No forced transfer to BC, please

I’ve been playing with some guildies who say they are bored of classic and want to play BC with their toons.

Yet, please, no forced transfers of classic to bc, please. There are some of us who like the game like that - as is. If you open BC servers, let character copies be optional, or start anew.


You are great man and i totally agree with you, Zenjuju


My hope is they replicate the Classic servers for TBC while leaving the Classic ones as they are. That way we can decided which of our characters to have on a TBC realm, and which to keep as Classic characters. Theoretically we could then have the same character on both. However after the launch you shouldn’t be able to transfer a character from your Classic server to the TBC equivalent.


Yes, that would be a good option.

they should just give the transfer the test server treatment, where you simply copy your character(s) over to a TBC realm, and keep them as is on the classic server.
some people argue that gold will be inflated this way from the start on the tbc server, not realizing that’s gonna happen even if they force tbc on classic servers.

here’s the deal though; i didn’t sign up for classic to be forced into TBC later on.
it was heavily implied that classic servers would stop being patched on naxx patch, if they force TBC on the classic servers (with an option to opt out if you want to stay classic, which lets be honest, is gonna result in a lot of dead classic servers) that would be false advertising imo.


“here’s the deal though; i didn’t sign up for classic to be forced into TBC later on.
it was heavily implied that classic servers would stop being patched on naxx patch, if they force TBC on the classic servers (with an option to opt out if you want to stay classic, which lets be honest, is gonna result in a lot of dead classic servers) that would be false advertising imo.”

I agree with you, i also came back here to play with a feeling that we get to keep the republished versions playable.


My only hope is that we can copy our characters in either the TBC or the Classic ones. Transfer as option would be hard to decide to go to TBC.

Needing everyone to transfer to a TBC server would potentially cause more server imbalance, as well as fracturing server communities.

The best option is we get the chance to COPY our classic characters to a static “vanilla for ever” megaserver (so we can continue to raid in pre-TBC world without waiting another 10+ years for official classic 2) while all the current realms continue on to TBC (with Blizzard “carefully” merging select servers to fix drops in sub count or severe imbalance) to keep guild/realm communities at least somewhat intact going into the next expansion.

All options have some issues though - and if they look to maximise profits then they’ll forego server merges in favour of paid realm/faction transfers going into TBC.


I do not believe Blizzard considered the option of force transfer to BC. They could do a copy of characters to BC without asking because people won’t loose their classic characters, or just in case there is no copy option just allow players to voluntary transfer to BC, so who wants to continue to BC could do so, and who wants to keep playing in Classic could do so.

Anyway the launch of BC will means the population of Classic will decrease. So it makes sense that Blizzard would need to merge Classic realms some time after TBC launch.

To this Blizzard could just merge a group of Classic realms into a connnected realm like they are doing now in retail.

Another option instead of using the connected realms system would be to close down the current Classic realms and open new Classic realms for the players who choose to keep playing in Classic, so current Classic players will need to choose between transfer to TBC realms or transfter to the new Classic realms.

Anyway until TBC is launch and we see how that impact in Classic population there is no point in doing anything. So in case there is need to reduce Classic realms it should be done weeks/months after TBC launch.

If we go with the assumption that most players will want to move on to TBC, than the most logical option is to progress current realms to TBC and create small number of legacy realms for people to transfer to should they choose to. Not only will that preserve some sort of faction presence - transfer to TBC realms will effectively create mass of horde-only pvp realms and a couple alliance-only ones where all the currently spread allies congregate - but also it prevents a situation where the legacy players are spread over 20 dead realms of couple hundred active players each.
I personally find it extremely unlikely that Blizzard will do anything other than progress current realms to TBC, simply because it’s the easiest solution that will make least people stop paying sub. And that is ultimatelly all they care about. All the convoluted schemes about server snapshots and gold limits and what not that people are proposing (in good faith of course) are high rish low reward for them.

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either progress into tbc no choice, or option to transfer to tbc servers

Well, yes, that makes sense and it is more simple. Blizzard could do that and just ask the first time players logs into the game what do they want, current realms migrated to TBC or new Legacy Classic realms.

Count me in too , I hope they understand some people are here for wow classic not to remake the whole journey tbc then wrath …

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One way or another, you will be able to continue playing Vanilla.

Vanilla and TBC servers have co-existed for years, and many players are happy with that.

Most likely all the existing servers will move to TBC and they would open a few Classic servers that you can transfer to or start new characters on.

There will always be a market for that, if Classic ceases to exist, people will go back to playing on private servers.

Personally I would like to keep my Classic main on Classic, and create something new in TBC.

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I think you should save your request until they (probably) announce TBC, as no one knows what will happen until then.

Well either blizz sort out TBC and wrath servers or folks will just go back to private versions of those.
Ultimately people want their expansion choice and either blizz can give them that opportunity in return for their sub or they’ll go elsewhere for that opportunity.

Blizzard, if you want my money, sort out Wrath!

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Most user friendly, but low probability, cause of high effort from Blizzard:

  • duplicating current servers and then half stay Vanilla, half go TBC
  • prior to release of TBC for, lest say 1-2 months, in respond to ticket or any other way of communication, Blizz could duplicate asked for characters into Vanilla servers. After that time all servers, besides Vanilla ones with coppied characters, would go TBC.

Most realistic way:

  • all servers go TBC, but with possibility to transfer your characters into Vanilla-forever server before release of TBC. In short words - transfer character or advance into x-pack - one, but not both ways.

You missed out all servers go TBC and Blizzard make brand new Classic ones with no transfers.

Maybe because, unlike this:

your proposal has never been hinted to by Blizzard, nor in its survey nor anywhere else, and it would go against the idea of letting players stay in Classic which is, like, the one thing ALL of Blizzard’s survey proposal share in common.

But sure, keep holding onto your pet prediction as you’ve done for the last months or so^^

It’s funny that Blizzard have never hinted at anything so we can’t know what they will choose, just because they haven’t said something doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

A survey is just that, not a mission statement, and I take it you noticed the “none of the above” option in the survey too?

I don’t think they will allow people to have the same character on two different realms, so it will be transfer to a new classic realm or have it on a TBC realm at best.

But the most probable option will be make a new character on a new Classic realm otherwise it’s just not going to be played on for more than it takes to do a few raids.