No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

I don’t see why it’s always this pathfinder “unlock the feature that should be available from the start after a year of playing the expansion with no lore related reason whatsoever”.

I can see the argument of needing to explore the whole map.

I can see the argument of needing to reach certain reputation thresholds with factions throughout the expansion.

I can see the argument that it should be difficult, grindy or even expensive to fly.

But this? This pathfinder idea they’ve had for quite some time satisfies nobody.

The people who dislike flying? They’ll keep disliking flying and they won’t be happy for the first half of the expansion because they know flying is coming as well as them being unhappy as soon as flying arrived.

The people who like flying? They’ll keep disliking not being able to fly and they won’t be happy for the first half of the expansion because they want to fly, while being annoyed about the timegating for flying during the second half.

It’s quite literally a Judgment of King Solomon, with neither side being happy.

I wouldn’t mind having to grind my eyes out for 30 days straight to unlock flying, with each npc killed only giving one millionth of progress towards whatever I need to fly, but this timegating is straight up awful. And it has always been awful.

Cutting a baby in half so each side can have one half is not a good solution. Seriously, who thought it was?

No its a convenience we get after one year (or even more) into the expansion.

Couldnt say it any better. The x.0.5 or x.1 patches would be great for this. Just do another pathfinder for new content zones separately

And how does that matter?

Ive been playing on PvP servers and never got rid of WM since the beginning of the expansion. While at first, we had some great WPvP for the very first months of BFA, it completely disappeared when pathfinder and its grinding required through WQs hit us at lv 120. I started to see people connecting only to do the most WQs as possible per day to earn reputations and disconnecting right after.
No fights anymore, just clean them up and ciao.

Nobody is exploring anymore at this stage, are you serious ? Exploration comes up when you are leveling, there’s no way someone wants to keep “exploring” or “admiring” areas when you constantly have to grind once you are lv 120. Pathfinder forces us to rush its objectives so we don’t feel disadvantaged before others players. Never have i seen that much players entering Nazjatar/Mechagone and camping rares all day and just about a week later, that much players (including myself) flying around and giving piggy back ride to others. Even a friend of mine was tired of getting outspeed like this and asked me to be his driver. Seriously.

Not only Pathfinder forces us to grind but its also unfair to casual player who, if late to the party, mostly will have to turn off WM and get outspeed by others in flying mount, thats also why I want flying back with gold.

Here’s a hot tip for everyone since pathfinder is coming back.

Do it while it’s current so you don’t have to cry about it 3 years down the line :slightly_smiling_face:


theres not many left of us

IMO the problem isn’t that flying requires you to do the content, the problem is, how pretty much all the factions are time-gated. I’d much prefer if I could just spend a few days farming them instead of doing a few dailies every day.

i like the system how it is now. it makes way more sense. tho hate the rep. tho it is not that hard. it it could be introduced a little sooner. 8.1 instead 8.2.

It sounds to me like flying should unlock once you’ve done the story and content of all covenants, and I’m not referring to completing all covenants. I’m referring to the point where your alts will be when you level them.

Well since Blizzard listened to a bunch of petty sadists whose only interest is seeing others annoyed, they can, at least, make it less tedious to unlock flying by not adding some timegated reputation grind.


You make out the reputation ‘grind’ is solely for the purpose of flying, they are not, there are profession plans, items (yes BfA messed up with the items being too low an ilvl), pets, mounts and other upgrades. I don’t understand the general aversion to gaining reputation with factions. It is not as if it is hard, most people have a set of alts at exalted by now.

6 months?

They released part 2 in, early July this year. BFA came out on Aug. 24th(?) last year, that’s more like 10-11 months, than 6 months.

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I’m pro flying. I’m still completely fine with pathfiner.

grind the rep. It won’t kill you.

Cataclysm had flying from day 1 right out the gate, you were expected to fly around the zones. And I don’t recall people complaining.

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In addition to that… Boycotts don’t work when for everyone who actually boycott the product, a thousand people don’t.

It’s not about distance, or time spent. It’s about immersion. The world is simply better, and more engaging when you can fly. I love flying, the angles you get of the world, and the overview, is just so much better than when you are stuck to the ground. There are a lot of details I don’t even notice when I can’t fly. My biggest experience with this happened in Kun Lai summit back in MoP, with the path up the mountain and the town underneath, at sea level. I couldn’t properly grasp it until I could fly.

I also main a druid, that can shapeshift into a bird. Ofc flying matters a lot to me. It makes the world feel bigger and more engaging, because I can actually see how it is put together.

Flightpaths are a curse, and so are the flightmaster’s whistle. I have never felt so distanced to the world as after these were added massivly. I tab out of flightpaths, and the whistle teleporting me… handy, but it’s not doing the world a favour at all. If I could fly on my own, I would at least be playing and seeing the actual world, rather than going afk, because I’d actually steer my character if I could fly on my own.

What happens without flying is that you take the same paths from flightpoints over and over again. You don’t experience the world you experience paths that you have memorized.

While playing Classic I don’t miss flying at all. In BfA I did. Difference is that in BfA I was so bored to tears of the same world quests that having to do them by ground was torture. In Classic I don’t have world quests to repeat. That can be a positive and a negative but it does mean that I am not bored of taking the same paths to them every day.

It’s not about difficulty. It’s downright destructive if you don’t play the game that way.

I generally don’t do content I don’t enjoy. I may get rewards from it, but as long as those rewards aren’t necessary, I won’t work for it unless I am in the mood for it. Flying however, is extremelt imoprtant to me, and I sadly let myself almost puke on it this time, even when going slow. Talk about destroying my positive experience with the game, and making it something negative.


That would certainly help, but I’d rather see them just go with loremaster and zone exploration.