No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

Bit like the twitter integration update :wink:

I’m still kind of hoping they’ll add a CoT teleport cloak, ring, toy etc after the feedback or just add in an extra portal or mage to talk to. This seems to the portal loss causing the biggest upset.

I’m still not fussed myself :laughing:

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For now they didn’t make any move, they didn’t reply for a while about it although there are over 2700 posts on the US thread.
On EU the blues don’t seem to care or acknowledge the problem, probably they are just waiting for the concern to die along with our hopes.

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or just waitin for news from the US. Anyway. i can understand the problem but i think there’s “too much ado about nothin”

EDIT: i was reading the blueposts there.

“What content are folks doing in like CoT that the portal helps so much with? What about other areas? How much time do you think the new setup will add to your journey?”

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I don’t think so, I think players have the right to express their concern over a decision they don’t understand or make sense with.
What’s the point of removing portals to those places? For us to travel more around the world really? Is flying from Uldum to Cavern of time is going to add anything to my playtime? Will it be interesting? Fun? Thrilling? Will I see anything different after X time doing the same travel over and over again until I get the mounts I wish would drop from Dragon Soul? If there is nothing interesting in CoT that is worth flying there why not then close the place all together.
“Funny” thing is while timewalking event to are ported to Black Morass out of the blue with LFG, how does that make sense with removing the portal to CoT?
The problem is that they can’t explain the reason behind this other than time sink. There is nothing to get from flying longer time in a zone we have travelled to and across again and again while levelling.

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But i agree ppl need to complaint about this unnecessary rework. But like blizz needed to fix other fix i think ppl need to focused to complain about other things. 2700 posts!!!
this is by far more important

or others about unbalance, old zones, warfronts, islands. But all the threads together never reach 2700.

Maybe this type of concern gets more posting because it doesn’t concern only high end content people. Very casual people, levellers … are also affected by this.

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yes ofc. and maybe they will be successful. But its still incredible.

Everybody does, from the mog/mount/achievement/pet/toy (some isntances) farmer to the twinks… yes they never thought about them, these portals were made for max level people in the 1st place. Karazhan portal goes to the karazhan dungeon, CoT portals (weird we had none in Cata though) were used in TBC and WotLK for easier dungeon access so no needing for example the Alliance to go from Shattrath/Dalaran > SW > Darnassus > riding all the way to Tanaris. Main city portals nobody complains about but the rest wasn’t needed.

I remember what they said in Legion: “It makes no sense to have a portal from new to old Dalaran so we made a Wyrmrest portal for your way to access WotLK content.” in which they placed the Chromie scenario aswell. Holiday events will now be fun for Alliance considering 2 are purely in Northern EK.

No this has been purely done to force us into current content only and/or to increase time played. Take Shrine portal, it was central and it was perfect. Nope now we are at the edge of the continent. Not even that TI being closer is an excuse, there is a teleport trinket for that place!


yes there is no excuse for removal in Shrine, it was the hub in MoP extension it should remain the main hub, same for new Dalaran instead of Azuna.
What they are doing basically is grouping all the portals for the main Capitals in one place but removing the unique ones. Nothing to rejoice about for mage, because those are basically all the portals they can do appart from Dalaran’s crater (and we’ll still have the heartstone for new Dalaran, at least I hope).
They are not making the world bigger they are concentring it in one place which is their portal room. And as many thing Blizzard adds over expansions they are going to force us through those routes because they are so proud of their job and we should admire them.
This shows how little care for how people play their game and the expectations we have as players. They have no clue how we spend our time and what we’re doing when not doing current content.
I think this show Blizzard’s devs aren’t playing their own game. They are just experiencing the last extension and that’s it.


As said on the US forums:

You have a great game, but you don’t trust it or your players to find their fun.

And that’s how I feel with a lot of changes they implement. I’d also change ‘great’ game into ‘good’ though…


There are so may things I would copy and paste from the US forum, so many good points made.
And still we get no answer, not here, not there.
Where is that communication they sworn they would improve?

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With the Portal Rooms, won’t you be able to take the following path:

Portal Room (Shatthrath) → Zephyr teleport.


That path seems just as fast as the current Dalaran → Portal path. It does require that you are revered with the Keepers of Time, but otherwise it should work fine, no? :thinking:

If that is going to work then there really is no need for anyone to be upset at all.

Depends on what you’re upset about. :wink:


LOL oh yes there is, they remove the portal to Shrine to replace it by a portal to Jade forest? when Jade Forest was the central hub of MoP? never. So when SoO is already a pretty long instance to run you’ll have to make the path from Jade forest, for no reason other than “'cause”.
They removing portal to new Dalaran for Azuna. Why Azuna?
With the new portal room in Stormwing or Orgrimmar that’s a total of 5 portals we’re losing. They are just and simply removed from the game for no valuable reason at all.

Not upset? :rage:
Who said Blizzard got to walk over their customers, and we have to remain silent?

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It’s an old hub, they should have just got into the habit of removing them after each expansion ends.

Quote from US forum

The opposite of Silvermoon is Exodar. Alliance get one to Exodar.

The complaint isn’t so much on losing city portals from Dalaran (besides the Shrine), it’s in the loss of the portals in Dalaran’s basement that has not been consolidated and has at best another location nearby in excess of 3+ minutes of flight, CoT and Dalaran Crater. Those portals weren’t even removed, they were coded to be out of phase unless you have a quest requiring them. So blizz went of their way to inconvenience us. Along with the needless removal of the portal to Blasted Lands and to Hellfire Peninsula.

Current Portals in Orgrimmar compared to Portal Room:

Hellfire Peninsula — Nothing
Blasted Lands — Nothing
(Nothing, see below) — Silvermoon
Ashran — Ashran
New Dalaran — Azsuna (but… why? gif)
2nd New Dalaran — Old Dalaran
Dazar’alar — Dazar’alor
(Jade Forest by the blimp) – Jade Forest

Removed New Dalaran Portals compared to Portal Room:

Shrine of Two Moons — Nothing
Undercity ---- Nothing, but the Zepplin tower still has one
Thunder Bluff — Nothing, can just portal back to Daz
Silvermoon — Silvermoon
Shattrath — Shattrath
Wrymrest Temple — (Old Dalaran works)
Caverns of Time — Nothing (removed from Old Dal too)
Dalaran Crater — Nothing

We lost a portal to New Dalaran, gained one to Old Dalaran. We got a shiny new room (good job art team!) and we lost… Five portals.

The time difference from Uldum to CoT instead of just a direct portal to CoT is ~3 minutes, per toon you are taking down there for your Mog/Pets/Mounts.

The time difference for Alliance between Dalaran Crater and Twilight Highlands with manual flight is about 6 minutes. “That’s crazy…” some say, “…just take the flight path!” … 9 minutes.

Removing portal from old Dalaran doesn’t make any sense; it’s 10 year old content.


Or use a mage to go to Dalaran crater.

Oh yeah “dont you have mages” is the new “don’t you have phones”.
I didn’t think MVP would be that sold to Blizzard…

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Heaven forbid a class that can make portals actually has some use. Terrible game play. Lets make everyone equal.

My MVP status has zero to do with my opinion. I really think it is the biggest fuss over nothing losing a few portals. That is MY own opinion.