Yeah, we saw that in WoD
Read Chronicle 2 man.
I have no time to explain an entire book of lore to a smartass who thinks through WoD he has full lore coverage of Orcs History and culture
Sure, that is why the peaceful Orcs send their weak to die in the wilds. Not everyone had the strength (that which matters to Orcs) to survive - like Draka.
Being shamanistic is rather irrelevant, if one is prone to make bad decisions and has poor judgement.
That’s just the point, if one wants to obtain lumber, one doesn’t burn it. ^^
Witty, but my point remains. Claiming the night elves are attacked only because they joined the Alliance is not true, especially as the conflict between the night elves and orcs started even before they joined the other faction.
I don’t deny this. But there is a huge difference between skirmishes and having one’s home obliterated. Would you not say?
So that means they didnt leave in relative peace how exactly?
Or ur preaching #Orclivsmatter now?
What ur mentioning is irrelevant with what I said. The Orcs were shamanistic meaning shamans were second only to Chieftains, and shamans. By default, live in Harmony with nature , and this extends to harmony with one another.
You gonna preach about poor Zebras the Lions hunt?
Are all the freaking Vegans in the forums or what?
I have the entire coverage of how uncorrupted orcs behave when you give something stronger than a stick or a rock in their hands though.
Are you trying to deny the Horde’s ambition towards controlling the entirety of Kalimdor with this sentence?
If you want to see how neutral parties fared, you can check Gilneas. They were neutral, they still got massacred, and their home obliterated.
By the current Warchief.
First of all, I don’t preach, I comment, i.e. air an opinion. If you do not share my views… fine by me.
So? What does that have to do with Orcs considering strength a principal virtue?
It means that Shamans like druids understand the natural way which is that the strong take from the weak, but that also you take from nature and you must give back to it in the same manner. Death is part of the cycle. And in the end that cycle is the most important.
Orcs dont consider strength principal value, but rather a requirement, like Zandalari, to consider one on equal footing, regard or respect them if you will.
It is actually through light skirmishes with Draenai, after they landed on Draenor that they grew to respect one another and didnt trespass into their territories. They gained respect for one another through showcasing said strength.
The Legion, and specifically Guldan, massacred an entire nearby Orc Village and said the Draenai did it to spark the war later on , and along other Legion manipulative stuff
So ur saying other nations dont practise exile? Cause , spoilers, they ALL DO
No, why should I? But, I stand by what I said before, i.e. had the Night Elves not been in the Alliance at that time, Sylvanas would not have torched Teldrassil. She would have gone for SW.
Kul’Tiras and Zandalar, before joining factions, did well enough. So, why should the Night Elves who were said to be very numerous fare differently?
Btw, Greymane had exterior as well as interiors dangers to combat. Rarely successful for anyone. Night Elves had just external dangers to combat which they did for 10.000 years (mostly as an independent race).
That’s a solid claim, especially as Sylvanas states she can not attack Stormwind without breaking the alliance first. Unfortunately, at that point, the neutral night elves would probably be obliterated already.
Kul Tiras “we are falling apart at the seams, Drustvar is blighted, Stormsong in open rebellion” and Zandalar “we are slowly sinking into the sea and don’t control anything but our city, while infighting is rife” is doing well for you?
I legit don’t know what to tell you. Kul Tiras even says “We need the Alliance even more then it needs us.”
The Zandalari also praise Talanji for bringing in the Horde.
You are failing to see the point here. The Gilneans were massacred despite being neutral. Why do you think night elves would be spared because they are neutral?
Not really fond of this blame dumping. Most of the current Azeroth natives have their holdings thanks to similar moves that the orcs mimicked from your point of view. Yes, even Night elves.
Arguing that it’s “unfair” for Night elves to suffer of such treatment is rather disingenuous.
Would you feel better if the destruction of the Night elf lands was marketed as a way for the Zandalari to dispense “justice” while reclaiming the lands that trolls initially held?
The “reason” for exile is revelvant here, e.g. Lor’themar did not exile Ranger Lord Renthar Hawkspear because he was “too weak”. But Draka was expelled for lacking strength. So, two kinds of exile with different motives involved.
Draka was not expelled. Her family was moved to the outskirts of the Frostwolf village, but were still parts of the community.
Despite their troubles, they would have survived. SW survived Orc onslaughts etc., etc., etc., and was not eliminated or wiped out. You paint a rather bleak picture here. Well, forgive but I do not regard independent people as losers per se.
I don’t follow. How can the Zandalari lay claim to Teldrassil? It wasn’t theirs in the first place.
Dont you know birds that cant fly are left behind?
Or a weak or Old wolf cannot catchup with the pack?
It is the way of Nature, grow up.
The Lion which you so fondly Alliance display as a logo, is an animal that hunts and eats what it wants whenever it wants, and doesnt apologize. And is in return attacked even by other Lions when seen as weak.
So yeah… THAT is the natural way!
Ur preaching is Human logic reached through sheer logic in a world that is devoid of war and allows for nations to thrive.
Azeroth doesnt thrive …
They would have survived? The Great Seal is literally defended by the Horde forces. Rastakhan is saved by the Horde. G’huun is killed by Horde champions.
I do not paint a bleak picture. I say things which are true and as they are in-game.
The Zandalari were a fading empire holding onto delusions of grandeur. The Kul Tirans were bitter self-exiles who’s country was falling apart. Just look at Drustvar.
If you want examples of “neutrality is strength”, you are gonna need to come up with better ones.
Implying that I do. My personal opinions are separate from WOW lore.
Not exactly Teldrassil. But some would argue that repaying Night elves for their expansionism, with an equivalent or proportional response, is about as “just” as it can get.
Not in terms of taking back any particular land, but more as in: You shatter my empire, then I shatter yours.
Hang on. What you are describing is what happened after Zandalar joined the Horde. Remember Zul? He was so disgusted at Rastakhan’s permission for the Horde to have a foothold there. The troubles really boiled over because of the Horde. They were the final straw for the plotters to get going.