Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Don’t forget that Worgen Caravan in the Plaguelands. Only has 1 Worgen.

The Worgen are so superior that they even have MOVING CITIES. Called wagons.


According to that list it means that nelfies have to wait 4 expansions from now on. So stand in line, prepare some coco and snacks play some nice music while you wait for your turn patiently, no?

Hey, Zak. I am actually an Emperor. Did you know?


You are missing a point, and leading a thread away from my original post.
The main idea of my post was that all races from time to time are getting punches, but always getting bonuses back after. While in Night Elves case they always are getting punches and never getting anything back ever.

As for Gilneans, they started a game with nothing. After that since Cata they did not had any punches. They did not had any loses. They had a couple of wins, and a couple of new cities.
There is nothing about what worgens fans can whine about.

We are waiting since Cata…

Cool, pity you didn’t have a chance to get audience with Rastakahn.


I can not miss what does not exist.


In cata you had victories and recently had Legion to get lots of lore and attention.

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What victories? We lost everything. The only battle were we did win is a battle against dancing trolls.

Marked as trolling.

Can I mark your posts as nightelfing? A much more fitting term, though I do owe you for opening my eyes. I am the Emperor, the world belongs to Gilneas!

All shall bow before the might of our caravan and 3 villages!


Oh I dunno, how about a fakin Firelord? How about reclaiming Hyjal from plenty of threats, how about witnessing rebirt of plenty of wild gods?

But hey apparently wiping out trolls and ookin Ragnaros is not enough.


Yea, in the most secured place of Night Elves race, appered some monsters that had defeat Night Elves there, and have destroyed all the camps.
Night Elves called for help to All the World, and together with taurens and heroes they managed to wake up Wild Gods so that Wild Gods could save them.
After that Heroes of the World have attacked on the main enemy base and managed to defeat all the monsters there.

Great victory of Night Elves indeed.

Can you PLEASE tell me which victory was not achieved thanks to assistance? One example please.


I had to split your post so I could point out your double standards and vague mentions. Trust me it would have been a lot easier to write the last part, but then it would seem superficial. If you feel anything was thrown away, please feel free to bring it up.

But they are not. Sure they suffered more than other races, but not by much especially if you consider their presence across the world and the focus they get so often.

But it does not make it any less true. A story has to have an ending before you give it your final verdict. It could suck in the middle, but you cannot judge it in full when the story is not complete. It’s illogical.

It wasn’t restored. It’s the same it was in MoP. The city is supposed to be marked by the siege that took place in late MoP, but it was never lost by the Horde and it was never destroyed. That place is the same as it was before the siege because they didn’t bother to update it. Even Vol’jin’s pyre was placed outside the city. The place is the damn same.

Who leads the Horde? The orc’s biggest presence since WoD has been in the Arathi Highlands warfront where they appear as certain units next to trolls, otherwise there’s not much happening with orcs. The ones leading the Horde now are the Forsaken. The orcs have been pretty much ignored since WoD and that’s fine, but I don’t know where you get the impression they are restored, please point me to where it says they are back to the same level as they were before MoP.

Can’t even remember the specific tribes, Forest Trolls, Jungle Trolls, Ice Trolls. Most killed off or crippled. You complained about the nelf race being split down the middle with one half ignoring the other, how about if you split a couple of tribes from the rest and have the larger portion be turned into a free-for-all including the separated tribes, according to your own standards it kind of sucks and it’s a “punch” in the face of the players who picked that race. But that’s ok cause trolls are everywhere.

As far as I know, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, the Shatterspear tribe is under assault by the nelfs during their quests in Darkshore, but I don’t remember where it says they were destroyed.

It’s probably why they had to grow, like I said in the previous post, if Blizzard wants to keep a race around, they have to accommodate them. Consider your own words. These guys had no capital city (still don’t), had no numbers and no lore figures. And Trolls in general were one of the key races of Azeroth for a while. But since Blizzard decided to split them up so much, the Darkspear trolls had to be given something.

Not restored, brought closer to a playable race standard.

We didn’t just find out about the Zandalari empire. The Zandalari empire was a thing for quite a while. You had to grind reputation for them in Vanilla to get a stupid necklace or a trinket.

I’m starting to suspect you don’t really know what restored means, cause the Zandalari lost their leader, their fleet and a lot of their population due to recent and not so recent conflicts, so I’m not sure how Blizzard restored them.

We don’t get any mention of the orcs restoring their numbers and have to reason to believe they did that, the Darkspear were brought to player-race standards and the Zandalari have been losing non stop. Show me how how they were restored. Or are you upset they respawn after you kill them in game?

The Nelfs did experience losses during Cata, that’s true, I repeat that. Still, Ashenvale was reconquered and Garrosh was defeated by the combined armies of the Alliance, eventually defeated for good.

You know what was also being said during those times? That nelfs will quit and there will be no one to play nelfs.

The Alliance won quit a few things, the nelfs were in the Alliance, but ok. How about what Blizzard added in Cataclysm alone? How about an entire zone dedicated to them and their druidc ways, their wild gods? A load of lore added about them exclusively in a huge area? Or what that another punch thrown at the nelf players?

Well, get in line behind Jaina and several Horde leaders.

Nelfs were not charged with guarding Garrosh, the pandas were. If anyone is incompetent in that story it’s the pandas who wanted to play trial and everyone else idiots for playing along, except Sylvanas.

Ignored? They kept nelfs in the story as often as they could, Legion gives us another detailed glimpse into the nelf lore. How the hell do you keep getting ignored when they keep adding things about you. I think what you mean is why isn’t Blizzard pandering to your every whim.

No, the main reason for that is the self-deluding perception that nelfs invented suffering.

To that I say - Welcome to Zandalar.

A dying race? The nelfs have quite a presence is so many areas and even if they didn’t I wouldn’t believe for a second Blizzard would let one of their most popular races die off. How crazy do you have to be to delude yourself into believing that?!

When all other races get as much attention and content from Blizzard as nelfs did then we can speak about what’s fair or not.

As it stands you have complaints, I get that, we all have a few of those if not more than a few. Make them heard and move on, wait for the next step. It may not be EXACTLY what you wanted but it could be good, or not. If it’s that bad then quit and please don’t confuse me telling you to quit with dismissal. I intend to do that myself if I consider things are that bad for me.

Take a stand and quit for what you believe in!
Or continue to make tear-bait threads that say nothing aside that you are really sad cause you are a nelf and deserve compensation. It’s entirely up to you. Just don’t expect everyone to agree with you.



Do you’ve maybe interested to join a nelf discord server?

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War of the Thorns.

This thread taught me that Garrosh and Sylvanas did nothing wrong.

sips wine


Fixed it for ya

Reading some certain threads here on the Story forum without bursting an aneurysm is a victory everytime


Not my meme


What? What are you talking about? You want for nelves to stand alone against entire faction combined? Assistance of plenty of races and not just one subfaction?

Not to mention Horde would fail if it wouldn’t be for ASSISTANCE of Shatterspear tribe?