Nice, So Classic is already over? What's Next?

Naxx is approaching quickly, and soon we will have reached the “end” of Classic

in my opinion things got kind of Rushed, kinda reminds me of something else they rushed. But considering how we finally got to experience Classic again i would have loved for them to take each Phase a little bit slower, so you could enjoy each phase just a little bit longer since we only get to experience them once, but maybe that’s just me

But since i’d like to have the ability to play Classic in the future, i am wondering what’s Next. especially now when TBC is right around the corner. what is Blizzard planning to do? there are two options:

  • Migrate all Classic servers into TBC, leaving no Classic Server behind
  • Make Whole new TBC servers, leaving tons of “empty” Classic servers behind

First option would mean “Classic” was just a one time thing, so when TBC launches: support for playing Classic would end, as no servers would be left behind. that would leave two options:

  • Classic was just a one-time thing that will no longer be supported after TBC is launched
  • They will Continue to support Classic after TBC launches, and make new fresh server()s for Classic after TBC launches

Or they could do the second option where they make Fresh TBC servers, where you migrate from current Classic servers to a TBC one, this could work in two ways

  • Migrate your Classic character to TBC, making you unable to play them on Classic
  • Migrate your Classic character to TBC, but you can play both of them separately

If they go with the second approach instead of the first one with “Fresh” Classic server(s) (or none at all)This would most likely end up with the merging of most Classic servers and most people that reserved their names a year ago would lose their names, as more and more servers merged

Imo i think if they’re planning to migrate all servers into TBC there should still be an option to play Classic, maybe one large “forever” Classic server, so people wouldn’t have to play on dead realms, Classic being an “one time” thing would suck imo

So what would you guys rather see? old servers migrating into TBC? or new servers just for TBC? is Classic gonna get shut down ? be deaded? or a new fresh Classic Server if they migrate current servers into TBC ?


If I had a pound for every topic created with this question i’d be rich.

Search is your friend.


Not rushed. P5 is the worst phase of Classic, it’s so boring, everyone is raid logging more than ever, players dropping off, etc. Naxx soon and then TBC beta soon too hopefully. TBC will be fun (at least in the start) but right now Classic is stale and I don’t mind them “rushing” TBC.


Not rushed. P5 is the worst phase of Classic, it’s so boring, everyone is raid logging more than ever, players dropping off, etc. Naxx soon and then TBC beta soon too hopefully. TBC will be fun (at least in the start) but right now Classic is stale and I don’t mind them “rushing” TBC.

ye ur probably right, everyone raid logging etc. but seeing how Naxx is right around the corner… it feels like everything went by so fast.

Its hilarious that you call things rushed.

Every major phase so far have been released pretty close to identical with the releases in Vanilla.
Naxx is on ptr, but there have not been a release date announced, so how you can call anything rushed is beyond stupid.

As for tbc, we have zero info on it yet, its all speculation how it will be released.


do people really want to re-play and re-spend their time doing all the quests they already did in burning crusade? and then wrath? and then cataclysm? I don’t understand where this is going.

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You’ve never replayed a game you liked?


Didn’t we just respend time doing what we already did in Vanilla?

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Whatever they decide regarding TBC, one thing is certain.
Classic will die out (have 1-2 servers with max 5k pop each) without few fresh realms every 2-3 years, which can constantly keep 5 - 10k pop each.
And one more thing is certain. All of these servers, fresh or not, will have 0 support like Diablo II

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Copy the entire servers along with all characters on them. That way we get to keep all character and guild names to tbc, and old ones stay as they are in vanilla.

Imagine having to fight for our character names again, and having to coordinate our guilds into brand new servers once again, would be such a hassle.


i can see everyone is raid logging more so yes P5 is the worst but I can imagine P6 will be the same as P5 until tbc. for time being I think i wanna play on hydrax and rp

All I see is QQ

QQ is common on these forums just like vanilla

Why not start fresh already :upside_down_face:

already unsubbed again but this time left a note.

can’t wait for TBC

I am hoping for TBC servers in whatever form they choose, but I’m sure what’s the best way to go about things. I’m one of the PROBABLY few that would enjoy fresh servers for TBC, leveling from scratch… Because one of the reasons I love, and still love classic is how much I enjoy leveling in it. That does also mean that I get a lot more ‘use’ out of classic as is since I don’t boost and I’m still working on tons of alts to level.

I do think they should consider progression server types as well as new ‘fresh’ servers eventually but I think it’s still quite early for fresh servers.

I don’t mind if they do ‘migration’ or ‘character copies’ or just straight up premade characters starting at 58 for TBC, because I’ll just be happy to play classic and TBC either way.

My only problems with Classic so far have been BOTS being everywhere to the point you can go to certain areas and almost always find bots leveling… The abuse of multiboxing to level by gold sellers, and then using those characters to bot group places like stratholme.

Then also servers and the degraded performance in wpvp battles like tarren mill vs southshore. Or major fights in cities that just can’t happen because you either lag out or get ported out by a GM.

The rest is mostly fault of the players, like it’s near impossible for me to find groups for many dungeons level 30+ outside of SM armory and Cath thanks to the boosting meta and players taking the path of least resistance. Tons of people saying they just ‘wouldn’t level alts’ without boosting and I both doubt that, and think if that’s the case then they shouldn’t have an alt if they don’t want to put forth the time to level.

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It’s not surprising things are slowing down.
For the majority of players the only way to improve their characters are few and far between drops from raids, so there is less and less motivation to log.

Same for pvp, which has been mostly rinsed a million times.

The coming of naxx is a good thing as guilds are mostly bleeding players and dragging things out won’t help, while having the most “challenging” raid available may bring back a few.

After that, I really don’t care/don’t know. I just want to be able to keep my char and farm naxx until I’m in full bis.

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thats why Classic is absolutly trash right now and I can only hope for TBC now

Well… on the one hand, the increased exp reward from quests and the AoE cap (sure, tankadins can sorta avoid it but they’re nowhere as fast as mages currently are) will make boosting less profitable compared to just questing than it is now. On the other hand, the increased exp reward from quests will also make regular sub-60 dungeon groups less popular in the long run compared to Classic, and the improved drops can only help to some extent.