No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

Your reasoning is flawed. Deal with it.

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The reasoning isnt flawed.

the fact of the matter is, Flying kills Some forms of content, such as World PvPā€¦ and makes Zones feel Emptier to players as no one can be seen, it also encourages Skipping content.

you say ā€œwell Flight points get repeatitiveā€ flying the same thing on a Manual mount to stop at identical points also gets repeatitive in these concepts.

ā€œJust not flying urselfā€ā€¦ wont fix WPVP Issues among more which it continously causes.

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what elements does it kill? i can only think of 2 and both of these are simply dealt with.

  • WPVP - arguement = it hurts WPVP. - Soulution = you canā€™t fly while WM is on.
  • the artwork - arguement = players miss all the beautiful areas that the art team has created. - Solution = by not forcing us to the ground for a year+, players dont start to resent it, and often the artwork looks even better from the sky.

i never said he was trying to kill flying because of shareholders. i said that having flying or not having flying is not effected by shareholders. they dont care about such minutiae.

yeah, and this is why he needs to evaluate his decision making, cause here, like MANY other places, he is WRONG. and whats worse, like you said, he genuinely believes heā€™s right. and while there is a population who agree with him, i dont think its the majority. just a very loud group.

like i said, i dont really have any issue with PATHFINDER, although i do question the necessity of needing reputations. i dont think most people care about pathfinder because you naturally do it as you play the game. the only part people may get annoyed with is rep, which i can understand and agree with. THE issue is that i, like many others, have an issue with having to wait for over a year before you can fly.

we had flying for 8 years with no ā€œrealā€ issues. its funny that 2 of the 3 expansions where flying has been delayed, (WoD & BfA) have had SIGNIFICANT content droughts. and even legion, a significant amount of that ā€œcontentā€ was WQā€™s and AP which we sorta accepted initially cause it was new, but 3 expansions on (Shadowlands looks like it will be continuing down this path) we now know that this isnā€™t REAL content, its just a con.

no, while some people claim to have hated flying for ages, its funny iā€™ve not really heard anyone defend no flying until AFTER Ion had removed it in WoD. however, MANY people DO want flying, which can be seen by the amount of hate/frustration with pathfinder for the last 5~ years, AND with the 5M~ player loss in early WoD.

and NO, im NOT saying that ALL 5M~ players that left in WoD left because of no flying, but i would be 100% confident that it was a contributing factor, if not the main factor for the majority of those who quit.

Ion is wrong. he needs to man up and take ACTUAL responsibility. not just say ā€œweā€™re listening, weā€™ve learnedā€ and bring back a few iconic class fantasy abilities that NEVER should have been removed in the first place.

World pvp is fine. Been in warmode since day one. Plenty of pvp all day every day. Even with flying. The zones feel emptier to you, not me. Thats your subjective interpretation of the game world.

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Flying isnā€™t a trivial qol lmao. There is simply no equivelant to flying, it is above everything else.

Where is your agency meanwhile? Yo ucan also choose not to play if it is a pain to play w/o flying. Live upto your own advice.

Imagine being so arrogant that you think you can dictate what I should feel.

Sure WoD lost 5 mil players becouse of flying. It totaly had nothing to do with boring afk garrisons like facebook waiting game, lack of world content and giant content draught. Everyone left becouse of flying. Yet somehow when flying was put back people still didnt comeback. Imagine player enjoying content, world story, dungeons, etcā€¦ Like ,wow i have so much fun but no flying so i quit". Please nobady have ever quit game becouse lack of flying.

Wellā€¦ Oops

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BiS gear is above flying. 2k rio is above flying. 22k achi pts is above flying. Gladiator is above flying. Being gold capped is above flying. Disgusting oozeling is above flying.

Imagine being on a discussion forum not wanting to discuss, but instead write nonsense like ā€œdeal with itā€ when you canā€™t argue your point

Those are in game achievements, flying is not an achievement. Those achievements have nothing to do with being a cheat code that makes you to ignore terrain but flying is an extreme form of convinience works like a cheat code that makes youto ignore everything.

You will not see anyone crying about those in game achievements, but you will find lots of them crying about flying because it is above everything else.

You should learn to play games without using cheat codes.

what does this /10 char shiet mean? can anyone explain lol

Imagine replying to a personal opinion as to why I feel it feels rewarding to me with that nonsense you wrote that itā€™s not rewarding. You donā€™t speak for me nor do you tell me how I should feel. And you also do not tell me what I should do. So yeah, deal with it.

Pathfinder is fine by design, what needs to stop is the gating of reputations every single time , let us farm the reputations somehow and then its fine , but the gating is just horrible.

The minimum character requirement to create a post is 10 characters.
Since some peopleā€™s replies are less than 10, they do that /10 chars to pass the minimum requirement with nothing else to add.

Yeah flying is an achievement. Itā€™s called pathfinder. Flying canā€™t be cheating by any definition of the word, since the game developers implemented it and support it. Check mate.

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No I donā€™t. And you have no way to argue your point, so I won. Deal with it.

That is a ridiculous statement , flying is in the game since BC and was never considered a cheat code , flying over things doesnt make mobs randomly disappear off the map or kill every mob in the area , it simply lets you skip ahead a bit and avoid the useless mobs of an area to get straight to the point

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Since what I posted is a personal opinion of how I feel, there is nothing to argue about. I didnā€™t realize that posting a personal opinion was a contest, but hey, congratulations on your imaginary win. Time to ignore you from now on, deal with that.

would you like to read everything first before making a baseless comment which already was addressed?

a high amount of leavers were at the start of the WoD, when we didnā€™t quite know how bad and bare the whole expansion would be, so why would they have left at the start not knowing how bad things would be? what ALSO was not there at the startā€¦ ā€¦ flying!

i addressed your whole comment before you even made it.

dont even bother. heā€™s either a troll, or has no grasp on reality. youā€™re wasting your time on him.