NFT gaming WoW

I am trolling now for not supporting a scam business model. Nice.
Grow up.
Btw literally same discussion happened 3 years ago and that guy also tell me that i’m a troll who lives in a cave lmao. Guess what ? He got scammed by vgo and i’m not.

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DW ww3 soon woop woop which side you taking ?

They can update their market if they want to.

As far as I can see, right now NFT gaming would be more of a competitor to their own marketplace, wouldn’t make much sense to cater to that.

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if EA say NFT gaming is the future…

they must be right yeah???

i mean when have they ever been horribly wrong about absolutely EVERYTHING in the past?

EDIT: i will not be playing NFT games…

my 30 years as a pc gamer will come to a end on that day.

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I think it will be the future in the same way loot boxes were.

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Are you telling that big players like Marvel are NFT scammers?

Let go of VGO there is a lot of rug pulls, that is why you don’t invest in random projects…

remember when people were supporting loot boxes as good in this forum and in gaming in general …

how did that turn out ?

It is not the same. You buy box you open box and that’s it. You get something that is attached to your acc. With NFT you can, if you want, sell or exchange for other items in game… And it is yours. You can do with it what you want. Freedom.

Call whichever you want nft , vgo doesn’t matter.
Same thing different name. It can only grow by support from Valve like company if not they have no future.

They can easily update their market to support nft stuff if they wan’t to and get %5 from every trade that’s been happening there but they won’t cuz it is shady.

Yes they are in a way. They are just chasing easy profits.

Literally same thing different names why you are seperating them? Both scammy online unique crypto based collectibles.

Literally same phrases that been used 3 years ago lmao.

Ok you are ignorant. That is why from now on im ignoring you :slight_smile:

Do whatever you want lmao. I hope you won’t lose your life savings.

I have little faith in Valve having a moral compass to dictate their decisionmaking, I think if there was big money, for them specifically, to be made in NFTs they’d be jumping at the opportunity to implement them to their games.

Yeah, while they’re not comparable in how they function obviously, I think them as phenomenons in the gaming space will go through a similar arc.

NFTs might have some more staying power because there’s less immediate parallels to be drawn to gambling or similar illegal/govt regulated stuff. Maybe the enviromentalist angle will catch on, since that’s something that’s in a flux right now.

Who normal will put lifesavings in some NFT? Im not talking here about investing…

Nft is something that will fire up Blizzard cross gaming ecosystem. That’s all.

Valve had their headache with online gambling thx to csgo. They will never get into something like this again. Like it or not they are the sector leaders and they will probably still be 10 years from now on. If something like this happens they had to get support from them if not they are bound to die out.

That is a big no , it won’t. If Nft stuff won’t get recognized by sector leader which is Valve atm it has no future and it won’t get recognized . Also there is no need for Nft stuff existing in the current ecosystem of trading. You do have irl money , you have crypto coins that is more then enough.
Btw ignore me already pls if you won’t i’ll happily ignore you.

I know they did, but NFTs aren’t necessarily as overtly gambling as something like spinning a roulette wheel on a 3rd party site that gambles with their marketplace items. Not in a legal sense anyway.

But you could be right in that they’re just being super careful because they’ve been in hot water over a whole bunch of stuff.

You don’t see much further than your nose (and it is very small).

Ye my mistake for not ignoring you. Won’t happen again. Peace

They are , ever since they came out shady gambling sites using them.

Well they are still kinda in the s""t because of them. They couldn’t properly erase them from their community but the thing is as long as their people give value those items they will be used for gambling. Unlike irl stuff they are not easy to track and at some cases they are untrackable and you can’t really regulate that place.

No sides man

To put the final nail in the coffin about crypto:

Nobody can accept crypto for payment without running afoul of anti-money laundering and Know Your Customer laws, and probably having to get registered with the SEC as asset broker or something … none of which your average business (or even big business) has any desire to do.

What they WILL do it partner with a 3rd party to convert your crypto to cash and pay for the product or service using cash via the 3rd party.

This is how credit cards and PayPal already work. The problem is the broker of the transaction (the exchange) will have to submit to the regulations, and you won’t be able to trade crypto from your personal wallet, but will have to log in to your exchange account and submit to the government as well.

At the end of the story, it will cost more money and be less efficient than the system we already had, meaning crypto will always be little more than a black market currency and will only go “mainstream” after a fashion when the government itself blesses it’s own CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).

And nfts are even higher levels of garbage.