No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

Well I missed that you were able to grind it out then…what else was there to get rep besides wq and daily quests?

Random drops from different types of mobs, there are like 5-6 different items that can randomly drop and give rep and follower XP. Only on of them is with a weekly lockout (the item from the Elders which gives 350 rep and 100 XP to all followers), the rest can be farmed. And gaining a level to a follower also gives a lot of rep. Doing all pet battles gives 3k rep. All events also give rep, including the battle for Nazjatar (regardless of win or lose), playing the Mrrl vendors game, all rares give rep for 1st kill in a day. There might be some things I’m missing as well.

Huh. I really should start looting mobs again :blush:

Flying isn’t really a “grind” when you actually play the game. If you play 1 hour per Week, then good luck but stop whining already.

I think the grind to unlock flying is fine and it’s actually have some pros (for example: it’s account bound so alts also earn it) compared to paying for flying skill on each character). The only thing I hate is time-gating, coupled with a grind. I mean grinding is fine but we shouldn’t have it on top of time-gating which is so boring. We should be able to start the grind to earn flying right away then it’s good, imo.

I think that we should be able to fly anywhere in Shadowlands once we hit the 60.
They should make some kind of twist to it. Like creating special souls that will hunt you down if you dont have the rep done in the location you are trying to fly. Or even better, make special Q chain to get rid of these special souls but lock it behind the reputation.

That would be funny.

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Why don’t you lead by example? Then we won’t need to see you post here again.


Flying should be disabled in current content if you have PvP mode on.

To be honest, the whistle is just enough. Do whistle modifications, and set flying only for the previous expansions.

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There is nothing rewarding behind being forbidden to use a huge part of your mount collections flying ability for 50% of the expansion and unlocking it after doing stupid world quests. Flying is a trivial quality of life feature that should allways be there. Removing flying for half a expansion is like removing group finder. Plus, there still are no rational arguments as to why anybody would want flying removed. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Everybody should dictate their own fun, especially when it comes to something as trivial as flying. But some people on this forum and elsewhere think its cool to force others to play the way they choose to.


To you it isn’t, to me it is. Deal with it.

The difference is, I can argue for my position. You apparently can not. Deal with it.

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Good, I LOVE Pathfinder way of achieving flying. It feels rewarding.



the buck stops with someone. he has made some HORRIBLE decisions over the years, one of the big ones being wanting to remove flying FOREVER during WoD.

answering to shareholders or not, i dont think the decision to remove flying form WoD onwards was something they forced him to do.

shareholders want money. they are simple greedy creatures. as long as they get lots of money they will be happy.

the direction and “heart” of the game is on his and a very limited others shoulders. THEY are responsible for the game.

you are right, shareholders dont give a damn about us unless the money stops flowing in, so that means the ENTIRE design and direction of the game is in Ion’s hands alone. he only needs to do 2 things:

  1. make money for shareholders
  2. design a game that players like and doesn’t take us for advantage.

stop (not you personally) defending devs’ TERRIBLE decisions in recent years. i feel so sorry for the art and music teams.

that meme of “the art team are suffering severe back pain from propping up the entire BFA expansion” is so true.

There are players what dont like flying and there are players what like flying. So we are grounded for 50% of expanasion and we can fly in 50% of expansion. Both audiences got time to enyoj it. I dont see any problem. Maybe you should just accept fact that game isnt just about you.

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There is nothing to argue about, since I don’t need to argue with anyone about why I personally feel it is rewarding. Deal with it.

I dont think Not creating pathfinder would cause a Delay :stuck_out_tongue: if anything creating the pathfinder achievements would make a delay, as its more they have to create.

and i find it very unlikely they’ll revert this either tbh, the issue is… Some like it Some Dont, they’ll never appease everyone with one decision, its physically impossible to manage to do so really.

while i agree they prolly waited too long for it in BFA as i feel the Open world content was Trivalised Before the release of Flying… i do stand by its the better choice… when the only other choice is to basically tell the other side of the argument to F**** itself.

Heres that favorite argument

Heres Why.

  • If you can fly, weather u as a player fly or not, everyone else will. destroying World PvP and Communication.
  • The Activities which people desire who are against flying cannot happen unless More then themselves arent flying.

your so quick to demand “dont fly if u dont like it” but u dont seem to understand if Ur flying, it renders the Point null. U cant have active WPVP if 90% of the playerbase is flying.

it isnt “Trival” it actively Kills a part of the game a Population adore and Want back. As much as u argue “dictate our own fun”, sadly its a World we share therefore we simply cannot. because we all want different things.

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Flight in the game doesnt create nor lose Shareholders. He wants it gone because flying Kills certain elements to the game, stop acting like simply “refusing to fly” aids WPVP and more in a game which doesnt limit it.

He aint trying to kill flying because of a Shareholder, Hes trying to kill flying because he Geniunely beleives its bad for the game… and theres a Population in this game which agrees with him.

Dont bash on Good ideas just because u dont like them. U cant appease everyone with one decision, whatever the decision is they’ll be two sides and one of those sides will be let down.

when u accept theres more then ur opinon… u will reliese why Pathfinders a thing.

I dont actively WPVP, i actively hate Grinding Reputations. however i deal with it because its the Best solution as a Comprimise between the two Sides of this argument, i’d prefer them just to release it mid expansion with no requirements tied… but they seem to persist to tie it to achievements none the less.

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When I see no flying I assume its because there is no content.

What does grinding rep have to do with “world experience”? Came back to WoW to try it out again as Shadowlands looked interesting having a look at the unlock for flying in legion… not a chance grind rep for weeks on end by the time you got it why would you want to see that content again…

TBC was prob the best expac in WoW and if not its Wrath but offered flying as soon as you hit max level, with TBC having a small fortune to do so, it didn’t hurt the game nor PvP as it got you to the battlements in Hellfire faster!

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Buying it.

I happen to like the delay on flying.