Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Its really simple for me: The problem is the role they have recently played in the Alliance-driven narrative.

Taking a look at BfA, they were attacked and literally burnt in their own home…but the aftermath was spent dealing with how Saurfang and the Alliance felt about it.
Not them, as they had already fullfilled their “purpose” giving us our dose of “shock value”. That’s basically the definition of the fridge trope. (*)

This isn’t the first time any of that happens.

In Cataclysm, Ashenvale questing starts with a Horde victory.
The Horde has already rolled in, curbstomped the Night Elves, burned their villages, killed their ancients, etc. And your job, as Alliance, is to salvage the situation.
A few months later we learn that the Night Elves fully reclaimed Ashenvale and set it back to rights, mostly thanks to the rest of the Alliance help.

In between, we have Wolfheart. The Horde, once again, rolls in and defeats the Night Elves. Until Varian becomes the chosen one of Goldrin and saves the day.

In conclusion, as of lately Night elves seems to perpetually have stuff happen to them to prove how bad things are, and to galvanize the Alliance (and certain human protagonists) into action.

Now, don’t you go grasping at the above and going “See?! They have it the worst!!”. They do not.
That’s the kind of “illness” that afflicts their story. Other races have their own sh!t to deal with.

But i give you that the kind of portrayal Night elves have had in the recent years, may have depended excessively on a victim card that amplifies (from a player perspective) what would otherwise be seen as a normal back and forth regarding how the race fared in the ingame setting.

(*) A character is killed off in a particularly gruesome manner and left to be found just to offend, insult, or to cause someone serious anguish. The usual victims are those who matter to the hero. If said character was killed by a villain, this guarantees to become a motivation for a Revenge plot or an immediate Roaring Rampage of Revenge.


The entire forums are standing up against the radical Night Elf fans. This is beautiful.

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I can only imagine what Night Elves will be like if they got more attention than they do now…

“Ah, conquerors, destroyers, world-breakers and faction superiors. The Night Elves are truly a savage race.”


“They didn’t conquer this one non-Night Elf kid that was just going to the store to buy some milk…”


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Honestly I agree with a lot of what you said. Not a whole lot else I can add. I think this whole debate of who have it the worst is pointless. Generally things aren’t solved through “what about-ism” it just helps to annoy the other person.
You got any solutions then or suggestions of how to improve stuff?
I mean, they may be getting a raw deal, but they are still included so to say. Should we just “give back” Darkshore or something or make Gilneas a Worgen/NElf capital, should they get their own novel?

tbh even if they gave back the entirety of Azeroth will there still be disappointed Night Elves.

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In this thread people asked for Night Elves opinion, asked why they think that Night Elves deserve some compensations.
I wrote a wall of text, where I mention half of the punches Night Elves had in WoW history. I wrote those moments about WoW history in story forums.

As a result people started to troll, and insult Night Elves fans. Insult real life players. That trolling shows that those people left with a lack of arguments. Deep inside they know that Night Elves fans are right, and they use that trolling as a self defense.

So please continue. That makes me feel that I’m doing the right thing, that I’m right.

Will you feel better if I invite you to my mighty Gilnean moving city of Jaghatai Khan? The caravan welcomes everyone, as we project our power across Azeroth.


Say, are you interested to join a discord server with people with a similar mindset?

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Trust me, I’ve been close a few times.

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I’m already in one of such communities :smiling_imp:

Takes something to do that I guess because your posts certainly aren’t doing that, lol.


Your arguments are as strong as wet noodle, plenty of people engaged in discussion and provided counter arguments. If anything you shown that you have incredible double standarts and zero regard to the plight of other races. That’s what I’ve got.


Pretty much nothing more to say.

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Yes, and you can literally do the exact same for every race. Just nitpick some details from lore that are trivial and use it to claim that Nelves suffered more. I can do the exact same thing for the Tauren. But, on the other hand, I can also give an entire list of things that Blizz did do for the Nelves. And that list will be longer than your list of injustices.

So stop being so biased about your favourite race.


Excuse me? Are you legitimately saying this right now? Are you honestly saying that no one here has ever given you any proper argumentation and in fact only made you feel victimized as a night elf player real life?

Fine, play it your way. Report as much of as you’d like. Then a mod can actually see how ridiculous you are. I’m sure they’re on your side. And if they didn’t ban us for apparently victimizing you, you can tell them this is another slight on Night Elves being punching bags or something.

I’ve had enough of this since the latest weekly Night Elf cry thread. And if you’re honestly in the right mind think that offering proper argumentation rather than incessantly whining is considered trolling, then you need to get a breath of fresh air.

This is the STORY forum. Not the NIGHT ELF STORY forum.


Please do. Write all the punches taurens had in every addon Like I did.

Tell my, why I do not need to insult real life humans, to proof something, while others who had “provided counter arguments” had to? :laughing:

He says nervously backed into the corner. “G-Got em, guys”


Where I , Janzi or Araphant insulted you?


Well, you did spend the entire afternoon insulting our collective intelligence here…

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No one has insulted you though, have they? If you think someone providing arguements against what you wrote is the same as insulting someone then damn
Just damn.