NFT gaming WoW

The thing is some banks sell those tokens or the correct word is certificates but when you bring that to the bank they will give you 1kg of gold or silver.
Nft is basically buying a overpriced randomly generated image which has no real value in real world.
And stupid people believe that it can become next btc or eth which is idiotic. Same thing happened years ago with different name the outcome won’t change. Those who invest in these bs never get smarter and always get scammed.

It can be much more then just an image, but again i think you can not penetrate that thought :wink:

Remember, not all is a scam. Are you saying Blizzard will rug pull ? :rofl:

An NFT(None Fungible Token) is basically a single instance of an image you own on the blockchain*. You pay money or cryptocurrency to buy one, typically at auction. basically OP wants to sell NFT’s to blizzard to pay for his wow sub.

*Blockchain is just a system that stops people copy pasting to generate more NFT’s in this context

No all of them are scam. Didn’t see any exception.
Same business model is happening again , you guys didn’t learn anything from the last scam.

Well, the “token” can in theory be anything, not just an image.
Like the “first tweet” becoming one.

I also kinda imagined NFTs in games taking the form of making a given skin or mount or whatever more “non fungible”.

Like f.ex. if Fortnite had their skins as NFTs, you could probably sell something that Ninja owned for a lot of money, because people want THE one that a famous person used, and it being in the blockchain basically would just certify that.

Inb4 top raiding guilds start selling NFTs of their world firsts

Or maybe the equipment they used in the WF kill

edit: you know, depending on how much NFT integration the game has.

Not bad. Anyone else?

A general rule of thumb is:

Do not buy a token that says you are entitled to something, rather, but the underlying asset, regardless of where it comes from, it could be the most trusted bank in the world, it’s still better to own the actual asset.

What would you rather have? A token that says, you own x amount of this, just trust me bro.

Or would you rather have the asset safe and secured inside your own safe?

Anyway, vlm, you do you, in the end the fundamentals do not change, you can sit here and hide behind your finger saying that it’s not just images. Does not matter. It’s still a bubble, just like crypto.

By the way, someone who actually gets it.

Josh is pretty clever.

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Yooo. Why do you use internet, programs, games etc? You can not lock them in your “safe”. Why do you think all that have value need to be physical?

Go back to your cave, and stay there.

Enjoy your digital beanie babies.

Look man, you don’t have a clue about how economics actually work. You are the one who needs to go back into your cave and actually learn how the economy works.


You can find a lot of videos about crypto that are clueless and will support you. Stay in your bubble.

I’m sure that when inflation is up, people are gonna be like, you know what i need right now?

Digital tokens and pictures. And pay crazy prices for it.

Why do people get into crypto? So they can sell it later for even a higher price, so is crypto not a currency? No! It’s both a currency and an investment!

All right dude. Some people will get wiped out before they actually learn. You can make money from a bubble, just remember to sell.

It’s not an investment, it’s a speculative asset, it doesn’t produce any value, it actually consumer a lot of energy. It’s totally stupid.


Nft is a scam just like Vgo using the name of crypto.
You have 0 idea about the basics of how supply and demand works.

History repeats itself. There are many people who got rich from vgo but it’s a small %. Others just got scammed. Same thing will happen with nft. 3 years from now on people will come back with a new name and believe this time it will be different. The answer is no , it never will.
I said the same stuff about vgo when it was the current big investment thing and now i’m saying the same stuff about nft. They are both scams and even their selling points are similar.

Edit : Also even Valve thinks it’s a shady business model and removes all the nft / crypto scam stuff from their library.

I think the only reason Valve doesn’t want it now is because they can’t tap into the revenue it generates, but the moment they can effectively attach themselves to it, they’ll jump at the opportunity to have NFTs in their games (or on their platform in general).

Valve does have a pretty big marketplace for digital ingame goods after all.

You know there are people that don’t use cards for payments, they don’t have banks and they live in caves.

So can you please stop trolling in this post and move on?? PLEASE

No one wants to be associated with shady business and that moment you are expecting will never come.
Crypto currencies are different , they are some kinda liquid money and people will invest and also can use them in real life unlike nft.

You have no idea what you are talking about . I hope you realize it soon and won’t lose your life savings.

No you don’t know what you are talking about! I made this post for constructive ideas. You and your fellow troll are trolling or you think you know sht. Google more. Youtube more. DYOR!

I don’t think the “shadiness” is the big thing, but rather that they’d have no way to tap into the profits or attach it to their platform properly.

And if shady means that it’s morally questionable stuff due to the enviromental cost or it being just gambling, effectively, I don’t think Valve gives a toss about either.