Stormwind: Lost all of its lore from the RTS games in Vanilla, then lost the Vanilla lore in Cataclysm. The entire race is non-existent, portrayed as a blank canvas for the next Wrynn to dominate on.
Forsaken: Lost their entire lore and got turned into a maniacal war Machine and cult of personality without any redeeming qualities. The latest bout of lore butchery happened in BTS, where they basically became a 1984. type of society. I don’t wanna invoke Godwin here, but damn.
Tauren: Lost their entire Vanilla lore in favor of being a native American rip-off who’s main defining feature is that their leader is pretty much Blue Team, and they are there so they can feel sad. Don’t let me start on Cairne.
Orcs: Warlords of Draenor pretty much destroyed the essence of the Race. Demon blood makes you genocidal? Heh, no, YOU WERE ALWAYS GENOCIDAL! Oh, also, your racial leader is appointed by Twitter.
Night elves: “No one ever suffered as we do, in existence, ever, no one can imagine our pains, you are all haters. Sure, this game is a spinning tornado of crap which does not discriminate, but we suffer more then any of you. What, why are you mocking us? HATERS!”
This is just an example of several races which came to mind. I could keep going with this until tomorrow.
I already answered you by stating it is not a Night Elf only issue, but Night Elves got hit way harder than other races.
Now your turn, how many Night Elf retcons have been made that ended up having a negative impact on the race? I’ll answer it for you, ALL OF THEM from WC3,The RPG,The chronicles, Cata,Legion, and now BFA and even some of the Novels.
Yeah and guess what, the mess that is world building with different writers has made a mockery of my favoured race’s lore as well. That is the point, we all have our grievances with the lore but we don’t have thread after thread of tauren avatars complaining about the same topic.
Why not do yourselves an actual genuine favour and make one single megathread about it instead of basically spamming the same topic over and over? Hell, Blizzard have a way higher chance of noticing that if that is really your goal.
I’ll argument as you people do, everyone lost things during Cataclysm, and unlike the Night Elves SW got rebuilt and is back to its full glory, can you say the same about Kaldorei lands?
What lore? it is what they are, outcasts,FORSAKEN ! they still are struggling with acceptance as we have seen in before the Storm. Their leaders got the most development in the last few years,not liking them is not an argument, they are still faithful to their premise.
That is conjecture and your opinion not a fact on Baine, again not liking him does not equate him being a bad leader or an Alliance puppet. However turning neutral,abandoning his people,and forced to behave out of character is assassination.
Rationalizing, a much better defense mechanism, now we are getting somewhere because you agreed with all the retcons.
There are 2 threads about that topic right now, I doubt they annoy your perception that much…you can simply not read them?
I never once disagreed that Night Elves have problems, I have however said that they have blown it up way out of proportion, which has been proven in this very thread.
And “Just don’t read it” is a “poor defense mechanism” How about don’t post it if we really want to go down that route?
Not really, you are gonna look like a fool, as humanity never reclaimed lands lost during the Cataclysm, unlike the night elves. Also “you people”. Lovely.
Where is Hillsbrad with Southshore? Where is Gilneas? Hell, we massacred Darkshire in Legion!
I don’t know, maybe the lore which made them a dark yet poetic race with traces and flares of nobility in the darkness? The lore which made you gather bat-fur for a woman slowly slipping away? The lore which made them more then zombified monsters following a genocidal corpse? That lore?
I do love it how you are completely ignorant of the plight of other races, yet claim YOURS suffered the most. Tis a logical conclusion if one is ignorant and uncaring for anyone but his own favorite thing.
I am telling the truth as it is. This is the tauren opinion on Baine which I had the opportunity to read on the forums. Also, you focused my entire opinion on Baine. What about lost Tauren lore? What about lost depth? What about the hilarious heritage armor quest? What about Cairne dying off-screen?
Do you want that for the elves? Accept it already.
And the continued belitlement and ignorance and hypocrisy regarding the plights of others, while you ASK for your own problems to be addressed is EXACTLY why night elves are being mocked.
Sylvanas:We will find our own path in this world, dreadlord, and slaughter anyone who stands in our way!
that was during WC3 her final speech, she is still following her premise, you thinking they are noble in darkness is your opinion not a fact.
Lost depth? ‘‘Hilarious’’ again personal opinion, if you don’t like something that is your opinion not a fact. The Cairne part was bad I agree.
I had no idea the 2 Tauren players on the story forums are all of the Tauren players.
“Your examples are opinion, mine are fact.” “Wtf no one is taking me seriously!”
