Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Now it’s better.


So, like, I always warned people about the smurfs. There’s a reason why I was so vocal against them. They are snakes. Garithos was right. The only good elf is a dead elf.


Who is that?

Well I heard about him. The one that Tyrande did not kill for some reason. But is he really a forsaken Hero? I do not remember him playing some roles in history.

Well Nathanos was present there at the beginning. But he is not fighting against Night Elves army. He just yells from time to time some messages.

But anyway, was that hard to make such an answer at the beginning so the discussion could be done instead all that :poop: with mems?

Because on my Story Arguments I was receiving insulting Mems, and Jokes. Did you get a point?

Again I did answer about that. You have cut some parts, but you have lost all the picture. Some of arguments you have just trow way.
And now you are saying that those points themselves don’t hold up to scrutiny. Of course, because you trow half of that way.

My Iron argument was that Night Elves from wise, strong, unique race was transformed in to broken, incompetent, not unique, dying race of a bums, who has nothing, who live on the streets of Stormwind, growing pumkins.
That never before any of playable races were humiliated so much. That no matter what Blizzard will do, this humiliation will not going to be cleared away ever.
And that if we look on a history, never before Blizzard was giving some positivities to Nelf, like they did for other races. And a have real reasons to think Blizzard will not going to gave anything to Nelfs this time also, after that interview topic starter mention.

I did. Solution is to treat Night Elves as other races. Simple as that. Let them restore all their cities, all their camps, all their villages, give an Iron Capital, just like orcs. Gave them children models just like other classic races have. How at least one victory,
And than when next punch will happens, there wount be so much whine. The value of the whine will be the same as from other races.

Not incompetent, not after they were instrumental in defeating several major threats across the game story. Your issue seems to be that they didn’t do it alone, but as you might have noticed, nobody does stuff alone since Warcraft III. Everyone gets some help from another faction and/or player characters.

Not broken cause if they were broken they would not be soloing the Horde in Darkshore.

Unique enough that anyone who plays WoW for a week can distinguish between them and the other races since their theme remains quite unique.

And dying? Oh please. The Belfs were a dying race with 90% of their population being wiped out and no magical alter-universe replacements like the lightforged or the mag’har. In fact they just lost a portion of their race to the Alliance.
In fact their city hasn’t seen a single update, neither has the draenei’s city. That’s what a dying race looks like in WoW and it’s doing just fine having a healthy playerbase… like the nelfs. So dying how?

But they are being treated like any other race. And yeah, restore what you must as long as it makes sense like every other race.
I’m not sure about the iron capital, you just said you are not unique enough and you want to copy the orcs (often) impractical use of metal buildings?

Somehow I really doubt that.

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If it’s something I’ve learned from the forums, is that there’s always something to whine about.


This thread is so depressing… :smoking::smoking:

There is a trend here. It kinda shows the issue.

When you close yourself to the information regarding other races, to the point that their hero names sound completely alien to you, it’s no wonder that you’ll end up thinking that whatever bad happens to your favourites, is the worst thing imaginable.
How wouldn’t you? You don’t know or don’t care about the rest.


Wait, people actually say this? I’m fairly new to the forums but this is just ridiculous. If you take the story so seriously you should go and delete your character. Hell, each of our characters has wiped out more life than you could have on ten Teldrassils. We are literally the plight of azeroth :smiley:

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Do not listen to her, she is an imposter!

There’s something called a search engine you could have also easily did this in order to find an answer to your apparent attempt to hammer me with moral superiority. Which btw, I also used for the Alliance side of things.

So I ask you as well: Is it harder to find the answer yourself? Apparently it is. When you cannot even name or even have the decency to do something simple as research instead of abusing the privelege of complaining or victim-ing yourself.

I got just about quadruple more points than you ever did.

Zarao was right this time.

I’m still shocked it happened so… yep. It wasn’t even done as a joking manner.


So basically nelfs cant take a punch.

Hurts so much awww poor thing!!

Dont think thats the mentality Tyrande has…

I am amazed how that poster came to conclusion that the examples were “restored” especially ln Zandalari case as they barely started to work on their own preservance and deffinietly had some serious setbacks in this expansion alone.

But doesn’t apply same logic to nelves :thinking:


I’m confused why people demand bad storywriting like this. Every story ending with the guilty being punished and the heroes getting their just rewards is terribly boring and cliche. It’s things like this that made the wow story become so childish.
People need to start to seperate their rp from the actual story, just because your night elf character would be mad doesn’t mean it’s a bad story.


What NE lost everything and cry that’s they got nothing now in one blow?
Hold my Drenor!
Ner’Zhul and Gul’Dan with his puppets take everything , Orgrimm lost and for a long years Orcs was a slave race for a long time,
These freedom for what has left for a 3 ships of the Alliance.

These there was war, Grom drink demon blood agan and Thrall has to deal with it and even these make a piece with the Alliance but, a price in a world of war where his Horde need a strength but, his Horde living in a poor lands and have not much.
Children of the Horde have to pay a debs of parents for war of the past.

