NFT gaming WoW

Do you ever go out of WoW? You know there is a tip “Bring your friends to Azeroth, but don’t forget to go outside Azeroth with them as well”.

It is not ponzi. You don’t know what ponzi means…

Big companies are getting in to NFT and investing $100 of millions. Blizzard is still big player. To stay relevant they need to adapt.

Then you don’t understand topic…

Its the definition of a pyramid/ponzi scheme you have the investment in an NFT, a downline in the buyers and suckers in the people deluded into thinking a virtual bubble around virtual nothings will make them cash.

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NFT is a con but that’s not a pyramid scheme. Look up the definition.

I understand it, it’s a solution with no actual problem.

Show me one actual use for NFT that can only be done on a blockchain.

NFT is making money for the same reasons crypto blockchains are: FOMO and greed.

Real financial institutions are ‘investing’ because it’s easy money - for the moment. Have we forgotten about the tech bubble. It would seems so.

“Show me one actual use for NFT that can only be done on a blockchain.
NFT is making money for the same reasons crypto blockchains are: FOMO and greed.” No. You don’t understand. Can you take your pet from blizzard Game and send it to another game? With NFT you can. Vica versa. This is just one example. And that give power to players and makes game much more interesting.

“Real financial institutions are ‘investing’ because it’s easy money - for the moment. Have we forgotten about the tech bubble. It would seems so.” - So wrong. Big companies investing because it is more safe to invest in 3T market now. Last year was 300b. Big companies are not investing short term. There is world changing technology behind bolckchain and you say it is only about money. Same you can say for internet.

Ofc there will be bear markets (as there is in any market), but if you did buy Bitcoin any time in past you will be in plus! So DYOR, but this time do it right.

More newts, frogs and toads would be a good addition to WoW yes.

Mate, you don’t understand NFT. That’s not what NFT is.

I said nothing about blockchain, I was talking about crypto-currencies. You proved your ignorance by tying in both of them. Crypto-currencies use the blockchain but it’s not the same thing.

As I said with NFT Blockchain is a solution with no problem. Sure it can be used with many different things, like NFT, it’s not the best solution for anything.


Interoperability (google can help you). This is why 99% people don’t understand the potential of NFT.

I said nothing about blockchain, I was talking about crypto-currencies. You proved your ignorance by tying in both of them. Crypto-currencies use the blockchain but it’s not the same thing.

Lol blockchain is crypto. Bitcoin is blockchain. Ethereum is blockchain. Big companies are buying Bitcoin, Ethereum etc… because of potential.

You must be trolling…

Keep on embarrassing yourself, I’m rather enjoying it.

You must be trolling…

err sorry. i know i could google it but im old… what is NFT? (imagine to speak with your grandpa)

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Sorry no time to waste on trolls. You got google.

Topic is for those that understand at least basics of NFT’s. So far there is 1 or 2 people here that have scratched surface of NFT.

Waiting for interesting ideas :slight_smile:

i googled it but i never understand. i suppose i could live without it. Anyway you found the time to write this nonsense. Well done.

woke up bad?


NFTs are, simply put, contracts that denote ownership of a virtual ‘token’, and the contract is stored in a blockchain (mostly ethereum).

Why they’re so controversial is because there’s no actual inherent value to what NFTs are currently being used for, i.e. ownership of pictures, tweets, gifs, and a lot of that stuff is stolen or low quality cartoon ape portraits.
Only thing that “guarantees” an NFT’s resell value is their potential for money laundering.

Also PoW mechanism is very bad for the enviroment but that’s a whole another thing.


Thank you very much :smiley:
I admit im really ignorant but you were kind to give me a summry.


I should also probably add that NFTs don’t necessarily need to be just for “pictures”, you could probably (afaik at least) also use it to denote ownership of software, using them as a form of DRM or something.

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EA have a great track record of being right when it comes to gaming eh?

whatever did happen to Origin anyway ?

EA is like the gaming equal to Tony blair…

the guy hasent been PM for years but still pops up spouting nonsense like he knows the perfect thing to do…

take your pills tony… time to go to sleep the nurses will get angry.

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With NFT you can own part of a digital property.

NFT and Crypto hurts gaming, specifically PC gaming the most. It also harms the enviroment and has been causing shortages and many other issues, so no I don’t want NFT in any way related to WoW.

You have so many blockchains that work as POS, and have NFT’s built on them. Ethereum is going from POW to POS next year so it will not be so “bad” for environment. (you can say for all most everything is bad for environment).

Creator of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin was a player of World of Warcraft. After Blizzard nerf his character he got an idea of making something that is not centralized like Blizzard games are.
Activision Blizzard stock value at this day : $53,6 Billion
Ethereum value at this day: $560,6 Billion

More than 10x in just 6 years. And that is only value of Ethereum network. All other projects that are build on top of Ethereum (2 layer platforms, DEFI, NFT’s, Stable Coins etc…) are not priced in.