Night Elf Male Forward Head Posture Problem


Now that the new Worgen and Goblin models are right around the corner, I first want to congratulate the Blizzard Art Team for a job well done!
That being said, I want to express my expectation for the team to address the remaining various issues with the WoD models (and the Community as well!) - especially the Male Night Elf neck posture issue!

Before I continue, I linked an image with a comparison between new and old Night Elf models:

As you can see in the above image, the angle between the neck line and the vertical axis is much more acute in both female model iterations as well as in the case of the old Night Elf male model.
The new model has the head lurched severely forward, completely inconsistent with the old model. In my opinion, the new model does not feature the same quality as other races.
There are other notable issues eg. hand/feet/legs proportions, the walk animation etc. BUT the biggest problem is the neck posture.

Therefore, before spending precious time and resources on adding new detailed Allied Races for a small percent of players, I respectfully request the digital chiropractors from the Blizzard Art Team to fix (AT LEAST) the Night Elf Male neck problems :slight_smile:
There is a precedent: the running animation was fixed in Patch 6.1!

@The WoW Community, please express your feedback regarding the other model issues, as often and as detailed as possible. Our voices must be heard.

Ash Karath!

Love and kisses,
Androsobi the Crazy Cat Man @Ravencrest EU

P.S. Brows-only customization option maybe?


Lol at the corporate memo speak in the first paragraphs.



I really like the new Worgen and Goblin models.:sweat_smile: Regardless, do you agree with my statement? Don’t you see an issue with the current Night Elf model?

You get a supporting +1 from me just because I had a good lunch 15 mins ago.

As for me seeing your problems… can’t say that I do, because being a self absorbed little twit means I first have to cope with my face looking cracked on the right side under Zandalar sunlight. :laughing:

WTB collagen cream pls.


Thank you for the +1 :blush: Your frustration with your character’s face may be founded. In this case, I recommend to also express your feedback to the art team. I don’t see a reason for some specific race model to NOT have the highest degree of quality. Also, you don’t see an issue in this comparison ?

I prefer it as they are now tbh. Think the old female neck looks silly, it’s far too straight in my opinion, sticks out like a sore thumb (or a really long straight neck). Each to their own though, would obviously be more realistic straight.


Okay, to each their own. :wink: But the new female model looks good now, doesn’t it? Also, do you agree or not that the neck posture on the current male model is really different to the old model?

I’m all for this.

I’ve always thought that night elf males need some neck massages.


Yes! Thank you for your support!

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I like that femelfs got a more appealing curve on belly :slight_smile:
No idea about male Nelfs, I don’t see much reason to play them when the female option is available.


I completely agree. I also think that the female models look better :smiley: And I would really like to have the same opinion about the male ones.

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Agree with Androsobi. +1 from me

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Thank you! Please, let’s try to keep this post alive as much as possible. :blush: This issue MUST be fixed.


Never played elves but what’s up with their necks stretching out like that? Looks kinda dumb

Textbook iHunch right here


Never noticed this before…

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Wow ok I never noticed that, it just looks wrong.


Since the models got upgraded, I’ve always thought that the male Nelf posture looked a little odd.


@Warrenbuffit @Malyre Yes, it does look odd! I’m honestly a bit jealous on the Nightborne models :blush: Both models look much better than the Night Elf ones. Also, the posture of the Nightborne male looks as it should. If I’m not mistaken, the Nightbornes and Night Elves share the same skeleton…

I think it looks more natural. Necks aren’t usualy straight on humans and Elves are pretty much humans with longer ears in their build.

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Also the right pauldron is not sitting well on nightelf males my shoulder is cliping thru it…