No change classic but change tbc

This, right there, is why I’m worried about arenas in a recreation of burning crusade, if it’ll ever come.
For one, burning crusade’s rating system was based on the Elo rating system. They moved away from that in wotlk, and put in a rating deviation metric instead, similar to the Glicko RD rating system.

There are a lot of differences in the details, but basically, burning crusade was the only expansion in the history of WoW, where you started on 1500 rating as a team, and didn’t have a separate MMR. Your CR was your matchmaking rating, it was that simple. And it required more wins to go up in rating as well, because you’d basically keep meeting teams near your own team’s rating so you almost never faced teams much higher rated than your CR.

While in wotlk, you could play on an MMR several hundred above your team’s CR, which made you win much more when you won, and lose much less when you lost.

So the question is if they’ll actually use the rating system(s) of back then with teams, and the authentic matchmaking from back then, or if they’ll just copy refail’s “solo rating” model instead like they did with Classic’s xrealm matchmaking?

That’s one concern. The other is if there’ll be any rating at all.

Thing is, while I don’t doubt that they’ll bring in skirmish arenas, I’m kinda doubtful if they’ll bring in rating. They’ve got the “esports” in refail, with the seasons going there. Are they really going to bother handling seasons in the recreated expansions as well? And what about season rewards like r1 and so on if they do?

That’s my other concern with moving past Classic WoW and the potential for arenas.

This thread is all that’s wrong with #changes. Sure, change X may seem good for player A, but it’s unacceptable for player B.

Blizzard’s vision of #nochanges is far from ideal, but at least it’s a reference point. Start making #changes and everyone disagrees with everyone on everything.

I would like some “sensible” #changes, in particular, to make 2.4.3 (they’ll surely base TBC on 2.4.3) more “authentic”. But #changes that go beyond the original TBC? It’d never work.

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The issue that on contrary on classic people did right to enforce a no change mentality,
The change from 40 to 25 this time will not benefit the players as it did on the original release, more people want to raid and everyone is good enough to play his class to a sufficient level in a tbc/wotlk raid environment.

The arena one is more of a personal one becouse arenas are an half abortion, the responsible of it no longer works at the company.

Considering that the issue of “lost/deprecated code” shouldn’t apply to TBC as it happened in Classic then I don’t see a reason for the Rating system to be the one used from WotLK on.

Ofc this is unless BlizzVision thinks the new one is more fair and enjoyable.

I doubt that will happen and if it does it will totally hosted by the playerbase and not by Blizzard.

Another reason to have Rated Bg instead of arenas.

Hahah there will be so much crying for changes in TBC, time to taste your own poison, Want to team up for #Nochange TBC?

Nah man, let TBC be TBC, let Classic be Classic… And when it comes around, let WOTLK be WOTLK.

Enough with all these changes.


classic is fine as it is, but seing how the playerbase have matured there is no need to have this changes that TBC bringed, the game will do fine with bigger raid sizes and the presence of rated bgs instead of arenas

How about no? Rated BGs didn’t exist in TBC, they shouldn’t exist in a re-release of TBC either. It wouldn’t be TBC and it would’t make sense compared to the already established systems and progress of TBC.

How are you not seeing this?


The only thing I want from Blizzard when it comes to TBC is to do natural patch progression. For me and probably a lot of other players one of the things that ruined Classic was rolling it out on the final patch changes at the start.

I do not want the later patch changes in TBC at the start. I want the long arduous attunement quest chains and for classes to be at the same power they was for each patch of TBC. I would be fine if they went through the later patch notes and fixed the bugs in the game and that some classes had but as for Class changes and World changes they should come with each patch as they did in original TBC.

Please Blizzard I beg you not to shaft us once again.


Lots of PvP players will return for arenas. They did not and will not return for Classic.

Large change that does nothing, just makes a change that can end poorly in the resulting rebalancing and what not.

Also bigger raid side trivalized some raid mechanics and would require guilds to just have more people per raid team - and the more you have the more fragile it becomes to player participation.

Arena have no place in mmorpg they are an abortion that are aganist its very core.

Raid partecipation is way higher in classic compared to vanilla, it will be the same in TBC, warcraft logs confirms that.

It’s not to you or anyone elsr what should be or not in a recreation of an old expansion. If it is a recreation then no content really changed.

That doesnt imply we have to change the format of TBC raids.

It’s either recreation of TBC or custom Classic+ with some TBC content that “some” players requested.

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But arenas only damaged the game and fighting at the same time for their removal on general forum aswell.

Raid size change came in favor of guild that struggled clearing the content, with its re-release having a 25 size will have the results of increasing rotations between active raiders and bech, making a lot of people unhappy becouse they can’t enjoy the game

Same as corruption, wod and more. If it’s a recreation then good and bad returns.

Bigger guilds run multiple raid groups already. More raid groups or smaller guilds gives more flexibility to the players. Also decreased raid size allows for actual raid mechanics and single player responsibilities. In a 40 man it’s all watered down.

Also if it’s a recreation then good and bad returns.

Not to mention that people in “normal” guilds are already tired of MC or Ony farming or can’t really adapt to fights like twin emp or wont commint to viscidus and then naxx. Among 40 players in a na n hardcore group there is a lot of people that wont or can’t handle responsibilities or mechanics. Thats the flavor of vanilla.

but this ones all had minor impact to the damage arena did to the game by example.

becouse now we have boss that have 2 mechanics bosses like baron geddon.

TBC already stepped up the level to player performance, and you can easily rebalance it by having to clikc 8 cubes instead on 5 on magtheridon.

people plays better so everyone is able to pull their weight in raid, warcraft logs showed how just on mirage raceway 70 guild have cleared aq, 10 if not more compared to vanilla guilds performance.

I’d say it’s more common to have raid ready Alta in classic then tbc. Having to do all attunements on more then 1 is a big yikes imo. You can’t just bring some half booster alt with good gear to ssc/TK, he need to have reverd with all factions for HC to unlock quests and do all HC dungeons and Kara/mag/gruul before you can take him in.

Early on yeah, I agree. But by the end of TBC, it’s much easier to go through alt benches for SWP than it is for Naxx.

Though, as a personal level, I still find more of a drive gearing up and playing alts in TBC than in Classic. I mean, sure having to do attunements is annoying but it’s a one-time deal - and that’s counterbalanced by the fact the gearing process is much easier and less RNG dependant since more loot drops, with better droprates, and with more sidegrade options.

If I had to collect HoJ both for my warrior and my rogue, alongside with all the various low-chance drops all my alts could need in Classic… I’d go insane.


Go back to Vanilla-classic servers.

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Hmm… changing 25-man raid to vanilla-like 40-man? No reason to do that, I see only positives in reducing the number of players, due to the fact that for many new and smaller guilds get together 40 ppl is nightmare nowadays, and from organization perspective, it’s much harder. Then what these guilds have to do? Pug. Or wait until reasonable number of players join the guild. In TBC, however, you will make the raid group far easier and faster. You can do 2x25-man raid groups, 4x10-man groups and the gearing of players is 2-4x faster. And the joy from game and getting gear is not lesser at all.

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