No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

Are you dissing me on the size of your e-peen in WoW?

Is that still a thing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Really? :unamused:

More like "practice before preach " :wink:

But don’t I?

I have the time and desire to play my 1 main character.
The rewards I acquire correlate to the time and effort I put into the game.

You seemingly have the time and desire to play 30 characters.
The rewards you acquire surely correlate to the time and effort you put into the game. 30x the time and effort for 30x the rewards.

With or without portals, that design seems just fine.

What you want is lots of portals so you can reduce the time and effort that 30 characters demand whilst maintaining the acquisition of 30x the rewards.

Self-gratification indeed.

This is great news. I can charge people with money again to give them portals. Thanks Blizzard! :slight_smile:

Even though there was a problem with travelling, which was mostly from portal to portal to portal to where you want to be, the obvious solution would have been to just give everyone a portal spell to all locations there are portals to.

But no, it now comes down to a load of portals being removed and the remainder in one place. How is that any better?

All I want is something that was put in game for a reason to stay and not being taken away for shady new reasons. If I farm something with 30 characters- I invest the time for a chance to get a certain reward, don’t need extra time spent on a FP to inflate some metrics. I assumed by your tone of superiority that you know so much about how the game works and what should and should not be in it. Turns out that your experience of playing 1 character at a very casual level has nothing to do with this. By your logic and pronouncing myself about how you should play I might say that people need at least 20 hc boss kills before they are allowed to unlock 3th ring of azerite traits, and 10 mythic for next one. Or something like that. Would make just as much sense, the design would be fine because would fit my playstyle, screw the others.


Next step will be the re introduction of the consumables for portals. Do you remember them?
“ill give you a ton of gold for a portal to silvermoon”
“yeah! nice wait ill use my uh uh… i think i have no more comnsumables sorry”
“ok ill give my 30000000000000000 gold to another mage”

Removal of portals is a retrograde step.

I was looking forward to a portal room for personal convenience and where i thought new players who didn’t necessarily play the expansions at the time, would be able to use portals and not miss out on short cuts due to ignorance. Actually be able to spend more time doing things they might find interesting, like mount, toy or transmog farming in older mostly irrelevant zones.

Instead everybody seems to get a massive QoL knock and be forced to spend additional time flying or using flight points for no discernible benefit; like others i tab out or even leave my computer whilst flying, it is not interesting or compelling game play.

If you keep making this game more boring do you think you are going to get more or less subscribers?


Actually the only portals you can money from would be Dalaran crater and Shrine, since there is no mage portal for CoT, nor Karazhan, nor Dragonblight.

Bet you’ll make all the money in the world with that ^^


If only rep was account bound :thinking: if only it wasnt one of the longest to grind back in TBC and now unless you have surplus TW coins for all your chars :thinking:

Still its a major raid /dungeon/quest/event hub and ive listed that to you before but as always you ignore that and focus on your view and that your always correct.

while not aimed directly at me, its aimed at players who, like me have amassed an army of alts, that for whatever the original reasons, are now mostly farm bots.

if only your statement about rewards correlating to the time and effort put in was true. but no, you have just as much chance on a single toon, as anyone else does on 50 toons.

again, this is why people want to limit the time they need to travel when they repetitively need to clear instances.

time and effort is not always rewarded in this game. in fact, its rewarded less and less as time goes by :frowning:

So if it’s my opinion it’s selfish but if it’s yours that’s fine. Don’t be ridiculous.

I could use the same petulant language as you and say your view is entitled, lazy, selfish and expecting the game to cater for extreme farming. But I don’t feel that just because someone doesn’t agree with me that I need to start using such language.

Instead I will say that I think you want the game to cater for you in a way that is not really intended. They don’t make content thinking how can someone bring an accounts worth of characters here.

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There is no need to be so rude and name call Puny because she doesnt share the same view as some of us if you cant debate in a polite manner dont do it at all .
She is allowed her view and i wish people would stop picking out/on her MvP status she is far from a Blizzard clone .
Iam 50/50 on the removal things .CoT to me is a wrong move as the place is a huge zone the others i can understand and respect .
CoT even affects BFA content so please be mindful so being rude to one of the nicest people on the forums .
And you aint fit to look a her belf booties !


why would they be looking at her belf boobies? oh… :blush:

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Hi, I am a depreciated content player (no-BFA cause I savor full content -personal choice-). Before Legion became part of the base game, I was a depreciated content player again. I was sad to have lost Ashran, cause it had potential but was needing some tweaks. I also was sad for not doing Wintergrasp much. But in their prime times, they were not perfect (imho). That’s kinda the reason I ditch brand new and supported content. Still I pay for the game too. You people just paid a bit more to be playing together while my guildies retired. I farm stuff I have not completed yet. And two things make that easy for me: flying and portals.

