Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Another facist. This is why the only revenge that is acceptable is the genocide of the entire Horde.

First of all, Well of Eternity was not creating new races. It was changing already existing ones. On the page 67 in the same Chronicles it says that trolls started to rise, race from the old times! And most important, Trolls Legends book describes full war between Old Gods and Titans (travelers). So trolls was already living in those times in some form, to be witnesses of a war.

So yes, “don’t tell that someone is wrong when you have no solitary idea what you’re talking about” (с)

Regarding why trolls started to rise and fight against bugs? Because Old Gods were in prison.
And yes, I do not have a proofs that trolls were slaves of Old Gods, it’s just a theory.

Let’s Just all agree - the more elves dead the better!

Let’s Chop Down All The Trees As Well, So They’ll Have Nothing to Hug
#Harmony #Peace

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Yes, you’re probably thinking of this thing: which precedes the Chronicles, which has subsequently retconned aforementioned source. (Thanks Adítu)

The Chronicles makes no statement about the Trolls or whatever preceded them to have been made by the Old Gods, and instead very specifically attributes their current form to natural evolution and growth of life, catalyzed by the Well’s energies… So as for;

… take it up with Blizzard…

Then don’t tell me I’m wrong when it is in fact your claim that is baseless and pure speculation.


They can hug each other instead. Also a good way to prevent extinction- or so I’ve heard :wink:


Damn You’re Right. Leave some trees then so they don’t hug each other :stuck_out_tongue: And we need another War Of Thorns. This time i want Malfurion’s and Tyrande’s heads on pikes

Nice job trolling on a troll character. You can’t even kill Tyrande and Malfurion together lol, that was the entire plan of War of Thorns to face 1 of them. Let me quote “A Good War” for you

“Saurfang and Sylvanas had discussed strategy and tactics for days, and it had become clear that there were two huge, inescapable points of failure in their plan: Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. The leaders of the night elves were powerful, dangerous, and perhaps even unbeatable on the field of battle. No matter how surprised the kaldorei would be by this attack, those two would be a terror for the Horde once the fighting began. They had lived for so long, and survived so much, that Saurfang had to consider the possibility that they could hold off the Horde long enough for the Alliance to send help”.

You should be more preoccupied with your puny troll leaders, if any of them is alive that is.

Man Give Me Some Time and Those Two Arrogant Elves Will be Killed.

Seriously though, it’s unfair that the Alliance has these two demigods. In the name of the balance i DEMAND them killed

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The Horde forfeited their rights for fairness when they burnt Teldrassil, the time for mercy is over !

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Ahhh Teldrassil was a fair game when we lost UC and Orgrimmar got raided in MOP

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It was actually the other way around, Blizzard made the Horde lost UC because the Alliance lost Teldrassil.


I got two mounts myself. Fun times.


Also, the catch-up gear was pretty good.


Mop is irrelevant and unrelated it was after the crap your previous Warchief pulled on Theramore and the Alliance,and UC was used as a trap, no civilians killed, it was a military operation unlike all the innocents that lost their lives in Teldrassil. ‘‘Fair Game’’ lol no wonder the developers give us OP characters, in order to offset our lack of retribution against the Horde.

Well OP up to a point though. Tyrande almost died to NPC in Wolfheart

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Indeed our characters need to dumbed down for the Horde to be relevant
Tyrande gets shot by Archers in Wolfheart.
Jaina gets shot by a rifle in Warcrimes.
Malfurion gets stabbed by an Axe to the back.

The 3 most powerful mortals on the planet,defeated by the plot.

“Mortals” Exactly


And yet their great druid didnt think to cover his flank, not exactly a smart move on the field of battle.

Writing them as all powerful is one thing but blizz need to back that up and not make supposed powerful people get pawned so easily in game.

being the most powerful mortal in azeroth means crap all if you dont look behind you at least once in your life.


Apparently not OP enough to have an evacuation plan.