Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

  1. Bring a shopping list of complaints.
  2. Fail to answer once the standards YOU apply to other races are applied to yours.
  3. Claim you are the reasonable one being trolled by the evil people.
  4. Profit.

I actually have a headache now. So it is legit.


Honestly the victim complex is the most boring thing. It has been a thing since vanilla and 15 years later it is still going.

Your race of super stronk amazonian elf women that can solo everyone else hasn’t been a thing since WC3. They, much like the Horde, need allies to achieve things now…Time to let go or stop playing.


in ten characters.


In WC3 they also had to rely on allies, I don’t get where that headcanon on their supposed invincibileness is coming from.

In the very WC3 they needed help from Horde and Jaina’s expedition to defend Hyjal, and you got reminder of that in TBC raid in Caverns of Time.


the Sounds of Madness, the Rage and the Unbridled Fury hath Awaken me from my slumber

All right let’s crack this Nut case of an argument.
So, did the Night elves as a whole race get their Vengeance?
Plain and simple they’ve not both Saurfang the leading commander of the assault and Sylvanas Windrunner the Butcher of Teldrasil, are both very much alive and kicking though fighting against each other now.

Okay next question How is the Spectrum of the Night elves in the Alliance strength Hierarchy?

That’s right even with half their army gone (Mostly Junior officers and below to boot)
They still have half their army left, and with the boon of the Night warrior(Unsure what it does, must be really special!)
They are even able to to hold their own in Darkshore with a Gilnean Token force at best as support from the Alliance, while doing this they still have soldiers to spare to assist in Invasions of the Zandalari Empire and to lent enough of their forces to be slaughtered while securing the Alliance a win against the Horde and the Zandalari crippling the Strongest fleet ever known, and putting the Horde in a huge disadvantage (Until the magics of Aszhara)

Aside from that the Night elves still holds several Strong Holds across the globe of Azeroth therefore we can assume they went from the second strongest to the Third strongest member after their losses(Military based)

Next Question will the Night elves get the revenge they believe they Deserve?
It’s very simple not the Night elves nor any other Alliance race will get to Eraze the Forsaken or any other Horde race.

Final question!
Will BFA Leave a terrible taste in everyone’s mouth with only the story team actually knowing what happened through this whole thing?
**Very likely! **

Finally to boot.

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I added a little : >

You did by posting that mem.

Again, you are saying that people are tired of those treads. My answer is simple - don’t want those topics, ignore them.
I’m not saying that people should do. I’m just saying a simple thing, If you don’t like it ignore it…

But I did answered on everything from that. And did not receive and answer. When I told that there are no Named Forsaken Heroes on Warfront, did I get an answer where some Forsaken Hero Name is mentioned as counter argument?
No, only jokes…

And again, tell my why I do not need to insult real life humans or do trolling to proof my arguments?

Not an every single thing. But at least to show Night Elves victory at once. First Time of WoW history will be nice.

Ohh yes, pin everything on that meme, because you cannot counter my actual argument. :slightly_smiling_face:


How dare you post a meme. Post a youtube video instead.


Like I said. When people are lack of arguments, things like in the post above are being posted.

I regret nothing. I will die on that hill, as a loyal servant of the Gilnean Emperor.


First of all: No, you did not.

You ignored them and moved on to odd points as to how we’re all somehow trolling you. In fact, in context to your Hero Name, you only pointed out - huh - the Undead Night Elves.

It’s almost as if you missed out the entire involvement and point of Darkshore to begin with. For the sake of having an argument.

But you did insult them. You called them Trolls and having no counter-arguments. If you want to be that logical then yes, by this context you did insult them.

‘to proof your arguments’.

There is no insulting here apart from what you’re seeing through a biased set of glasses and accusations made out of thin air.


The sprawling Gilnean Empire, with their capital in Val’sharah.


The most tragic thing here? Most of us actually sympathized with the night elves, defended them, and believed they got dealt a bad hand in BFA.

Then an entire expansion of listening to “we had it worst” happened, and we are where we are.

I am the Khan of Gilneas, moving in my caravan, which is kinda cool.


Oh yes, I remember the days when I was defending Night Elves. I am still defending them, because I do not hate them, I just utterly dislike the radical fans.

At least Mälfurion and I made peace yesterday.


Janzi here.

I was one of the forefronters who sympathised with Night Elves. Only to be insulted for god knows why because I dared to see through the lens of storytelling instead of tragedy stats.


(And yes, if the thread about me getting verbally buttkicked by a Nelf and the one about being called an advocate on Genocide isn’t deleted yet, I can get it as proof.)


You really like trolls, don’t you?


Hell, I defended them too and even tried to sympathise with them at the start of this thread.
I can only be sympathetic to a certain point, and that point has been reached.