Now, the first heartbreak I experienced was when the city portals in Shrine got reduced to only Orgrimmar. Sorry orcs, I did not start the game cause I love Thrall; I loved the shaman gameplay and the nature of taurens. I love my city. I love seeing my city whenever I fly around it or whenever my character steps in after jumping through a portal.

So more portals are getting removed and US forums are debating more about this. In my opinion, flying should have been the first thing to be implemented for new zone(s)/content requiring some specific, challenging but rewarding requirements. We experienced that in WoD and Legion. I really would have loved to have that opportunity available during launch of WoD. Most would have liked to have that right now in BFA zones as well. After all you already mastered the zones and everything would look different and beautiful with a different perspective.

Lasty, our quality of life feature, portals. For normal and heroic dungeons, you queue just by opening a menu. If the whole idea of removing portals would be to liven up the game, the first step would have been the removal of individual queuing for dungeons. I believe the problem is that they announced the idea way back at Blizzcon. They might have rushed it. Since Legion became depreciated content even though there is a player that plays legally in that content for months now -Hello…-, removal of portals is justifiable by Blizz by stating that “The content is old and not supported.”. It will not be the first time they will state it.

I am half happy that they are planning to keep the portals and put them in phase. This would mean they are not butchering the code and remove them permanently. Who knows, may be they would keep eye on forums and change their minds at one point and re-activate the permanent portals in old content areas.
(Even though during an interview it was said that gamers were expected to adapt/accept/live with what developers imagine and create. So whatever is done and will be done is forced to us. I do not believe they will back down without a solid reason.)

Adapting doesn’t mean we have to accept everything that is thrown at us and winging our tail too.
On US forum they reached 3400 post with this, ans stil no reply from Blizzard which I find contemptuous when players, customers, voice out a concern.
They also said during the Blizzcon that they wanted to improve their communication from there they laid off many CM and not replying when we don’t agree with some change.

If the choice is accept and shut up or quit, I thin at some point it will be an easy made choice.

Eh? Bornakk has made lots of posts on the subject. Feedback’s been taken into account as well (old portals will phase in for leveling characters on specific quests, for example).

You’re confusing matters. The WoW team and the CM team wants to improve communications. But they have no say in regards to who gets laid off and who doesn’t - that is a matter derived from Activsion Blizzard’s senior management.

I dont see many blue interaction here in europe (except for futility)

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He made 4 posts 3 days ago and that was it. It seem this CM tried to understand the problem but there is no direct answer from Blizzard addressing this issue. Are they even going to do anything about it? Have the devs even heard it would cause so problems to some players? What is their say?

I do wonder what is the actual point of this change. It reminds me of the flying debate that’s probably still making quite a few people hate the “other side”. From personal experience, one of the reasons why I did bother with Love is in the Air this year was that it coincided with the Arathi portal in Boralus; if it didn’t, I most likely wouldn’t. It was helped that I could just use the portals to Hellfire Peninsula to get quickly to Stormwind, and use that to get around the capitals with relative ease (keep in mind, it’s four capitals, so using HS to go back to Boralus was not an option for all of them). This got more important, as I was doing it on multiple characters. I can foresee that with the coming change in portals (especially the lack of one going to Ironforge), I am probably not going to bother next year.
I also have experience from two games that employ an “easy teleportation system” of wayshrines, GW2 and Elder Scrolls Online. Both of them have several wayshrines in all zones, and it doesn’t seem to be detrimental to player participation in world content (heck, GW2 events, especially when part of a daily, tend to be quite overcrowded, and ESO’s dark anchors that are easily accessible also have MANY people present at almost all times). It would appear that player participation in world content correlates more with convenience of getting to content than with the length of travel to said content.
Size of the world is secondary - how much fun it is is far more important. If I’m going to Caverns of Time to farm a mount or transmog from there, seeing the sands of Tanaris is not going to make the game more fun, at least for me.

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