and doesn’t actually explain anything. I mean, if the price is going up you’re all geniuses aren’t you. Until they don’t…

The closest he came to shedding light on anything was “if people perceive something to have value then it does”. Which is more about psychology and herd mentality than investing.

In short, on the topic of the thread, NFT’s won’t add anything to the game for players and you’re as clueless as the average person in a cave when it comes to what bitcoin / blockchains are about.

Thanks for confirming my hunch.


It is very sad if you only get from video “DCA”, “fractionalization” and price go up for ever - that is surface of Bitcoin. Use case is something totally different. That is why you dont understand when you say “Until they don’t…” Bitcoin is here from 2009 and it is here to stay for many many years. Price was less then 0.01$. It is still here and it is here to change things for better. Problem are only people like you that don’t wanna understand the benfits of decentralization, and get off fiat standard. If you got savings account in bank, then i get it why you don’t understand anything about economics in the first place, that is why you hardly get Bitcoin.

If something have use case, you can’t say it has no value. Price of Bitcoin is irelevant. It can be $1 or it can be $10m. Price is going up because it is perfect hedge (but not only that it is decentralized, permissionless payment system, blockchain technology etc…) against inflation. That is why we have mass adoption in the world, except China (we all know it is closed world), but people easily use BTC in China - government cant do sht.

Back to topic. NFT will benefit Blizzard cross game ecosystem greatly. It is only a matter of time when they add NFT’s. If they don’t do that and adapt, they will slowly fade away like Nokia did.

Time is money friend.

Once again, how do NFT’s add to the player experience? How will it benefit the game? You’ve made a thread about it but just spouted buzzwords with no appreciation of what they mean in the world. Could you translate “benefitting the cross game ecosystem” into English from bull :poop: ?

And what does a mobile phone maker have to do with this? You may as well talk about typewriters or whale oil lamps, they are just as relevant as your example. ie not at all.


By the way, he’s wrong af.

He literally said that crypto is a hedge against inflation, while in reality it’s the most speculative and least stable asset, which swings far above and below inflation.

It’s literally the contrary, it just goes to show that he doesn’t understand nothing about economics himself, he is the average dude who is on the top of mount stupid. Literally Dunning Krueger.

As i understand he also implied that the price can go up basically infinitely, and i’m like, how do i even react to such a level of utter lack of knowledge.

Just to be sure people actually understand: Value is subjective, but value is also based on a certain utility that something provides, prices does not just go up because whatever. For example, why does a doctor get paid well? A couple of reasons, 1: It’s highly specialized and not a lot of people can become doctors, because it’s not easy, it’s stressful, and requires high degrees of personal responsibility.

2: It’s a highly valued job because it provides a service that can literally save lives.

Compare that to a low wage job like cashier, it’s low wage because it’s easy to do, does not require any specialization or high degrees of knowledge, and that’s why it’s low wage.

Now, if you take crypto into consideration, how does it make sense that some are valued up to 60k, other a few cents, when they provide basically the same service, companies generally make their own as opposed to using bitcoin or other… and no one really accepts crypto, and instead wants you to first convert it into something else, how does it make sense that some of these coins have such high value? It doesn’t, because it’s an effin bubble.

End of story. But i guess it hasn’t popped yet, look it’s going up! I guess it’s not a bubble, said everyone in every bubble ever.

And in the end you are investing in something that does not actually generate value for the world, it doesn’t create new jobs, it doesn’t do anything, aside using a lot of energy. But blockchain and digital money, and fungibility!

It doesn’t matter, the fundamentals are that it’s a worthless token attached to a ledger, has no intrinsic value, pretty much anyone can do it with a few thousand dollars, it cannot be used for anything aside speculation, and conversion into something actually usable, if the government were ever to make their own all others would be outlawed, and you would be left with 'money" that you cannot use, as converting it would make the transaction trackable, it’s like saying i have a million dollars in gold, but i cannot use them because the government will seize it, so i have to hide it underground.

Those are the fundamentals.


We don’t want to buy into the scam you’ve invested into, so you feel less scammed, Thanks. I know you want Blizzard invested so your little numbers game goes up so you feel safer but it’s not going to happen. Give it up. Sell sell sell, ASAP. Get out of that mess.

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You can also use them to pay hackers who encrypted all of your computer files or have blackmail material of you that they could share with your family and coworkers! Cryptocurrencies are great and their use has only ever led to good things.


using meme money to pay for wow sub

I don’t know weather to be impressed or scared.

I’m not gonna hold that against it, as you can use money as payment also.

But the fact alone that it’s a currency but you are supposed to hold and watch it go up is already completely bollocks.

A currency is something you use to exchange for goods and services, a currency that you are supposed to hold and wait for it to go up in value is the antithesis of what a currency is about.

Something that you buy and wait for it to go up in value is an investment, or a speculative asset in this case, not a currency.

Imagine holding euros or dollars for 20 years because it’s gonna go up in value, you would say that it’s dumb, because you use money to buy goods and services, or to invest into companies which are gonna use that money to guess what? Buy goods to increase production, hire people, etc… They don’t hoard that money, they do something productive with it. Otherwise the value of the company would never go up, and people would not invest, because why would you give money to someone just so they can hoard it?

But that’s exactly what they say about crypto, and they are all like, yep, makes sense to me!

Yea, if you bought at the beginning you would have become a millionaire, but that does not mean it’s not a bubble, you can profit massively from it, but it’s dangerous, and in this case it’s not actually productive.

It’s quite literally redistribution of wealth, you hope that another suckers buys it off from you at a ever increasing price, but no actual value is generated, but maybe that’s what they think capitalism is, they think that capitalism is the rich hoarding money, and “stealing” from the poor, because everyone knows that capitalism is about redistribution of wealth, I mean that’s just common knowledge.

What capitalism is actually about private ownership, and competition, and allowing people to choose for themselves what they wanna do at their own expense or profit? Basically economical freedom? Nah, get out of here. It’s about redistributing wealth.

Yea, iv’e heard a couple of people saying this. No joke.

Remember VR…

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Haha, sorry guys but there is no hope for most of you. I will not try to explain to you 100 times until you get it. You get it or you don’t. If you can not use your imagination how can you use NFT to benefit cross game platform like Blizzard’s you lack of base knowledge of how crypto works.

It is like trying to make a dog understand math…

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You don’t haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. “hue hue fellows, listen to me! I know some buzzwords!”


Scroll up, i did gave examples. Rest is up to your “brain”.

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Blizzard will become Japan in world war 2.

Powerfull ride, tragic end!

Nft is a scam and i don’t want this game turn into a scam business model.

I fully understand how crypto works and what a block chain is but that still doesn’t make them anything but a get rich quick meme/scam.

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Do you remember the vgo scam? Unironically similar thing is happening atm. Some people did make money out of vgo but %90 just got scammed like any other scam business.

But blockchain, and fungibility!

So was vgo lmao :smiley:

In the end an nft is basically an image that should “prove” ownership of something, so for the sake of argument imagine that you buy an image of mars, and now, mars is yours…

Why wouldn’t i just buy the underlying asset?

It’s like buying a token that says you own 1 kg of silver, or gold etc… Why would i do that? I would just buy the gold or silver itself.

And how exactly do you want Blizzard to do whatever this NTF thing is about?