Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

We don’t talk about the axe incident.


the trolling is very nice on this thread.

Queue the tears and sad violins, the Nelfs are oppressed again, this time on the forums.
You are so stuck on your nelf oppression thing you didn’t even notice I was giving you a point. Blizzard didn’t have to kill all those nelfs for tragedy points and given all the weeping I’m sure they regret not giving the nelfs an evacuation plan.
But yeah, we are trolling you cause we are not joining the weep-fest.


Why not have a discussion of the actual subject? And, if some posters do not care for particular threads or Azerothian races, why not create their own thread? Or simply just visit those that are of interest to them?

Forum discussion should deserve a ‘‘better social climate’’ than what some toxic posters have to offer, imo.


This is just it, really. You can be as all powerful as you want, you are still going to be taken down if you aren’t paying attention.


Please, enlighten us on what weeping about Night Elf losses, bashing on other races and faction-shaming them on the same thread that is meant to produce a healthy, better social climate you suggest would bring?

Because that’s alot of what i’ve seen in these kinds of threads. There is no mistaking trolling here, but it’s not like the original intention - that is to once again ‘discuss’ the matter of night elves losing yet again - is meant to achieve?

And let me state yet another point here: Such attempts to ‘discuss’ by others when not offered complete, weeping empathy is only rebuffed by yours-truly Night Elves with insults. (See Metaljaw’s posts).

I’ve not found an answer to this yet. A good, sensible one at that. Maybe you’d like to give it a try?

(And no, i’m not accepting: “BECAUSE WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPLAIN.” as legitimate reasoning. Because those who are not night-elf players also have that right and thus not even a good basis point -for- a discussion in the first place.)


Totally behind you on this one.

We all defended Nelves for a very long time, since August actually. But in return, the problems of our races are being downplayed, and we have to bear witness to Nelves desiring to rebuil their entire Kaldorei Empire, at the cost of other playable races.

That’s an easy way to lose support for your cause, and if you keep talking about your own race the same way, you’re going to get trolled at some point.


Kinda sucks for the few NE fans who actually want a good general storytelling. Do I want the Kaldorei to rise again and have a great Northern Kalimdor Empire? YES! Do I want the Forsaken, Trolls etc. to have good stories. Double YES.
But you do not get this in the Story forums. Half the people are full IC and just go full racist about everything. Some people should really take a step backwards and look at the story from the player perspective, not the character one.


I want to see the worst what could happen tomorrow. I want to see the forums burn through disappointment from all sides!

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Hush, Scaletta.

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Anybody who still believes in a good end is a fool!

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I said hush woman!

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While I understand your point I wonder, if the complaint of Nelf players nowadays is not the fact that Blizzard is still ignoring that this game (especially on RP realms) is bonding people to their chosen race, especially, if they happen to main that race?

And, of course, people make comparisons. That is second nature to human beings.

So, their irritation is rather, why for their race there is no progression while Blizzard dish it out elsewhere? It is the question of “why” basically that makes the “pain” not go away and as a logical consequence keeps re-visiting these forums.

In my opinion, Blizzard, as a company, has made a terribly bad call with the BfA introduction. Because it is bad business to destroy the bonding your customers have with your merchandise/product.

If you do something as risky as that, you provide a silver lining on the horizon to keep that attachment flickering. Blizzard has not done this and that is the reason why players with a long attachment to their race/capital are still hurt.

So, the best thing is to let these re-surfacing threads happen, but not visit them, if one is fed up with them. Nothing worse than posting how fed up you are with these whining posters. It makes matter worse, it will not make it go away. On the contrary, unwittingly (giving everyone the benefit of the doubt here) you increase the hurt by adding insult to injury. Never works.

Fact is, Blizzard must start being a customer-friendly (i.e. listening to their player-base) and less (much less!) of a profit-friendly enterprise!


That’s simply put in justifying their need to complain, which is okay. Night Elves just got their home set on fire, their population effectively decimated with only their military force coming back around just because they werent present at the time of the tragic disaster happen.

Of course one would expect complaints. And justifiably so.

What others - and I for that matter - have been saying is that in these instances, it’s also doubled up by the fact that other problems in story has been downplayed by these same said players for the sake of them basking in the empathetic sun of grief and tears.


  • The Great Cities of Gilneas, represented as Tents and Small Shanty Towns.

  • The Great Gilnean Forest of Val’sharah, because of that one GIlnean ‘City’.