Well thank god the nelves here don’t talk for their players either, since most of them seem to be actually be working with the story instead of throwing a forum tantrum.
Hyjal was still led and majorly inhabited by nelfs. And the Cenarion circle was already neutral, interested in combating a threat that had emerged from AQ, just like their were doing in Hyjal. That place has, I’d say about 90% nelf lore, with all the buildings and majority of the npcs being nelves. But of course it’s the nelfs who complain about not being represented properly after they get a zone almost entirely dedicated to them.
Hyjal was turned neutral, it WAS Night Elven land in WC3 their capital, and WOTA trilogy states it belongs to them, it was retconed in Chronicles,Cata.
The Night Elves you see in Hyjal do not follow the faction ‘‘Darnassus’’ nor do they obey the orders of Tyrande.
Cenarion Circle,Avengers of Hyjal,Defenders of Hyjal have many Tauren members you know?
Your argument is senseless, the entire Northrend continent is full of undead NPCs so it has great representation of the Forsaken.
The Forsaken are still the same way they were since WC3, people who feel otherwise have failed to see what Sylvanas has been doing since Vanilla. Having a few individuals behave differently does not change the fact that they are Zombies struggling for acceptance in the world and wanting to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.
Lands lost : Ashenvale reclaimed only in novels,Azshara lost to Goblins and Horde,Stonetalon partially demolished and lost to Horde**,Darkshore** contentested after being taken by the Horde ,Teldrassil/Darnassus Burned down,Hyjal turned neutral,Moonglade turned neutral,Winterspring contested.
Can You name another race that has lost this many lands?
Units lost:
Dryads,Keepers of the Grove,Mountain Giants,Faeri dragons, Ancients, and now Wardens,Sentinels are available for the Horde without any lore explanation.
Characters ruined : Illidan killed then retconed,then resurrected with a new personality,then turned neutral ! Malfurion written off the main plot of WOW,returns as neutral, depersonalized, and neutered for the sake of plot,gameplay. And Valsharah ! Tyrande, stagnant for years, first act in wow after 8 years used as foil for Varian, her WC3 personality eradicated, once again used as foil in ‘‘Wolfheart’’, and the complete trash that was Valsharah. Maiev former high priestess of Elune turned obsessive Warden, turned neutral, then turned evil, then turned good now for the sake of retcons and plot. Cenarius Ally of the Night Elves and close friend,turned neutral, siding with the Horde that had slain him, sits and watches as their lands,people, and ancients burn. for the sake of the plot.
The Night Elves are turned from fierce warrior people,zealous,and defiant into tree hugging hippies, they got defanged and stripped of the only identity they had since their premise. Their characters were written horribly and forced to do ridiculous things, such as being inept at war even though they are thousands of years old and have been in more wars than the entire Alliance combined.
Until 8.1 which took about 15 years of us whining, for Blizzard to actually understand their mistake.
What happens once you finish leveling up as a Worgen in Gilneas? You go to Darnassus and you get welcomed by the Night Elves, there is a dialogue,immersion.
What happens after the burning of Teldrassil? You log into Darkshore with no context in front of the World Tree burning. The War of Thorns is not even in game for people to play, a huge lore moment is deleted from the game, that is the treatment that Night Elves get. Can you say the same for the Siege of Lordaeron? nope it is a whole scenario that is mandatory in order to continue the game.
Do you know the first cut scenes we get as Night Elves in game are related to Hyjal as in Neutral? We barely see Malfurion, even during the Rage of the Firelands trailers and promotion of Hyjal we only get Thrall, not a single shot of Malfurion in the Cinematics…The only in game cinematic we get for our faction was after 7 expansions with Tyrande seeing Ysera dying. 7 expansions can you imagine ! 13 years before you get a cutscene that involves Night Elves in game???
During the Cata launch event all faction leaders got huge Banners on display, forgot the events name but Night Elves did not get anything.
So I apologize if we whine a lot, we have our reasons, and they are very well justified. You don’t like our threads don’t read them.
Gets told how night elves are mocked because they downplay the problems of other races and do not care for fellow players then writes a wall of text illustrating that behavior.
You posted a wall of text of other races and their problems and I read it. I also agreed that other races suffer. I am illustrating what we are suffering from, you clearly don’t want to debate. Does the suffering of other races negate the problems that Night Elves are facing? the answer is no, and this thread is about Night Elves.
using this Logic the Night Elves lost 3 continents nice try.
Typical reply thinking I am here to beat you on the Forums instead of explain my opinion and debate with people, but I should have seen that puerile behavior a while back.