No forced transfer to BC, please

That is what I believe too, that all current servers will go into TBC with an option to transfer to ‘‘Forever classic’’ servers aswell, tho I do hope they plan for a ‘‘FRESH’’ Classic server along with the transfer options, and also make plans for future Classic FRESH and TBC FRESH once WOTLK hits.

The ‘‘FRESH’’ release of new servers where people are not allowed to transfer to but must start over is what has kept the privat server scene alive for 10+ years, this is the only long term solution if Blizzard wants people to play Classic, TBC and WOTLK all at the same time, easily changed between by the client like with modern wow and classic.

If Blizzard want a long term solution that can probably last for 10+ years where people in the future will still be playing this, is by releasing FRESH realms for Classic, Classic TBC and Classic WOTLK every 2-3 year or so atleast.

So i make a little assume here, So i better to get prepared that there will be FRESH Resetting realms on classic, then when most likely WoTLK is rerelased the system FRESH most likely ends up on TBC too, As by myself i will keep playing only Classic and TBC then i have to be prepared that there will be FRESH realms i need to transfer to avoid the WoTLK and so my characters gets resetted to the oblivion? And if there will be FRESH realms and NORMAL realms then the FRESH kind of makes sense, but still, i stick with my opinion that there should not be changes, realm or game wise and the reason for that is that if we get FRESH realms then there will be deman to all other kind of styles of realms too.

And if we are goin for #CHANGES over #Nochange then Blizzard should totally go for total support and max changes not just little adjustments for pleasing a little group of criers in forum, Blizzard should host some server space for people to legally mix and modify their servers inside the Orginal WoW and its clients, not just this FRESH crap atleast it would be something blizzard actually itself supports than just forum criers as there was that kind of system in WC2 and thats where DoTA and MOBA Games was born.


They never delete anything. And people are still bit obsessed with “server cost” of old realms when there are no physical servers any more.

And they like forward time compatibility - reason why they didn’t implemented itemization progression in Classic - so I would assume they will keep existing toons on existing realms and make that if you want to go to TBC it will be your action and not a default one (unless the whole servers more and they expect TBC to be the natural progress as it was back then).

Tbh, I don’t see any logic in copying your character. Because I would say that majority of ppl, who starts to play TBC, won’t come back to Classic ever. TBC ppl will just continue their journey in TBC, while Classic fans will stay on Classic servers. I doubt there will be large population of ppl, who would play both versions at the same time. It’s not really like those ppl, who are playing Classic + Retail at the same time, because both versions are pretty different games. Not so Classic and TBC, which are very close to each other, with just some adjustments.

This have been also that i have been thinking very much, TBC was my main game as i only just hit 60 on classic, but now as i got to play it with 60 and know it, i really loved the things like people running to Zul’Gurub in a area where 35 levels are exping and looks that level 60 train and they just look their gear and think: “When i am 60 i will be one of them” . kind of stuff and i am not sure anymore which one do i prefer more, as now i know the next hype will be in TBC it kind of feels useless to play classic that much because of you do not really know what is about to happen and its confusing, its same time a bit shame we got that survey leaked to everybody as it is good too because we might be getting TBC too in our game list… Just the confusion at the moment is not that great…

I would love to be grinding reputation on my name in my own realm in classic, do some roleplay, kind of events, roleplay, look for duelers and every small things to raise the spirit of our realm, but really it feels like its not worth it as you do not know what is goin to happen… its again like another expansion coming but this time its not that bad as you know, you get to keep what you’ve earned so, i am just now exping alts and wondering what will happen… as i just could level another Warrior to 60 so i get to keep Warrior on Classic and swap another to TBC, but i am not just sure will it be like that and i end up having two warriors on classic and have to exp another one in TBC too if they choose to start a TBC as everyone level one, lol, its not that bad tho ^^

I don’t care which game people choose, I’m against forcing one or the other. Classic people fought for years to get their game, so they should have it if they so desire, even if I myself plan to move to TBC and never look back.

You can never please everyone, but you can minimise the number of players you piss off simply by giving them options.

There is only speculation at this point. But my guess is they will do what is most profitable and cheap:

  • No change for existing servers
  • New servers For TBC - opening at pre TBC event patch. (Scourge)
  • Force players to level new toons from lvl 1 or BUY a transfer to those for 25$. (Your toon will then be gone from Classic)

That way hundred thousands with pay a tax of 25 $ to be able to skip re leveling, sometimes for multiple toons. And old Classic servers stay there unchanged in Diablo 2 maintenance mode (0 update / 0 work).

Automatical upgrade of all existing servers is ONLY logical thing to do.
What you think how many months will players play no new content classic vanilla in “freezed” lvl 60 servers?
Im sure will be always such ppl but will be few, very few…

And at the end what you will get…?
50 Classic servers with 500 players on each !!!

Only way is to do auto progress of all actual realm to TBC and to allow free COPY of lvl 60 characters to few freezed Classic vanilla servers for onlky Vanilla fans.

In that way we will get maybe 4-5 solid populated Classic Vanilla servers but with time Im sure even they will go low for few months…

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Serious question, what you classic andies gonna do in dead vanilla servers with your max gear and no new content and semi-dead guilds when TBC classic goes live ? Just curious.


You should ofc have the option of not buying the expansion and having your character stay at 60.

I am a slow player. Started leveling my second toon in may. Now I’m about to hit 60 in october.
Still, I invest time and emotions in the game. If Blizzard does this bullcrap, I’ll be rerolling on classic private server and I won’t be sorry.

Forced transfer is the only way.

BC is no longer classic.

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Uh… no, no it’s not. All the proposals they gave us in the survey had TBC as an opt-in choice, not a forced transition. It would make no sense for Blizzard to just go like “let’s go with something else altogether”

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There wasnt even a forced transfer back in vanilla… you could totally opt to not buy the expansion and remain lvl 60 on your realm. I know it because I did it. For one week.

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