All Birning Blade and Twilight Hammer was a powerful event and top of that’s, Jaina make new Alliance with a Stomwind and that’s will make just everyone suffer latter.

Even Wrathgate took the best as a Drenosh who could became a Warchif and good.

Orcs was losing with wars more and more of their best veterans and Kor’Kron has to take more young green teen orcs and not only them.

Cata come and bad things happened, orcs with a Garrosh as tske a lot, they on lore also lose a lot.
Varian and rest of the Alliance come to save NE and almost push back the Horde.

Horde on the pic of power can not win without a good trick.
Even take a south Kalimdor with a own payment and ors remember that’s as steal Theramor stand and ready to kill Horde for a the Alliance - there is no good future for the Horde, cuz Stormwind will take care of the Horde and try to hold her for own benefit.

And a new war with a more lost for orcs who follow Gorrosh , who with own will and who had to.
A new leader who watch over you and will make sure that’s you do what’s is better for his Horde.

It is orcs once again in a :poop: and with a MoP and all wars we lost , a lot of orcs dead, we had not much at this time already.
And the culmination of all this is a path of a traitor raid in Orgrimmar.
No Warchif or leader , a lot of orcs die for nothing.

Then we come to Dreanor to
Kill another orcs of our past legacy - super cool(not)

And just I will tell you, that’s now we all has to follow Sylvanas plan and fight again and destroy enemy with any price to be free or to be dead or the undead , damn.

Or join the old arrogant fool orc and leak the Alliance boots.

Sorry guys if it is to much but it was for this.

Orcs lost more , they just has more time to get something new, just to lose it agan.
NE fans sorry but you can not beat that’s, you not the biggest victim of all time, at least you can try say to a drenai how much you lose.

Do you like it to read that’s all?
I do not think so but you can understand what we feeling about this, another poor man try to show how big his personal loss.

Good job keep try and everyone will soon hate not just you but all NE fans Призраклеса.


There is one difference, though.

Orcs are invaders and Night Elves are indigenous people of Azeroth, i.e. Orc troubles are mostly down to wrong decisions and bad judgement in who to follow / have for war chief.

Tauren and Darkspear are indigenous people, too. A chieftain from their camp would have been far more logical, than letting invaders / ex-prisoners, who initially did not have a clue about the land, run the show.

People like to mention that WoW is about Humans and Orcs. Well, it could have been about Humans and Trolls, too. The later would have made it a bit more unique and not a simple re-run of LoTR.

Fact is, Orcs have not changed their modus operandi, i.e. violent take-overs, domination and, thus, have earned retaliation from others. Had they been ‘‘neighbourly’’ people might have eventually accepted them.

So, the troubles Orcs had were often self-inflicted. Kaldorei just sat in their forests minding their own business. Besides, it is down to being in the Alliance that costs them their home. Had they been an independent people Sylvanas most certainly would not have gone out of her way, traveling to the end of the world, to play with matches. She would have attacked Stormwind - the seat of the Alliance - something which she should have done in the first BfA-cinematic. Just imagine: Anduin on the walls of Stormwind and Sylvanas blighting Elwynn Forest! At least the Humans could have left their ruined city by sea and off to Kul’Tiras. That is logic. That makes sense.

So, the Night Elf players do have a valid case for complaint. Actually the Worgen too. Apart from always having had a devastated starting zone, they now have lost all connection to their previously healthy homeland. Because, when the Worgen player arrives in Darnassus at the Howling Oak, they tell him, the tree was grown by the druids from a seed taken from Gilneas.

A hint for Teldrassil to regrow? But what of the howling Oak? Maybe the story ends with ashes being taken back to Gilneas and Worgen homeland reclaimed? As you can tell, I like a happy end :sunny:


Yeah, totally. The Horde would have no desire for lumber or expansion into night elven territories, it is all because they are Alliance…

Not because they live in a fertile forest two inches away from the Horde’s desert holdings.

Even Sylvanas shows the same ambition Garrosh had, control of Kalimdor.


Well, quillboar stayed independent and are completely fine and dandy these days.

To be fair Horde and night elves almost had agreement regarding trade before Cataclysm.

Before Twilight Hammer agents ambushed them that is.

“Almost” being the key word. They also had Warsong Gulch since Vanilla.

No the fact is that the Orcs before the Legion were shamanistic , living in relative peace and only confronted Ogres and their planet wasnt dying.

Orcs (Guldan) and Humans alike (Medivh) were manipulated and used by the Legion and later other evil forces.

In their root, Orcs are shamanistic, like Durotar, and value family. They just dont back from a fight.

Throughout the years , they have also defended Azeroth already from many villains and just seek their place in their world.

So no, the Legion inflicted misfortune on the Orcs, not themselves (read Chronicle 2 for much more info, great book).

Human allowed their Guardian to open the Dark Portal and be corrupted by Medivh, were manipulated by Onyxia and Deathwing , allowed Arthas to happen etc.

So if you want to pin down Guldan and the Orc corruption as “Orc’s fault” get ready for all the above to be considered Alliance failures as well