  • The comparison of retcons and as to how somehow, Night Elven ones only matter and others can be ignored. (Really?)

And those are just examples from this thread alone. There are much more. Why, one even said these lore assaults are warranted because it’s a Night Elf thread. Imagine that.

It just becomes absurd at that point. That is not okay. That is not at all the healthy social atmosphere that should be attainable to a forum standard simply because the right to justifiably complain is abused to the ends of the earth.

Whilst I see what you’re getting at, i’ll have to disagree. This is the Story Forum and for as long as these threads place the apparent goal of: “Let’s DISCUSS how the Night Elves are treated badly” with a hint of pepper that says: “And how other races have it lucky and better than we do!”, you’re bound to get some annoyed players wanting to smash down the door.

Because why not? It’s delivering the same right as these kinds of threads have been bred for. To complain. And just for this, I do not believe what amounts to basically letting off steam by having the veritable bull in the china shop remain there for until it calms down is not the right way to go about it.

On the same hand, if I could make a suggestion to this, then maybe said problems of other races shouldn’t be so heavily downplayed. That’s a good start as any.

A problem that has stuck with them since time immemorial (I don’t know really). Which I can agree with, but on more aspects than just story.


All I know is I got Them both to half HP in Darkshore by the time it took them to kill a Valkyr.

Me and Narhanos can kill them pretty easily by the looks of it

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All of us want a good story I believe, but there is also a problem on what we consider a good story?

For me? I want consistency, continuity and respect to source material.

So no demolishers that can shoot missles cross the sea,
no magical flame to immediately fire supposedly very humid place.
No retcons ala Derek that was supposed to be incinnerated to ashes not only returning and having a body but after being left for 20 years in the sea - a very well preserved body.

I want a proper progress of characters, more people like Nazgrim and less people like Jaina or Anduin or Sylvanas which imo are absoltely ridiculous at this point.

You will have my full support if you’ll bring issues like that, I saw one players suggesting to replace Sira with actual lore confirmed warden tritors. That was a very good suggestion that I also fully supported. But we gotta have cheap shock value.

However - from what I got from nelf complaining threads, are constant pity parties, damnd to shaft the other races even more than they currently are - because supposedly they had it better than night elves (and apparently players should be accountable for Blizzard’s writing). Downplaying the positive stuff they got and exaggering “punches from Blizzard”.

While at the same time mocking others such as that Dark Iron dwarf, who was laughing that Zandalari will irrevelant next expansion and ignored and good riddance. And when I repsonded that I got used to it, he was arguing with me that receiving starting zone for 5 levels is bigger achievement than getting 2 big lore heavy zones of great importance to nelves which conclusion of those stories is restoration of them, because there was no direct confirmation that it’s for nelves and that it’s accessible for other players.

Which is absurd and laughable.

I have nothing against reasonable players that are passionate about their race, but we’re all on the same train. We’re all at the same train.


How ironic that you people posted more than 300 posts of nonsense and tears yourselves. Queue the tears and sad violins the story forums is triggered over a Night Elf thread, omg we are oppressing other races in 2 of our threads labeled ‘‘Night Elves did not get their revenge’’.

I am glad you got nothing more constructive to say, now begone.

So…according to you, the complaint is “No progression”?..seems invalid, factually it is invalid.

Just going to remind you that you yourself were trolling and belittling my issue with the whole Taurajo / Baine debacle in the past…wasn’t an issue, you said. Everything was fine you said.

But now I’m supposed to look at you and your issues…and emphasize…
Any idea how this looks?


What’s even more ironic is you deliberately trying to insult the troll and/or zandalari players with spiteful comments like:

LOL you won’t be relevant anymore Zandalari, no king, no fleet, lands rekt, and internal drama. Oh yeah you will never get revenge for Rastakhan.

That sounded not very constructive and not only that, but a direct acknowledgement that nelfs are not the only ones doing so badly, which seems to upset you. Now that is irony.

Still, my contribution to this thread has been reasonably constructive. You, on the other hand, seem determined to insult and chase away anyone who does not agree with you in full.

The problem is, as long as this thread has gone, it’s still kinda hard to know what you actually want, what you consider a solution and then we could be having a discussion on how reasonable that solution might be. But all you have is tears and an attitude.


See, I think we’d get a message for everyone’s best across to Blizzard much faster if more people thought like this.