No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

I miss flying when I cap but this is the system we have. It’s a compromise between those who want it and those who don’t. So basically both sides can be miserable at some point.

It was such a lovely bonus when you dinged to go get flying. You’d done all your exploring on the ground and was time to explore in the skies. Various expansions even had only accessible via flying content.

More rep grinding only for it to be made easier to get months later…


Would have been nice if they designed maps to not be so claustrophobic as they are now.

It would also flow nicer with flying.

Whereas as a convinced liberal I like the idea of voting with your wallet, believe me I do. The OVERALL design of Shadowlands has probably been finalized for a while now.

ie, this is not going to change, and if. It were to It’d mean delays

Mechagon literally has a repeatable quest in the scrap yard for the “old schoolers” who liked farming fulborgs in Felwood.

Contents more Immersive when u can ignore Content?

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I don’t mind pathfinder. However I do mind that you can’t grind it as you wish and can only do so much a day

I don’t ignore the world. I don’t participate much in PvP or daily quests, but I am a huge fan of the actual world and the storylines, so don’t even try me.

Repeating quests over and over again isn’t story to me, nor is it engaging.

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This only shows that you play wrong game. Mmorpgs are simply not for you.

  1. part doesnt matter becouse part 2 wasnt out yet. And second part was grindable free of gating. People had flying after 4 days of patch release.

I think we’re lucky to get flying at all.
Didn’t they state before that they wish they never brought it in?

Ion is well aware of a lot of things and does not care about any of us. if you think otherwise, you are naive.

exactly. even though there is an issue. people just dont have the willpower and think a #insertcausehere will solve everything instead of actually DOING something. thats why blizzard can keep doing what they do to us all the time, cause people wont actually stick to their principles. eg. tons of people have already prepurchased shadowlands EVEN though its not out for a year AND with blizzards track record AND with the lack of actual meat shown for shadowlands.

while i dont agree with the rep requirement, especially with the current way that rep is gained, i think the MAIN issue with flying now, is not exactly pathfinder part 1, but the ONE YEAR wait for pathfinder part 2.

If they just removed pathfinder part 2, and made flying available the MOMENT that pathfinder part 1 was complete, i think that “most” of players would be ok with that. as it stands, i think the majority are annoyed with the way flying currently works, but Азриил is right, not enough people are going to do anything about it like we did in WoD. the playerbase now is not the playerbase who had some balls back 5 years~ ago.

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On the contrary I like RPGs. Grind without substance is irrelevant. if you want grind, then try some mobile game instead…

Maybe you are playing wrong game. See I can make as silly posts as you do.

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Here is my experience with Pathfinder this expansion.




It was a major waste of so much time just to get from A to B a little quicker.
There is barely any quality WPvP anyway and the already tiny maps are scattered with flight paths.
This is especially problematic when there are rares you gotta farm, but everyone and their mother swarms the rare and its dead before even 15 seconds has been since it got pulled.

So 2-3 months just to farm to make transportation a little convenient aint worth it.

Make Pathfinder easier, or vendor price it or just dont allow it all together.
Thats why Timeless Isle was a much better experience for the players.

It was gated. You could only do so much each day in Nazjatar.

Much different from old reps where you could just grind mobs

We used to buy it, before they added pathfinder and stuff, so it’s not as weird as you think.

Well, it doesn’t kill content for me. I’d say that whether it kills anything is highly subjective, and that there are regular ground mounts that cannot fly for those who feel like flying is somehow ruining their game experience.
I believe in choice!

I like the way it is now. It is not that difficult to farm reputation btw. :sweat_smile:

No, it wasn’t. If you “only do so much each day in Nazjatar”, aka the spoon-fed stuff it takes like 10 days on average to get PF2, yet some who decided to grind it out got it in 3-4 days. How is that possible if “You could only do so much each day in Nazjatar”??

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Meh, you’re blaming the guy too much. He is in charge, but he has people to answer to, and they’re shareholders, who really don’t give a damn about us unless we stop paying.